Picklegate...Pickle Jar Was Loosened Before Hand

Jimmy Kimmel had Hillary on his show last week and asked her several softball questions designed to trump (pun intended) claims that she was sick.

First he checked her pulse to see if she was alive, then he produced a pre-opened jar of pickles for her to open. The reason I say it was pre-opened is because anyone who has opened a jar of pickles can tell you that when you open any unopened jar that has a vacuum it produces a loud pop. There was no pop this time. Watch and see.....

I think your lid has been loose for years.
. Better lose than so tight nothing can get to the contents of what is inside the mind that is profitable for all. Hillary has her lid on so tight, that she thinks it can't be cracked open, but it has been opened for all to see now, and what we see is rotten inside.
File this under "Who Gives a Fuck?"
Might as well file your principles away with it.

My principles don't hinge on a jar of pickles.
Your possible lack of principles may let you decide it's okay to vote for a scam artist that never allows anything she does before cameras go unscripted. You never see the real Hillary, yet you know this and will still consider voting for her anyway.

That is a problem.

You get the kind of government you deserve. That is what Democrat count on. Democrat voters have no principles. Republican voters have too many. Tarnish a Republican and he loses votes. Tarnish a Democrat and his or her voters don't care. They're voting for a false image anyway.
Jimmy Kimmel had Hillary on his show last week and asked her several softball questions designed to trump (pun intended) claims that she was sick.

First he checked her pulse to see if she was alive, then he produced a pre-opened jar of pickles for her to open. The reason I say it was pre-opened is because anyone who has opened a jar of pickles can tell you that when you open any unopened jar that has a vacuum it produces a loud pop. There was no pop this time. Watch and see.....

What do they call pickles in your country?

File this under "Who Gives a Fuck?"
Might as well file your principles away with it.

My principles don't hinge on a jar of pickles.
Your possible lack of principles may let you decide it's okay to vote for a scam artist that never allows anything she does before cameras go unscripted. You never see the real Hillary, yet you know this and will still consider voting for her anyway.

That is a problem.

You get the kind of government you deserve. That is what Democrat count on. Democrat voters have no principles. Republican voters have too many. Tarnish a Republican and he loses votes. Tarnish a Democrat and his or her voters don't care. They're voting for a false image anyway.
. Democrat voters are voting for the office and not the idiot they purposely put in charge of it... It matters not to them what the idiots principles are while occupying the space, but rather how it is that they can use the idiot's powerful office to destroy their enemies in this nation. They have their targets identified, and now to just keep or get their weak, immoral idiots in office so they can continue their conquest.
Hillary has demonstrated her pickle jar opening skills at county fairs around the country

Has Trump ever opened a pickle jar or does he pay people to do it for him?
File this under "Who Gives a Fuck?"
Might as well file your principles away with it.

My principles don't hinge on a jar of pickles.
Your possible lack of principles may let you decide it's okay to vote for a scam artist that never allows anything she does before cameras go unscripted. You never see the real Hillary, yet you know this and will still consider voting for her anyway.

That is a problem.

You get the kind of government you deserve. That is what Democrat count on. Democrat voters have no principles. Republican voters have too many. Tarnish a Republican and he loses votes. Tarnish a Democrat and his or her voters don't care. They're voting for a false image anyway.

I'm not voting for Hillary
File this under "Who Gives a Fuck?"
Might as well file your principles away with it.

My principles don't hinge on a jar of pickles.
Your possible lack of principles may let you decide it's okay to vote for a scam artist that never allows anything she does before cameras go unscripted. You never see the real Hillary, yet you know this and will still consider voting for her anyway.

That is a problem.

You get the kind of government you deserve. That is what Democrat count on. Democrat voters have no principles. Republican voters have too many. Tarnish a Republican and he loses votes. Tarnish a Democrat and his or her voters don't care. They're voting for a false image anyway.

I'm not voting for Hillary
Even after the pickles?

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