Pigs do fly: Syria 55 Hezbollah butchers launched into the sky with a tunnel bomb


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Pigs do fly: Syria 55 Hezbollah butchers launched into the sky with a tunnel bomb
Unlike in Novorossia after the May 16 2014 coup
, illuminati were not able to take control of the rebel leadership in Syria.

"Syrian Alawites support Assad" is a lie propagated by illuminazi media.
The lie is exposed by this simple fact: the few Alawite majority villages on the Idlib/Latakia front line, as of Aug 2015, are militarily defended by lebanese Hezbollah.

Aug 10, 2015 - Pigs do fly . 55 Hezbollah butchers launched into the sky with a tunnel bomb
The last second for a large part of the NATO unofficial shock troops, this time not dressed as ISIS but as the classic Hezbollah, defending the syrian village of Al-Fu'ah against the Army of Conquest:

Contrast the efficiency of the bombs from down under with the nazi bombs from above, alias from the "US lead coalition of 25 countries" officially sharing the Syrian skies with Assad's russian and iranian pilots, targeting almost only civilians.

Nazi shock troops dressed as islamists - from shi'a Hesbollah created 1985 to "sunni" ISIS created 2013, 3 months after the "liberation of Raqqa" theater:
Fake wars and fake rebels in real wars by the illuminati Islamic State ISIS fake rebels Syria Iraq for dummies

Freedom Fighters are the real preppers Pigs do fly Syria 55 Hezbollah butchers launched into the sky with a tunnel bomb
Stupid nonsense. Those conspiracy-conspiracy theorists are apparently drug addicts close to the total brain dead.
UNBELIEVABLE demonstration:
How freedom fighters armed with home made weapons resist the IV Reich's weaponry that costed billions
All documented with a drone that costs less than $1,000
Dec 9 - FSA released a drone video of Monday's massive tunnel bomb explosion that set some of the 8,000 iranian pigs sent to Aleppo in flying mode. Location: al-Khalidiya.
Sakir Khader on Twitter

Last Prophet's words from Aug 2015, BEFORE the illuminati had to resort to have Russia and the US OFFICIALLY bombing together freedom fighters and civilians for the first time EVER
See first post above
Pigs do fly: Syria 55 Hezbollah butchers launched into the sky with a tunnel bomb
Unlike in Novorossia after the May 16 2014 coup
, illuminati were not able to take control of the rebel leadership in Syria.

"Syrian Alawites support Assad" is a lie propagated by illuminazi media.
The lie is exposed by this simple fact: the few Alawite majority villages on the Idlib/Latakia front line, as of Aug 2015, are militarily defended by lebanese Hezbollah.

Aug 10, 2015 - Pigs do fly . 55 Hezbollah butchers launched into the sky with a tunnel bomb
The last second for a large part of the NATO unofficial shock troops, this time not dressed as ISIS but as the classic Hezbollah, defending the syrian village of Al-Fu'ah against the Army of Conquest:

Contrast the efficiency of the bombs from down under with the nazi bombs from above, alias from the "US lead coalition of 25 countries" officially sharing the Syrian skies with Assad's russian and iranian pilots, targeting almost only civilians.

Nazi shock troops dressed as islamists - from shi'a Hesbollah created 1985 to "sunni" ISIS created 2013, 3 months after the "liberation of Raqqa" theater:
Fake wars and fake rebels in real wars by the illuminati Islamic State ISIS fake rebels Syria Iraq for dummies

Freedom Fighters are the real preppers Pigs do fly Syria 55 Hezbollah butchers launched into the sky with a tunnel bomb

play it again sam
"Syrian Alawites support Assad" is a lie propagated by illuminazi media.
The lie is exposed by this simple fact: the few Alawite majority villages on the Idlib/Latakia front line, as of Aug 2015, are militarily defended by lebanese Hezbollah.
The battle fpr Kinsabba, Latakia mountains
3 months agor the nazi forces managed to captire the stratefic town of Kinshabba, following non-stop terror bombings by Russia jets.
Today freedom fighters liberated it again.

Rebels seized 3 main battle tanks in Kinsabba in Latakia

Drone footage
why #Kinsabba is important to secure Rebel locations on N. & E. flanks, N. #Latakia

Ahrar Al-Sham seized equipment from Assad/Iran's mercenaries in Kinsabba

Rebels seized rocket launcher in Latakia mountains
Syria: Rebels seized rocket launcher in Latakia mountains
I don't believe any of you. ----not "al sham" not assad, not
Obama, I don't know who is "DA REBELS" or who is
DA MERCENARIES not capt blei not "alawites" not
Hezbollah, not Iran, there is probably no place called
""KINSABBA""" -----what are the Russians doing there?
Kinsibba completely pruned of terrorists again


In Video: Syrian Army recaptures Kinsibba in northern Latakia
Last edited:
Pigs do fly: Syria 55 Hezbollah butchers launched into the sky with a tunnel bomb
Unlike in Novorossia after the May 16 2014 coup
, illuminati were not able to take control of the rebel leadership in Syria.

"Syrian Alawites support Assad" is a lie propagated by illuminazi media.
The lie is exposed by this simple fact: the few Alawite majority villages on the Idlib/Latakia front line, as of Aug 2015, are militarily defended by lebanese Hezbollah.

Aug 10, 2015 - Pigs do fly . 55 Hezbollah butchers launched into the sky with a tunnel bomb
The last second for a large part of the NATO unofficial shock troops, this time not dressed as ISIS but as the classic Hezbollah, defending the syrian village of Al-Fu'ah against the Army of Conquest:

Contrast the efficiency of the bombs from down under with the nazi bombs from above, alias from the "US lead coalition of 25 countries" officially sharing the Syrian skies with Assad's russian and iranian pilots, targeting almost only civilians.

Nazi shock troops dressed as islamists - from shi'a Hesbollah created 1985 to "sunni" ISIS created 2013, 3 months after the "liberation of Raqqa" theater:
Fake wars and fake rebels in real wars by the illuminati Islamic State ISIS fake rebels Syria Iraq for dummies

Freedom Fighters are the real preppers Pigs do fly Syria 55 Hezbollah butchers launched into the sky with a tunnel bomb

The religion of pieces.

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