Piss off Little KIM of North Korea - Go see THE INTERVIEW


Apr 22, 2007
I had ZERO motivation to see this silly film in the movie theater, but now I am planning on purchasing a ticket to see it!

Fuck the Evil Korean Teddy Bear and Fuck North Korea!

Kim Jong Un Swears Retaliation if Seth Rogen The Interview Released - TIME
The government of North Korea is not pleased with Seth Rogen’s upcoming film The Interview, calling it a “wanton act of terror.”

The movie—slated for release later this year—stars Seth Rogen and James Franco, who attempt to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un after landing an interview with despot.

The North Korean government has promised a “merciless” retaliation against the United States if The Interview is released, calling the film an “act of war.” In a statement published by the state-run KCNA news agency, a spokesman said the film is the work of “gangster moviemakers” and is a “wanton act of terror.”

“The act of making and screening such a movie that portrays an attack on our top leadership… is a most wanton act of terror and act of war, and is absolutely intolerable,” the spokesman said, according to AFP.
Seth Rogen must be paying Kim a kickback for creating all this buzz.

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