Plan Dalet - Al-Nakba

Next in my series on Palestinian history:
Deir Yassin
Next in my series on Palestinian history, Palestinian 9-11 dancers perform in a sell out crowd in Ramallah and Gaza:

[ame=]Palestinians Celebrating 9/11 Attack - YouTube[/ame]

Cool. Then you can source that video with the time and date.

Wow Tinmore, that was an extremely desperate attempt on your part.

I would expect that from someone else, but not from you..
Oh goody, Amity is going to tell us about the massacre at Deir Yassin in 1929 by her good friends.

Strange, I never heard of that. If you can source that statement somehow, then it needs to be added to the article on Deir Yassin in Wikipedia. And if it is in by the time I write my short article on Deir Yassin on this forum, I will include your info, I promise.

Yet it was written by a professor from the Bir Zeit University, an Arab university now situated in Palestinian Authority territory. This is their words :-

Deir Yassin

Deir Yassin's record of anti-Jewish violence

Some historians later expressed surprise at the choice of Deir Yassin as a target, in view of what they regarded as the village's peaceful history. In fact, Deir Yassin served as a center of weapons trafficking during the violent Palestinian Arab outbreaks in 1920; Deir Yassin residents had carried out violent attacks on the Jews of Givat Shaul in October 1928; and during the August 1929 Arab riots throughout Palestine, the villagers of Deir Yassin had again assaulted their Jewish neighbors in Givat Shaul as well as Jews in the Beit Hakerem neighborhood and the Montefiore Quarter.17 A Jewish fighter who was stationed in Givat Shaul to help defend the village against Arab attacks during the violence 1936 later recalled how

we continually faced attempted forays into our homes from Deir Yassin. We dug out our 'illegal' weapons every night and waited, while the Jewish supplementary police [part of the British Mandate police force] repulsed the infiltrators again and again. Months later, we had a defense position in nearby Motza [and the commander] often asked my help to transport men to their night duties in Motza. Driving back and forth to Motza from Jerusalem, I spent many hours lying in roadside ditches after ambushes out of Deir Yassin.18

In late 1947, as Arab-Jewish hostilities intensified, the Deir Yassin village leadership agreed to an informal truce with their Jewish neighbors, with both sides promising to refrain from attacking each other. Some historians have claimed that Deir Yassin's leaders initially rebuffed a proposal to station Syrian or Iraqi units of the Arab Liberation Army in their village. But by March 1948, there were numerous reports of Arab soldiers taking up positions in Deir Yassin. Haganah driver Arnold Shper testified in a 1952 judicial proceeding that during his posting in Givat Shaul in February and March 1948, he spoke with Haganah intelligence agents who mentioned "that foreign Arabs had been detected in Deir Yassin, [including] Iraqis." Jerusalem Haganah intelligence officer Mordechai Gihon led two reconnaissance sorties into Ein Kerem, adjacent to Deir Yassin, and returned with documents revealing regular contacts between Deir Yassin and the bases of Syrian and Iraqi volunteer soldiers in Ein Kerem. On March 30, Gihon reported to his superiors that "150 men, mostly Iraqis, entered Deir Yassin

During the week prior to the IZL-Lehi action against Deir Yassin, there was a spate of shooting attacks from the village aimed at Jewish targets in the area. On Friday night, April 2, gunfire from the Deir Yassin area raked the adjacent Jewish neighborhoods of Beit Hakerem and Bayit Vegan.21 On Sunday, April 4, commander Shaltiel received an urgent message from the intelligence officer of the Haganah's Etzioni division: "There's a gathering in Deir Yassin. Armed men left [from Deir Yassin] in the direction of [the nearby town of] lower Motza, northwest of Givat Shaul. They are shooting at passing cars

Hi, and thanks for this. But is this a quote? If so, will you please give the citation so I can include it?
All the Jews wanted was indoor plumbing and the Moslems have been having a 60 year shit fit.
Next in my series on Palestinian history, Palestinian 9-11 dancers perform in a sell out crowd in Ramallah and Gaza:

Palestinians Celebrating 9/11 Attack - YouTube

Cool. Then you can source that video with the time and date.

Wow Tinmore, that was an extremely desperate attempt on your part.

I would expect that from someone else, but not from you..

What was desperate. The video was passed out to all MSM news outlets and they were shown without credit to the source.
Cool. Then you can source that video with the time and date.

Wow Tinmore, that was an extremely desperate attempt on your part.

I would expect that from someone else, but not from you..

What was desperate. The video was passed out to all MSM news outlets and they were shown without credit to the source.
Yes in the half an hour where the buildings were still coming down, the Israelis created this fake video and passed it to the MSM. Ha ha ha. Take a hike. Do you actually stop and think about the stupidity of your claims sometimes?

Actually, the video was taking by CNN and it was live, you moron.
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Strange, I never heard of that. If you can source that statement somehow, then it needs to be added to the article on Deir Yassin in Wikipedia. And if it is in by the time I write my short article on Deir Yassin on this forum, I will include your info, I promise.

Yet it was written by a professor from the Bir Zeit University, an Arab university now situated in Palestinian Authority territory. This is their words :-

Deir Yassin

Deir Yassin's record of anti-Jewish violence

Some historians later expressed surprise at the choice of Deir Yassin as a target, in view of what they regarded as the village's peaceful history. In fact, Deir Yassin served as a center of weapons trafficking during the violent Palestinian Arab outbreaks in 1920; Deir Yassin residents had carried out violent attacks on the Jews of Givat Shaul in October 1928; and during the August 1929 Arab riots throughout Palestine, the villagers of Deir Yassin had again assaulted their Jewish neighbors in Givat Shaul as well as Jews in the Beit Hakerem neighborhood and the Montefiore Quarter.17 A Jewish fighter who was stationed in Givat Shaul to help defend the village against Arab attacks during the violence 1936 later recalled how

we continually faced attempted forays into our homes from Deir Yassin. We dug out our 'illegal' weapons every night and waited, while the Jewish supplementary police [part of the British Mandate police force] repulsed the infiltrators again and again. Months later, we had a defense position in nearby Motza [and the commander] often asked my help to transport men to their night duties in Motza. Driving back and forth to Motza from Jerusalem, I spent many hours lying in roadside ditches after ambushes out of Deir Yassin.18

In late 1947, as Arab-Jewish hostilities intensified, the Deir Yassin village leadership agreed to an informal truce with their Jewish neighbors, with both sides promising to refrain from attacking each other. Some historians have claimed that Deir Yassin's leaders initially rebuffed a proposal to station Syrian or Iraqi units of the Arab Liberation Army in their village. But by March 1948, there were numerous reports of Arab soldiers taking up positions in Deir Yassin. Haganah driver Arnold Shper testified in a 1952 judicial proceeding that during his posting in Givat Shaul in February and March 1948, he spoke with Haganah intelligence agents who mentioned "that foreign Arabs had been detected in Deir Yassin, [including] Iraqis." Jerusalem Haganah intelligence officer Mordechai Gihon led two reconnaissance sorties into Ein Kerem, adjacent to Deir Yassin, and returned with documents revealing regular contacts between Deir Yassin and the bases of Syrian and Iraqi volunteer soldiers in Ein Kerem. On March 30, Gihon reported to his superiors that "150 men, mostly Iraqis, entered Deir Yassin

During the week prior to the IZL-Lehi action against Deir Yassin, there was a spate of shooting attacks from the village aimed at Jewish targets in the area. On Friday night, April 2, gunfire from the Deir Yassin area raked the adjacent Jewish neighborhoods of Beit Hakerem and Bayit Vegan.21 On Sunday, April 4, commander Shaltiel received an urgent message from the intelligence officer of the Haganah's Etzioni division: "There's a gathering in Deir Yassin. Armed men left [from Deir Yassin] in the direction of [the nearby town of] lower Motza, northwest of Givat Shaul. They are shooting at passing cars

Hi, and thanks for this. But is this a quote? If so, will you please give the citation so I can include it?

Look and you will find it, it is there at the top where such things are put.
Yet it was written by a professor from the Bir Zeit University, an Arab university now situated in Palestinian Authority territory. This is their words :-

Deir Yassin

Deir Yassin's record of anti-Jewish violence

Some historians later expressed surprise at the choice of Deir Yassin as a target, in view of what they regarded as the village's peaceful history. In fact, Deir Yassin served as a center of weapons trafficking during the violent Palestinian Arab outbreaks in 1920; Deir Yassin residents had carried out violent attacks on the Jews of Givat Shaul in October 1928; and during the August 1929 Arab riots throughout Palestine, the villagers of Deir Yassin had again assaulted their Jewish neighbors in Givat Shaul as well as Jews in the Beit Hakerem neighborhood and the Montefiore Quarter.17 A Jewish fighter who was stationed in Givat Shaul to help defend the village against Arab attacks during the violence 1936 later recalled how

we continually faced attempted forays into our homes from Deir Yassin. We dug out our 'illegal' weapons every night and waited, while the Jewish supplementary police [part of the British Mandate police force] repulsed the infiltrators again and again. Months later, we had a defense position in nearby Motza [and the commander] often asked my help to transport men to their night duties in Motza. Driving back and forth to Motza from Jerusalem, I spent many hours lying in roadside ditches after ambushes out of Deir Yassin.18

In late 1947, as Arab-Jewish hostilities intensified, the Deir Yassin village leadership agreed to an informal truce with their Jewish neighbors, with both sides promising to refrain from attacking each other. Some historians have claimed that Deir Yassin's leaders initially rebuffed a proposal to station Syrian or Iraqi units of the Arab Liberation Army in their village. But by March 1948, there were numerous reports of Arab soldiers taking up positions in Deir Yassin. Haganah driver Arnold Shper testified in a 1952 judicial proceeding that during his posting in Givat Shaul in February and March 1948, he spoke with Haganah intelligence agents who mentioned "that foreign Arabs had been detected in Deir Yassin, [including] Iraqis." Jerusalem Haganah intelligence officer Mordechai Gihon led two reconnaissance sorties into Ein Kerem, adjacent to Deir Yassin, and returned with documents revealing regular contacts between Deir Yassin and the bases of Syrian and Iraqi volunteer soldiers in Ein Kerem. On March 30, Gihon reported to his superiors that "150 men, mostly Iraqis, entered Deir Yassin

During the week prior to the IZL-Lehi action against Deir Yassin, there was a spate of shooting attacks from the village aimed at Jewish targets in the area. On Friday night, April 2, gunfire from the Deir Yassin area raked the adjacent Jewish neighborhoods of Beit Hakerem and Bayit Vegan.21 On Sunday, April 4, commander Shaltiel received an urgent message from the intelligence officer of the Haganah's Etzioni division: "There's a gathering in Deir Yassin. Armed men left [from Deir Yassin] in the direction of [the nearby town of] lower Motza, northwest of Givat Shaul. They are shooting at passing cars

Hi, and thanks for this. But is this a quote? If so, will you please give the citation so I can include it?

Look and you will find it, it is there at the top where such things are put.

Not on the website, there isn't. No author attribution, no publication info. Its not necessarily bad, but it is just stuff on a website until you provide a citation. I can send you to a website providing elaborate and detailed history of Middle Earth, and that's not real either.

And by the way, I didn't know that there is now an association between the ZOA and Bir Zeit University, is that what you are alleging?
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Dealing with what Ilan Pappe says is NOT a criteria for creating nor maintaining credibility, in the context of discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Ilan Pappe is a fifth-columnnist and traitor to Israel, who recently packed-up his bags, left the University of Haifa, and fled to the U.K., to take-up residence there, and to teach at the University of Exeter, where he collaborates with a small nucleus of other like-minded academicians, to try to make trouble for Israel, and to advance the Palestinian cause, whenever possible.

There are few people more despised than a member of a long-suffering community who goes over to the enemy.

That is the fate of Ilan Pappe.

He was wise to leave when he did.

Otherwise, he might very well have been pushing-up daisies by now.

I would hope Israel still has room for confused leftists.

There's always room for them in Gaza.
They should feel right at home over there. LOL
Yeah, why not tell us what the guy teaches, Amity? He wouldn't be biased now, would he?

I think I will go with what Benny Morris says than some Leftist Jews.

He is a history professor, obviously.

You can 'go' with whoever you want, but if you want to preserve your credibility then you need to deal with what Ilan Pappe and so many others are saying.
Dealing with what Ilan Pappe says is NOT a criteria for creating nor maintaining credibility, in the context of discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Ilan Pappe is a fifth-columnnist and traitor to Israel, who recently packed-up his bags, left the University of Haifa, and fled to the U.K., to take-up residence there, and to teach at the University of Exeter, where he collaborates with a small nucleus of other like-minded academicians, to try to make trouble for Israel, and to advance the Palestinian cause, whenever possible.

There are few people more despised than a member of a long-suffering community who goes over to the enemy.

That is the fate of Ilan Pappe.

He was wise to leave when he did.

Otherwise, he might very well have been pushing-up daisies by now.

Ilan Pappe is VERY credible. Look at who is publishing his books! He is affiliated with the best universities in the world.
This is not amateur hack stuff. If he "went to the other side" it is only because he knows the truth and realizes he can't work effectively in Israel.

I know Felicia Langer, for another example, and you would not believe what they put that woman through. She had to leave for Germany.
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He is a history professor, obviously.

You can 'go' with whoever you want, but if you want to preserve your credibility then you need to deal with what Ilan Pappe and so many others are saying.
Dealing with what Ilan Pappe says is NOT a criteria for creating nor maintaining credibility, in the context of discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Ilan Pappe is a fifth-columnnist and traitor to Israel, who recently packed-up his bags, left the University of Haifa, and fled to the U.K., to take-up residence there, and to teach at the University of Exeter, where he collaborates with a small nucleus of other like-minded academicians, to try to make trouble for Israel, and to advance the Palestinian cause, whenever possible.

There are few people more despised than a member of a long-suffering community who goes over to the enemy.

That is the fate of Ilan Pappe.

He was wise to leave when he did.

Otherwise, he might very well have been pushing-up daisies by now.

Ilan Pappe is VERY credible. Look at who is publishing his books! He is affiliated with the best universities in the world.
This is not amateur hack stuff. If he "went to the other side" it is only because he knows the truth and realizes he can't work effectively in Israel.

I know Felicia Langer, for another example, and you would not believe what they put that woman through. She had to leave for Germany.

Why, Amity, no want is taking your privilege away from believing whom you think is creditable. However, there are those who think Pappe is a traitor to Israel, and they are allowed the privilege of believe that. Gee, it's a shame that some of those here in the Muslim Students Association can't be shipped out to Germany also. After all, they create such a nuisance on college campuses, and as one said, she thought Hitler should have finished the job.
He is certainly a "traitor" if by that you mean withdrawing his loyalty to an enterprise that he sees clearly for what it is.

Thank God! There were also traitors in Nazi Germany. To call someone a traitor under such circumstances is a compliment, not an assault on anyone's character.
Actually it doesn't as university press can be bought for pennies, and will publish any book that is paid for. The majority of their published works are by the likes of Pappe because no other publishing house would bother to waste time paper and ink on such rubbish.

Phenall, you're asleep at the wheel as usual. Make sure your brain is engaged before you put your mouth in gear.

Ilan Pappe has been published by CAMBRIDGE University Press, YALE University Press, and OXFORD's universisty press.
A well-credentialed and well-published Quisling is still a Quisling, no matter how one sugar-coats it.

Or Benedict Arnold.

Or Judas.

All fitting descriptors for Ilan Pappe.
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Wow Tinmore, that was an extremely desperate attempt on your part.

I would expect that from someone else, but not from you..

What was desperate. The video was passed out to all MSM news outlets and they were shown without credit to the source.
Yes in the half an hour where the buildings were still coming down, the Israelis created this fake video and passed it to the MSM. Ha ha ha. Take a hike. Do you actually stop and think about the stupidity of your claims sometimes?

Actually, the video was taking by CNN and it was live, you moron.

If so, why did Fox and MSNBC air it without sourcing it to CNN?
Dealing with what Ilan Pappe says is NOT a criteria for creating nor maintaining credibility, in the context of discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Ilan Pappe is a fifth-columnnist and traitor to Israel, who recently packed-up his bags, left the University of Haifa, and fled to the U.K., to take-up residence there, and to teach at the University of Exeter, where he collaborates with a small nucleus of other like-minded academicians, to try to make trouble for Israel, and to advance the Palestinian cause, whenever possible.

There are few people more despised than a member of a long-suffering community who goes over to the enemy.

That is the fate of Ilan Pappe.

He was wise to leave when he did.

Otherwise, he might very well have been pushing-up daisies by now.

Ilan Pappe is VERY credible. Look at who is publishing his books! He is affiliated with the best universities in the world.
This is not amateur hack stuff. If he "went to the other side" it is only because he knows the truth and realizes he can't work effectively in Israel.

I know Felicia Langer, for another example, and you would not believe what they put that woman through. She had to leave for Germany.

Why, Amity, no want is taking your privilege away from believing whom you think is creditable. However, there are those who think Pappe is a traitor to Israel, and they are allowed the privilege of believe that. Gee, it's a shame that some of those here in the Muslim Students Association can't be shipped out to Germany also. After all, they create such a nuisance on college campuses, and as one said, she thought Hitler should have finished the job.

That boosts his credibility right there.
Ilan Pappe is VERY credible. Look at who is publishing his books! He is affiliated with the best universities in the world.
This is not amateur hack stuff. If he "went to the other side" it is only because he knows the truth and realizes he can't work effectively in Israel.

I know Felicia Langer, for another example, and you would not believe what they put that woman through. She had to leave for Germany.

Why, Amity, no want is taking your privilege away from believing whom you think is creditable. However, there are those who think Pappe is a traitor to Israel, and they are allowed the privilege of believe that. Gee, it's a shame that some of those here in the Muslim Students Association can't be shipped out to Germany also. After all, they create such a nuisance on college campuses, and as one said, she thought Hitler should have finished the job.

That boosts his credibility right there.

Really? How about we think that you are a traitor to America being the Hamas representative here and Hamas is considered a terror organization by our government? Would that boost our creditability among the viewers here especially since they see you on duty day and night? Perhaps so.
Morality. Morality is living according to God's rules, that is more universal than anyone book, even though I don't doubt that the Torah is revealed by God. But it is not being upheld in Israeli policies, that is for sure.
Morality. Morality is living according to God's rules, that is more universal than anyone book, even though I don't doubt that the Torah is revealed by God. But it is not being upheld in Israeli policies, that is for sure.

Are you stating that you are well versed in what God related to Avraham, Yotzchak, Yaakov, Moshe, Yehoshua, the various Judges and prophets that were relied upon to guide the Children of Israel?

I have decided to drop the secular façade arguments and to go with the Torah as the secular world has not done much justice in the Middle-East or elsewhere in the last 2,000 years.

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