Planned Economy

No, it's corporate cronyism.

Government's fault.

Not governments fault. Politicians are people. Any dickhead given the power will be corrupted. It is the fault of the people for allowing career politicians to even exist.
Free markets don't guarantee level playing fields.

Of course they do, in fact that is the very definition of a "free" market.

free market

free market
Definitions (3)
1. Business governed by the laws of supply and demand, not restrained by government interference, regulation or subsidy.

Read more: free market Definition

Definitions of Free market on the Web:

* A free market is a market without economic intervention and regulation by government except to regulate against force or fraud. This is the contemporary use of the terminology used by economists and in popular culture; the term has had other uses historically. ...

* Any market in which trade is unregulated; an economic system free from government intervention

* of, related to or characteristic of a free market. Lacking wealth redistribution

* A market that is not interfered with by government constraints on transactions. Most would say, however, that a market that is subject to a modest and transparent tax can still be considered free.

In this case Revere is correct. Level playing fields don't exist in the real world. There is no "fair" in nature. There is kill or be killed or adapt and overcome. The very nature of Patent laws is designed to make the playing field un level. Otherwise the contest would be who could make the product the best for the least. With patent laws the originators get to control their product for "X" amount of time to get the maximum return on their investment.
actually that would make Revere wrong:

Quote: Originally Posted by Revere View Post
Free markets don't guarantee level playing fields.

You got me here. How does

In this case Revere is correct. Level playing fields don't exist in the real world. There is no "fair" in nature. There is kill or be killed or adapt and overcome. The very nature of Patent laws is designed to make the playing field un level. Otherwise the contest would be who could make the product the best for the least. With patent laws the originators get to control their product for "X" amount of time to get the maximum return on their investment.

make Revere wrong?
free market = level playing field.

The fact that free markets don't exist doesn't change that fact.
Level playing fields are not a necessary condition for free markets.

A manufacturer in a port city can never be on a level playing field with one in a landlocked city.

A warm weather economy won't work in a cold weather climate.
"free market" in the Adam Smith sense defines an economic level playing field.

That economic level playing field doesn't care about weather or access to ports. It is strictly economic in nature. Other factors like better locations, better ideas, better resources are supposed to make some products more competitive.
No, "free market" means the absence of artificial government encumbrances.

No, that is just the low wage, laissez faire bastardization of the term:

The theory holds that within an ideal free market, property rights are voluntarily exchanged at a price arranged solely by the mutual consent of sellers and buyers. By definition, buyers and sellers do not coerce each other, in the sense that they obtain each other's property rights without the use of physical force, threat of physical force, or fraud, nor are they coerced by a third party (such as by government via transfer payments)[1] and they engage in trade simply because they both consent and believe that what they are getting is worth more than or as much as what they give up. Price is the result of buying and selling decisions en masse as described by the theory of supply and demand.

Free market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the definition of free markets is broader even than that. It relies on the absence of monopolies and cartels, and every other kind of economic level playing field required to allow pure supply and demand and efficiency to regulate the market autonomously. Ergo the invisible hand.
UNlevel playing fields are requisite for a division of labor, which is the cornerstone of a free marketplace.

The mythical "level playing field" is the plaything of tyrants and their do-gooder useful idiots.

Gobbledegook. division of labor is not a prerequisite of a free market it is a tenet of Marxian economics and social theory.

Smith, who invented the concept of the free market, was not a believer in wage slavery or employment at all. In fact almost nobody was in his day. Being a wage earner was a degree of slavery.
If you manufacture incandescent light bulbs, government has taken your free market away.

how so? By subsidizing or regulating florescent bulbs? Agreed.

If you get a patent for a new mobetta bulb and manufacture it the government has also taken your free market away by sponsoring a termed monopoly.
UNlevel playing fields are requisite for a division of labor, which is the cornerstone of a free marketplace.

The mythical "level playing field" is the plaything of tyrants and their do-gooder useful idiots.

Gobbledegook. division of labor is not a prerequisite of a free market it is a tenet of Marxian economics and social theory.

Smith, who invented the concept of the free market, was not a believer in wage slavery or employment at all. In fact almost nobody was in his day. Being a wage earner was a degree of slavery.
You're an economic and historical ignoramus, to go along with stone idiot.

Smith talked about the division of labor decades before Marx was even born, fool.
"talked about the division of labor" and featuring it as a prerequisite to free markets are wholly different things.

if you had shit for brains that would be an upgrade.

I will pay you $10 if you can prove your feeble assertion on the condition that I get to pick your new avatar when you can't.
After the German Liberal Party (FDP) enforced a tax drop for the hotel business and the Chistian Democratics (CDU) an elogation for the working time of the uclear power plants, i think we are going to get a lobby dictature as well like you have now.

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