Planned Parenthood video shows abortionists laughing at the sound of a baby's skull cracking

I watched the video. Nobody laughed at sound of a skull cracking. Nobody talked about avoiding getting caught.

You're a dishonest piece of shit, Odium. But then, almost all pro-lifers are flagrantly dishonest pieces of shit. It just goes with the territory. Pro-life liars literally believe God has given them special dispensation to lie with impunity. Unfortunately for them, God never tells people to lie. Only Satan, the lord of lies, does that. By lying for the cause, pro-lifers are following the edicts of Satan.
I watched the video. Nobody laughed at sound of a skull cracking. Nobody talked about avoiding getting caught.

You're a dishonest piece of shit, Odium. But then, almost all pro-lifers are flagrantly dishonest pieces of shit. It just goes with the territory. Pro-life liars literally believe God has given them special dispensation to lie with impunity. Unfortunately for them, God never tells people to lie. Only Satan, the lord of lies, does that. By lying for the cause, pro-lifers are following the edicts of Satan.

So Hillary listens to Satan? Sounds legit
I watched the video. Nobody laughed at sound of a skull cracking. Nobody talked about avoiding getting caught.

You're a dishonest piece of shit, Odium. But then, almost all pro-lifers are flagrantly dishonest pieces of shit. It just goes with the territory. Pro-life liars literally believe God has given them special dispensation to lie with impunity. Unfortunately for them, God never tells people to lie. Only Satan, the lord of lies, does that. By lying for the cause, pro-lifers are following the edicts of Satan.
Hm dishonest or murdering babies what would I rather take? Also since its coming from a baby murdering advocate I doubt its true so.
Oh and yeah I watched the VERY DISTURBING and heart wrenching video and I can hear the laughing/snickering whatever you want to call it about the skull and about the heart being smashed....just some really SICK fucking people that murder babies..That video is just beyond disgusting.
I watched the video. Nobody laughed at sound of a skull cracking. Nobody talked about avoiding getting caught.

You're a dishonest piece of shit, Odium. But then, almost all pro-lifers are flagrantly dishonest pieces of shit. It just goes with the territory. Pro-life liars literally believe God has given them special dispensation to lie with impunity. Unfortunately for them, God never tells people to lie. Only Satan, the lord of lies, does that. By lying for the cause, pro-lifers are following the edicts of Satan.
there was laughing while they dug through the mutilated parts. As far as talking about not getting caught, did you watch the same video? what do you think that whole section on the layers the lawyers were setting up, or the we dont want to get called on it part was about? they were discussing how not to get caught.
I watched the video. Nobody laughed at sound of a skull cracking. Nobody talked about avoiding getting caught.

You're a dishonest piece of shit, Odium. But then, almost all pro-lifers are flagrantly dishonest pieces of shit. It just goes with the territory. Pro-life liars literally believe God has given them special dispensation to lie with impunity. Unfortunately for them, God never tells people to lie. Only Satan, the lord of lies, does that. By lying for the cause, pro-lifers are following the edicts of Satan.
there was laughing while they dug through the mutilated parts. As far as talking about not getting caught, did you watch the same video? what do you think that whole section on the layers the lawyers were setting up, or the we dont want to get called on it part was about? they were discussing how not to get caught.

You have to understand, when a leftist watches a video they see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear...then whine the video is "heavily edited"
You know, lying about the video even harder won't make your lies true.

Enjoy burning hell for eternity, being that Satan clearly has your souls caught in his infernal vice-grips.
You know, lying about the video even harder won't make your lies true.

Enjoy burning hell for eternity, being that Satan clearly has your souls caught in his infernal vice-grips.

Satan would support what you support, the murder and slaughter of the most innocent off all. God is watching you:eek:
You know, lying about the video even harder won't make your lies true.

Enjoy burning hell for eternity, being that Satan clearly has your souls caught in his infernal vice-grips.

Pro-abortionists are mentally ill, and a threat to society.

And abortion, the way PP does it, is a crime against humanity.
Eternity is a long time. Think about that before you keep honoring your lord and master Satan with the lies.

Wow, you really don't understand the video at all. Just because the fake buyers want whole fetus' it does not mean the PP can get them. When the cream is inserted to soften and induce the cervix, it is same as inducing contraction in child birth. When the heart stops after the injection, sometimes the body will spontaneous expel the fetus whole. The PP don't have to do a D&C or E to get the fetus out.

The only time I have ever know anyone to laugh at the skull cracking was when a terrorist through a baby into a fire. The heat made it pop.

The fake tissue procurers wanted certain things and the PP has to confer and coordinate with the heads of PP and the lawyers. It was like any sales man trying to convince a buyer, only in reverse. The fake buyers were trying to convince the PP to let them know when they had larger pieces. After most abortions there is little distinguishable tissue but that is the problem for the tissue people to separate and disperse the pieces for research, not PP

When a head is smaller than the size of a small pea, the skull is like tissue paper, it does not pop. It is gelatinous glob a bit like a tadpole egg. If you squeeze it too hard the egg will open but the sound would be minuscule, more a squish.

A fetus in the first term is not so different in size than a new born hamster. The bones are as fragile as a thin angel hair pasta. The skin is much softer than a grape.

Depending on the state, abortions are still done up to the 20th week. After than point they are done for medical necessity only.

Even as a tadpole that emerges from it's egg, it is more water and gel than flesh and bone. A fetus is much the same.

Religion does not consider there is a soul till after the 12th week and not a person of value till at least a month old.

Both abortions and birth control are permitted in the bible.

If people have an objection to abortions, they should stop hiding behind religion as a reason.

Doctors will always put the life and health of the mother before that of the fetus.

These videos are intended to manipulate the conversation, which is why they were doing the majority of the talking. The PP said very little and committed no crime in the conversation. It was all a what if, maybe and we will have to see after speaking to the lawyers and head of the PP.

You would think this video was some kind of holy grail of confession. It was not done with the speakers knowledge, not with police present, not in a court of law after swearing to tell the truth.

Shoo fly, before I get the fly swatter. There are people I would rather have a discussion with, than listen to your tiny buzz nonsense.
You know, lying about the video even harder won't make your lies true.

Enjoy burning hell for eternity, being that Satan clearly has your souls caught in his infernal vice-grips.

Pro-abortionists are mentally ill, and a threat to society.

And abortion, the way PP does it, is a crime against humanity.

PP are removing a dead tissue rather than let it decay in the womb and make the woman sick.
The procedure is not so different than the removal of the brain from a mummy. Tiny soupy pieces, not identifiable except to experts.

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