Players That Don't Post ......


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May 19, 2013
What to do about players that sign up for games, but don't post much of anything in them?

As a player, it pisses me off to no end when people don't post in the game. It isn't fair to those that actively play. I try to engage them by asking them questions directly; sometimes it'll work, sometimes it won't.
One of the MOST frustrating things for me to deal with playing in a game is people that go for long periods of time without posting game related content. It is so damn annoying to me. Why sign up if you aren't going to play? I'm not talking about being on V/LA. There should be a posting requirement in these games. I see no reason if you sign up, you can't make one game related post every 24 hours. Not fluff or one liners, but game related posts.That should be a rule in all games and sign ups from now on. There needs to be a posting requirement. Otherwise, I can see the games just dwindling out here. I won't sign up again if no one plays. It's a waste of time.

How do we get reads in a Mafia game? By looking at other game related posts, by giving reads, by asking questions of each other and interacting with each other, reaction test, etc. With no one posting, it is impossible to play.

The only thing that bugs me more is personal attacks.
So House is scum. Aye's probably his partner.

More later..............................been busy.
What to do about players that sign up for games, but don't post much of anything in them?

As a player, it pisses me off to no end when people don't post in the game. It isn't fair to those that actively play. I try to engage them by asking them questions directly; sometimes it'll work, sometimes it won't.

Lynch them, policy or otherwise straight out of the gates.
That would be a lot of lynches but might hit scum eventually. Alternatively, all games can have a vig and a cop. Lurkers tend to attract both types.
This has to be the newest Mafia site on the internet, so by now players should know what's expected of them. If they can't be bothered with playing or declaring V/LA then they should be force-replaced, policy lynched, or modkilled, and be blacklisted for a period of time.
That would be a lot of lynches but might hit scum eventually. Alternatively, all games can have a vig and a cop. Lurkers tend to attract both types.

There are a lot of players who just wait until late in the game to become active which is counter productive as it leads to more mislynches in the beginning so it is of little difference. If you are going to mislynch someone, it is better to mislynch a lurker IMO.
This is one of the core reasons that the mosd are there for - to replace or otherwise deal with players that refuse to participate.

Continued offenders should simply be blacklisted for a period of time. The rules that are generally posted in the opening post are pretty clear here - posting is a requirement.
It's tough.

When I was working in home health I'd have a lot of free time to play. Now with the hospital job I'm getting worked. There is the temptation, when you're bored, to sign up for many different games at once, because you want to see what kind of goodies you get i.e. roles. Then life, work, and the physical limitations of your body kicks in, and suddenly you find yourself clamped onto the tail of a T-Rex. A good rule of thumb is to jump into one or two less games at one time than you feel you can handle at the present moment.
I think I need to sign up for fewer games and focus on USMB. I have ZERO problem playing with everyone here. Some at the main site are just horrible/annoying people. Others are good, but you can't really gather them into one game, I think.

This last week has been Hell Week. Can't feel my feet from the ankles down from all the work. On the flip side, my body is finally adapting and, oddly, my energy levels seem to be soaring gradually. Geez, it's like a 12-hr workout on my feet. Last count, 34 blisters on both feet. :p
This is one of the core reasons that the mosd are there for - to replace or otherwise deal with players that refuse to participate.

One of the main reasons I don't want to mod is dealing with the players that don't post or having to find replacements or deal with personality conflicts, etc. It just seems like a major pain in the ass plus I'd probably just modkill anyone that pissed me off. :biggrin:
One excusable reason for laying low is if you are a PR trying to stay out of the spotlight. Unfortunately, that also means you could be scum doing the same thing. I think the balancing act here is, if the whole game is doing it, it really sucks to be a player in. I probably would complain about it to put on a show if I was scum but I also probably wouldn't care much then. But as town, I absolutely hate that. I have got to have strong town help to play well as town. The problem is, making sure I'm getting it from town and not scum trying to be helpful. That is why I am susceptible to buddying. Because I appreciate the help wherever I can get it when town isn't doing anything. Town apathy in a game, where I am the only active one and therefore can't get good reads, and where scum can easily walk away with a victory, makes me not want to sign up for another game because I have better things to do than bang my head against the wall and get frustrated. Healthier things even. :biggrin:
As someone that doesn't always post much I'd like to weigh in on this. I'm not trying to make anyone mad, nor am I mad at anyone or taking this thread to heart. But it's just some things to consider.

First, in the beginning of a game for some reason I have a hard time finding things to say. I can't look at 5 posts from someone and say they are scum or town. I need more to be able to get a read. But some people don't like it if you have a null read on everyone. I really do understand that, but if I really don't know whether they feel scummy or townish, how am I supposed to say anything other than null?

Sometimes some people are posting so much it makes it hard to post. And if the person posting gets mad because they don't think someone else is posting enough, that really turns me off. I play these games to have fun. When people start complaining then the game becomes a chore. It also bothers me when people stalk you and say "they are posting in that forum but not here" type statements. I have had people do that to me and again, it makes me not want to post. If a mod wants to have a posting restriction and say you have to post three times a day put it up front before the game starts and I won't sign up for that game. I won't be offended or feel that I'm being excluded. I try to post content related posts every 24 hours at least. Does it always happen? No.

Sometimes I have posted something that I do feel is content related and had other people call it fluff. Yes, I have definitely posted fluff stuff before and it usually has a smilie of some kind in it because that's how I tend to try and show that I am joking about something. And knowing that everyone posts fluff at some point it's annoying to hear that someone thinks that everything you've posted is fluff. It is another reason that I don't post much. I don't want to be accused of posting fluff.

It's really kind of funny, but I tend to be the opposite of most people on the internet. I am rather shy about posting on the 'net and am pretty outgoing IRL. It really frustrates me because IRL I can talk your ear off. When I sit down in front of the keyboard to post in a game, my gift of gab goes out the window.

Anyway, I just wanted to throw that out there as something to consider.
People are busy.

Posting frequency should never mean one is Scum, unless a thorough study of one's meta points to one alignment or the other.

As Town/Scum I've gravitated between posting a little and posting a lot. Post frequency is one thing that isn't really a Scumtell.

At times I get nervous about gabbing away in a Mafia game, 'cause people are looking for an excuse to lynch somebody. The more you talk the more you draw attention to yourself, and the more your neck looks like a darn good start. That's not always the case. It depends on the people comprising the game.
Speaking of non-posting players, has anyone heard anything from Scarlet or MathBlade? They haven't been at the other site, either. I'm worried.

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