Please. How do you guys keep your Faith when you are going through the wringer?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?


I don't know if my story will help you at all, but perhaps it will serve as encouragement not to give up. I was not going through the wringer, but was seeking help with my professional career--with the goal not to benefit myself, but with the deep desire to benefit others. I began praying, and I did not give up. Through this four year time period I could not understand why God seemed to be ignoring me, why He wasn't helping at all. I wanted a good thing...and nothing...until...they day it all fell into place and I became the professional I wanted to be.

On that day, I looked back to what got me to that point and was dumbfounded when I realized some of the off-the-wall occurrence that, at the time, seemed totally unrelated to my prayer were actually the building blocks that resulted in God being able to grant this prayer. Four years. That is the great care God takes when we place our trust in Him to bring about something good. I would encourage you to persist. Also, sometimes it is helpful to give oneself a break--not from prayer--but from the situation. Think about a get away, even if it is a short one.
I've been beaten, lied to, cussed at, swindled, taken advantage of and laughed at, BUT. The only reason I hang around this crazy place is to see what will happen next!!!

I used to have this sign hanging in my office for many years. Though it was true even then, it was there more for the humor than anything else. But was also a reminder that 'This too shall pass'.

But I find it interesting that you mention the Book of Job. For the last several years I have held onto the message that it teaches. Not so much of what had happened to Job, or the discussions with his friends.....but the very beginning with the discussion between God and the devil. God had praised Job's faithfulness and Satan said in effect that his faithfulness was because of God's protection and if that protection was taken away that Job would curse God. So God took away His protection and let Satan do as he pleased but to spare his life.
In other words........we are all tested to our very limits and then some. We just have to outlast the liar. We are being refined by the Holy Fire as a pottery piece or a diamond is.
So when you pray, give thanks to Him and ask for the strength to endure it, so that you can stand on the other side.

I will also say that Job was a Saint to have endured what he did and not lose his faith cause I have not been so pristine about it
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada

You are in war with Canadians? Bad luck. When we were the last time in war with England they wan.

who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought,

What says the golden rule of war? "Win - or let it be".

but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

What has god to do with your manmade problems?

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most.

"And said, Naked came I out of my mother' womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord"

Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

Yeah - It's a problem to become a dog and to forget how to open the fridge.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity?

Not at all - I just simple lose my faith. But god loses not his belief in me. That's why I fall normally on my feet again.

I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?


Hmm. If you don't know what to do then perhaps you can go instead of me in a church and burn three candles: One for you, one for the people you know and one for the people you do not know.

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I have very little to add other than to echo the excellent responses of Meriweatter and JustAnotherNut. I will say this about prayer- continue to pray for others for that is loving charity and surely pleases God. Pray for yourself too and tell God about what you are feeling.

I have found when I am troubled sometimes I get tired of my own voice. I've found comfort in meditating over some of the gloomy yet hopeful psalms of David.
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

MLK responds....

"...We are never to think of God's power in terms of what he could conceivably do by the exercise of what we may call sheer omnipotence which crushes all obstacles in its path. We are always to think of God's power in terms of his purpose. If what he did by sheer omnipotence defeated his purpose, then, however startling and impressive, it would be an expression of weakness, not of power. Indeed, a good definition of power is "ability to achieve purpose.

We must realize that God's power is not put forward to get certain things done, but to get them done in a certain way, and with certain results in the lives of those who do them..."
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

Jews believe that satan is an angel who works for God. His job is to tempt people; to test them so to speak. I'm not Jewish, but this concept does make sense. Wisdom is not given to just any jack-a-nape.

So the next time you are faced with adversity, be thankful (and smile to yourself) that God still thinks enough of you to have His angel tempt you; test you. If you were not still worthy of receiving God's wisdom, He wouldn't still be testing you.
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

And lastly, one of the most powerful aspects of prayer is to alter the fabric of our identity. Being thankful and reflective in addition to performing random acts of kindness are all things which naturally lead to happiness. Happiness leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.

The happy secret to better work

If I were you, I would keep praying to God for other people, He already knows what you need. In fact the answer is waiting in time for you to catch up to it, but it may be answered in ways you never expected. For me the things I thought were good for me were bad and the things I thought were bad for me were good.
I wonder why you see many people as your enemy, but I don't need to know.

Some Christians on here will give you lots of advice, but prayer is for oneself, no matter who you pray for. Sounds like you need to make amends or try to, or forget it and move on.
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

Prayer is all fine, and good if you're into that sort of thing. But if one really wants results... For many things in life one has to do it themselves, and make shit happen. And with each success you will build faith in something that will never abandon you... Yourself.
There's a saying that there are no Atheists in fox holes.

In reality, adversity tends to increase faith. Faith in God helps someone endure adversity.
I don't know your circumstances, but I wonder why you are staying in your war zone, when peace can be found as close as next door. You would make a fine American patriot.
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

Our life on this mortal coil is just a way station. The only thing that matters is your walk with Christ. Jesus never promised us safety or comfort. We may be persecuted, or even killed, for our faith in Christ. Just remember. If the world does not hate you and persecute, then you're probably not a Christian. The Bible tells us to rejoice in our suffering, because we are suffering for Christ, just as He suffered for us. And we will be rewarded for it beyond our wildest dreams. Stay focused on what really matters. Jesus Christ. He may not give you what you want, but He will always give you what you need.
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

I hold on tightly to the pieces given to me by the spirit that I know are more real than any precept of lofty earthly humans. Those pieces and parts along with the knowledge that God is and creates justice in all things keeps me going daily even on the days I would like to throw in the towel and say f' it all.
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?


Remember the good ending! there is two sides to the story/parable.... ;)

Because Job continued to be faithful and endured all of the pain and sorrow from all of the trials put upon him by Satan,

he was rewarded with God restoring his livelihood and restoring his family back to life...
How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

I have been through some stuff that somewhat undermined my faith and I gave up wasting my breath on prayer.
I still think there probably is a God, but I don't think he spends his time listening to humans. If he did he would have giant headache.

What I can say is that over the years you get made stronger by adversity.

I do not know your experiences or your age but I have survived into my 70s, and not much bothers me now.
You need to believe in as many faiths as possible so that you are covered from head to feet, preferably washed by the Pope Himself, just to be sure.

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