Please. How do you guys keep your Faith when you are going through the wringer?

Most people believe in god "just in case" it's true. So why not believe in all the gods out there? Maybe someone is right? What makes you think that it's you?
Because there is only one true God .
But that's what they all say. Why not cover all the bets?
Because the one true God said you shall have no other gods before him
A real god wouldn’t be so insecure. And there’s no proof that yours cares what we do.
He gave you what you wanted free will.
Because there is only one true God .
But that's what they all say. Why not cover all the bets?
Because the one true God said you shall have no other gods before him
A real god wouldn’t be so insecure. And there’s no proof that yours cares what we do.
He gave you what you wanted free will.
You have the choice to believe or not to.

Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

Bring all your troubles to God and leave them there
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

Then you should move away to someplace like the other side of the Country.
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?


Well, I missed your story, but it's a fact if you're a Christian these days, nearly anywhere on the planet, and you're not being persecuted violently by fanatics you're probably doing it wrong, that's all. You're just a few small steps away from being outlawed completely an followed up by mass genocides in most places, including here, but are still being passive about it all, for some reason. Try reading Job, and then William Safire's interesting deconstruction of it.

Nonfiction Book Review: The First Dissident: The Book of Job in Today's Politics by William Safire, Author Random House (NY) $23 (304p) ISBN 978-0-679-41755-2
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?


I keep the Faith being an unrelenting optimist. A pessimist sees dark at the end of the tunnel but I see light.
You can't always get what you want.........but if ya try sometime ya just might find...ya get whatcha need.
You believe and Yahwey responds. You're unsure ? SILENCE. He'll often give a teaser to encourage individuals to dig deeper.
"Seek and find".
Try it. If it happens you know your asking the right entity.

If you ask for a Lamborghini, and it shows up, you asked in the wrong direction.
You can't always get what you want.........but if ya try sometime ya just might find...ya get whatcha need.
You believe and Yahwey responds. You're unsure ? SILENCE. He'll often give a teaser to encourage individuals to dig deeper.
"Seek and find".
Try it. If it happens you know your asking the right entity.

If you ask for a Lamborghini, and it shows up, you asked in the wrong direction.

I asked for a Ford and a Ford showed up. I asked in the right direction.
But that's what they all say. Why not cover all the bets?
Because the one true God said you shall have no other gods before him
A real god wouldn’t be so insecure. And there’s no proof that yours cares what we do.
He gave you what you wanted free will.
You have the choice to believe or not to.

And if I choose not to believe then I'll roast in hell. That's not a choice. It's a threat.
He answered me and basically tried to bully me into shutting up because he can’t handle my positions. You guys have no answers for me and get all bent out of shape at me. It’s fun, but I have to some times slap one of you because you’re all not that sharp and believe in really whacky things without proof and throw tantrums when you don’t get your way. :biggrin:

Actually, not being "bent out of shape" I was holding up a mirror for you to reflect upon your behavior here. You are like the kid (who is the one already bent out of shape) who comes across a group of classmates playing baseball out on the playground, waltzes in, disrupts the game, insisting on playing dodge ball. When the kids playing baseball protest, the one one disrupting claims they are the ones "bent out of shape."

Like the kid who doesn't understand baseball, does not want to understand baseball, and is intent on ruining the game he does not like, you display the same behavior here--and proudly pat yourself on the back for doing so. Do we get "bent out of shape" when you do so? Shrug. No more than a person gets "bent out of shape" when they slap a mosquito--or tell the kid interfering with the baseball game to go sit on the bench for the rest of recess.

Now, before you go off half-cocked, how did you like me telling you your intent on what you really believe and what you are really doing? Was it fair, was it a good way to interact with people, making all these assumptions? Keep in mind, it is daily fare for you to come in and do precisely this. You.don't.listen. to what we are saying. Otherwise, you would see what many of us are doing is calmly walking away.
And if I choose not to believe then I'll roast in hell. That's not a choice. It's a threat.

No. If you choose to reject God and all He stands for, then you will have what you wish: Eternal separation from God.
Because the one true God said you shall have no other gods before him
A real god wouldn’t be so insecure. And there’s no proof that yours cares what we do.
He gave you what you wanted free will.
You have the choice to believe or not to.

And if I choose not to believe then I'll roast in hell. That's not a choice. It's a threat.

So you think if you was to shoot someone in Cold Blood you shouldn't die for it even though you chose to do it you should get rewarded for it
He answered me and basically tried to bully me into shutting up because he can’t handle my positions. You guys have no answers for me and get all bent out of shape at me. It’s fun, but I have to some times slap one of you because you’re all not that sharp and believe in really whacky things without proof and throw tantrums when you don’t get your way. :biggrin:

Actually, not being "bent out of shape" I was holding up a mirror for you to reflect upon your behavior here. You are like the kid (who is the one already bent out of shape) who comes across a group of classmates playing baseball out on the playground, waltzes in, disrupts the game, insisting on playing dodge ball. When the kids playing baseball protest, the one one disrupting claims they are the ones "bent out of shape."

Like the kid who doesn't understand baseball, does not want to understand baseball, and is intent on ruining the game he does not like, you display the same behavior here--and proudly pat yourself on the back for doing so. Do we get "bent out of shape" when you do so? Shrug. No more than a person gets "bent out of shape" when they slap a mosquito--or tell the kid interfering with the baseball game to go sit on the bench for the rest of recess.

Now, before you go off half-cocked, how did you like me telling you your intent on what you really believe and what you are really doing? Was it fair, was it a good way to interact with people, making all these assumptions? Keep in mind, it is daily fare for you to come in and do precisely this. You.don't.listen. to what we are saying. Otherwise, you would see what many of us are doing is calmly walking away.
More like, you're playing baseball with an invisible ball that you all are trying to convince me that it's there. :lmao:

As for who is bent out of shape, I've never been childishly insulted as much at this site as I have been in the religion forum. I'll just leave it at that.

Listen brah, when I say something or ask a question, if it's too much for you, why do you respond? Like you say, just "calmly walk away".
A real god wouldn’t be so insecure. And there’s no proof that yours cares what we do.
He gave you what you wanted free will.
You have the choice to believe or not to.

And if I choose not to believe then I'll roast in hell. That's not a choice. It's a threat.

So you think if you was to shoot someone in Cold Blood you shouldn't die for it even though you chose to do it you should get rewarded for it

Listen brah, when I say something or ask a question, if it's too much for you, why do you respond? Like you say, just "calmly walk away".

You may have noticed I don't respond to much of what you say. Try to get over yourself. Nothing you say is "too much" for anyone. The problem is that it seldom rises to a level where a response is worthwhile. What everyone else sees here are a lot of people trying to give you a hand-up to a higher level--kind of like someone wanting to teach a person how to fly a jet while that one insists riding his tricycle is the best mode of transportation.

When we read scripture, we hear something far different than you hear. There doesn't seem much interest on your part to hear what people of faith are hearing. Why is this?
I'm not rejecting god, I'm saying I see no proof of god as of yet. Not the same thing.

If you want proof for yourself, then you go find it. Don't expect anyone to do this for you. It comes from within.
He gave you what you wanted free will.
You have the choice to believe or not to.

And if I choose not to believe then I'll roast in hell. That's not a choice. It's a threat.

So you think if you was to shoot someone in Cold Blood you shouldn't die for it even though you chose to do it you should get rewarded for it


There are consequences to every choice you make choosing to believe or not to believe has its consequences also
Listen brah, when I say something or ask a question, if it's too much for you, why do you respond? Like you say, just "calmly walk away".

You may have noticed I don't respond to much of what you say. Try to get over yourself. Nothing you say is "too much" for anyone. The problem is that it seldom rises to a level where a response is worthwhile. What everyone else sees here are a lot of people trying to give you a hand-up to a higher level--kind of like someone wanting to teach a person how to fly a jet while that one insists riding his tricycle is the best mode of transportation.

When we read scripture, we hear something far different than you hear. There doesn't seem much interest on your part to hear what people of faith are hearing. Why is this?
Because I only hear nonsense about a mass murdering god who raped a virgin and then had a zombie child. And oh, btw, nobody can prove any of this at all. I also would like to know why is that, that some people can believe that far fetched book of stories like it's gold, and I think that it's kinda childish and mean, and pretty much a total scam to control people with fairy tales. That's what fascinates me.

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