Please. How do you guys keep your Faith when you are going through the wringer?

If you haven't moved the goalposts, then how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again? Remember, if you're not moving the goalposts, you can't claim that all the land masses were one at the time of the flood.

Kangaroos from Australia is moving the goalposts. Who moved the goalposts there? And why did you follow them?
Weren't kangaroos on Noah's boat? If not, where do kangaroos come from?
Personally, I have found I must ask Him to lead and guide me, not to ask for certain outcomes. And I have had to learn to listen. Many times my wants and needs I think I need are not the same He wants for me. Some later, I recognize His reasons, sometimes not so much, but feel assured one day I will. And when I refuse to listen I invariably find myself worse for wear.

Keep the faith, and don’t fight His will. And remember we are all tested and must learn to be introspective enough to realize lessons are being taught us, if we will just listen and learn from them. We were never promised no trials and tribulations in life-only in heaven will that occur. It’s how we handle them that gets us through, until the ultimate gift.
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

Weren't kangaroos on Noah's boat? If not, where do kangaroos come from?
I am not so bored that I am going through the Great Flood story with you yet again, especially in a thread where the topic is not about Noah. Find the original thread and re-read it if you want.
I remember those miners trapped sometime ago
the town/families kept praying--believing-etc
after they found the miners dead, some of them lost their faith

1. why lose your faith if a loved one dies, if you say the greatest thing will happen to you when you die and that is being with god
--why pray to keep them alive?
--what about the ones who are prayed for to live--but they die? don't have to ''pray'' to be positive and have those ''positive feelings'' help
--we all know depression/negative thinking/etc does cause physical ailments
3. define ''soul''--what is the ''soul''? what does it do? is it ''religious?
.....we are like animals
my dog gets ''happy'' to see us--she knows she will get activity/petting/food/etc
same with humans---we get ''happy'' for ''idiotic'' things--like a home run or touchdown! a win--WHOOOOOPEE my team won!!!! people cry when their team loses---my dog feels down when some of us are not around
visiting an old friend/etc makes us feel ''happy''--why??
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Look Taz there's no one here can give you the assurance you're looking for only God can do that seek him you'll find him he'll give you the assurance and the pease you need.
Some of you have heard my story and know about my plight to some degree. In short, I have a lot of enemies here in Canada who have made the life for myself and my wife, nearly unbearable. Without question, many would have given up and not fought, but I'm so accustomed to serious adversity from such a young age, I've been able to weather the storm and even fight back.

I try and stay positive and do what's right, and I know I wont waver, but my "soul" feels off kilt. Meaning I just don't feel myself as I fight uphill to have my life returned. I swear more, I lose my patience, I feel the injustice to my core and it makes me resentful about G-d and I lose faith not just in G-d but in those around me.

For those familiar with the Old Testament, think of the Book of Job. That's the character in the bible I relate to most. Now I know we all ask "why me" to the man above, from time to time when we are thrown a curve, but I have suffered for so long while trying to take the high road against all odds, and I just feel that I lose my discipline and become "like them", like the animals (for lack of a nicer word) who cause us this harm and who are lacking Faith and character of their own.

How do you all keep the Faith through extreme stress and adversity? I find myself praying for others and I don't get the answer I seek. Maybe I should pray more for myself. Ideas?

God never said life would be easy. In fact, faith is to bring us more difficulties. But what God did say is you will never be alone during your struggles.

In my life I look back on the bad times and I would not wish those times away. They molded me into the person I am today. Your struggles are learning lessons.
Weren't kangaroos on Noah's boat? If not, where do kangaroos come from?
I am not so bored that I am going through the Great Flood story with you yet again, especially in a thread where the topic is not about Noah. Find the original thread and re-read it if you want.
A lot of people here tell different stories about Noah, I can't be expected to remember every single one and who said it. But if you can't answer, I understand. Same old, same old.
According to the Story of Lazarus who had been dead for 4 days Jesus said he would go wake him he wasn't dead he was asleep so apparently we sleep until the judgment .
A lot of people here tell different stories about Noah, I can't be expected to remember every single one and who said it. But if you can't answer, I understand. Same old, same old.
I did answer. Return to the thread on the flood and read it again. I don't need to repeat the same old, same old.
I remember those miners trapped sometime ago
the town/families kept praying--believing-etc
after they found the miners dead, some of them lost their faith

1. why lose your faith if a loved one dies, if you say the greatest thing will happen to you when you die and that is being with god

Interesting questions. First, did some go into a crisis of faith or was it a permanent loss of faith?

It has been my experience and observation that people do not come to a major change or decision on one factor alone. It usually takes at least three. And sometimes a major event pours a light on another part of one's life. It may take something like death for a person to realize they never had any faith to begin with. Other times, a loss of faith might be known, but kept hidden from others until one feels they have a reason that will be acceptable to others for their declaration of no faith. If one has already been questioning their faith for other reasons, then certainly a traumatic event will serve as the final straw.

As far as praying and grieving when someone will be with God, our emotions simply don't function that way. Someone once had to give me her pet. She was happy for me, happy for the pet, but she still suffered through a profound sense of loss. Being happy for the child who find a dream job out of the country doesn't mean that we won't also suffer from a sense of loss. Make that loss permanent, and the suffering and sense of loss is going to be much greater. Not all the fear we hold for loved ones in dangerous careers is for them. There is a great portion of fear that is reserved for oneself: How will I ever get along without that beloved person? Knowing the beloved is with God does not erase our great loss.
A lot of people here tell different stories about Noah, I can't be expected to remember every single one and who said it. But if you can't answer, I understand. Same old, same old.
I did answer. Return to the thread on the flood and read it again. I don't need to repeat the same old, same old.
I'm never going to find that, I understand if it was too traumatizing for you the first time to talk about that. :biggrin:
I remember those miners trapped sometime ago
the town/families kept praying--believing-etc
after they found the miners dead, some of them lost their faith

1. why lose your faith if a loved one dies, if you say the greatest thing will happen to you when you die and that is being with god

Interesting questions. First, did some go into a crisis of faith or was it a permanent loss of faith?

It has been my experience and observation that people do not come to a major change or decision on one factor alone. It usually takes at least three. And sometimes a major event pours a light on another part of one's life. It may take something like death for a person to realize they never had any faith to begin with. Other times, a loss of faith might be known, but kept hidden from others until one feels they have a reason that will be acceptable to others for their declaration of no faith. If one has already been questioning their faith for other reasons, then certainly a traumatic event will serve as the final straw.

As far as praying and grieving when someone will be with God, our emotions simply don't function that way. Someone once had to give me her pet. She was happy for me, happy for the pet, but she still suffered through a profound sense of loss. Being happy for the child who find a dream job out of the country doesn't mean that we won't also suffer from a sense of loss. Make that loss permanent, and the suffering and sense of loss is going to be much greater. Not all the fear we hold for loved ones in dangerous careers is for them. There is a great portion of fear that is reserved for oneself: How will I ever get along without that beloved person? Knowing the beloved is with God does not erase our great loss.
if being with god is so great, it should greatly relieve the loss
no one really know what happens after we's anyone's guess--yes?
isn't the need for humans to have companionship similar to dogs' needs for ''same''? --survival/etc??
if being with god is so great, it should greatly relieve the loss
no one really know what happens after we's anyone's guess--yes?
isn't the need for humans to have companionship similar to dogs' needs for ''same''? --survival/etc??

People have gone through near death experiences, and some have even had an interaction with someone who has passed on. Some of these stories have been told. Some say a dog's need for companionship is similar to that of a human's. Some say a dolphin's intelligence is also similar to the intelligence of a human. How does either make the human experience any less than its reality?

Ever hear of stories where an well-meaning person says to a mother after the death of a child, "It's a blessing you have other children." Yes, it is a blessing--and not one of those blessings is ever going to diminish the feelings of loss for the child who has passed on.
if being with god is so great, it should greatly relieve the loss
no one really know what happens after we's anyone's guess--yes?
isn't the need for humans to have companionship similar to dogs' needs for ''same''? --survival/etc??

People have gone through near death experiences, and some have even had an interaction with someone who has passed on. Some of these stories have been told. Some say a dog's need for companionship is similar to that of a human's. Some say a dolphin's intelligence is also similar to the intelligence of a human. How does either make the human experience any less than its reality?

Ever hear of stories where an well-meaning person says to a mother after the death of a child, "It's a blessing you have other children." Yes, it is a blessing--and not one of those blessings is ever going to diminish the feelings of loss for the child who has passed on.
what's your idea of a ''soul''??
I don't feel I have a ''soul''/I don't feel a soul as part of me--as in a spirit/etc
I am me--because of my voice/thinking/idioms/reactions/head and face reactions/etc
that's not a 'soul'--that's the human person
what's your idea of a ''soul''??
I don't feel I have a ''soul''/I don't feel a soul as part of me--as in a spirit/etc
I am me--because of my voice/thinking/idioms/reactions/head and face reactions/etc
that's not a 'soul'--that's the human person

I believe the brain is the organ that gathers and presents information to the essential me (i.e. soul/spirit) and that is the part of the human who makes the choices and decisions based on the information the brain gathers and presents. Some believe that the brain both gathers and decides, and then the physical part of the entity acts on neuron activity from the brain. There is nothing else.
I remember those miners trapped sometime ago
the town/families kept praying--believing-etc
after they found the miners dead, some of them lost their faith

1. why lose your faith if a loved one dies, if you say the greatest thing will happen to you when you die and that is being with god

Interesting questions. First, did some go into a crisis of faith or was it a permanent loss of faith?

It has been my experience and observation that people do not come to a major change or decision on one factor alone. It usually takes at least three. And sometimes a major event pours a light on another part of one's life. It may take something like death for a person to realize they never had any faith to begin with. Other times, a loss of faith might be known, but kept hidden from others until one feels they have a reason that will be acceptable to others for their declaration of no faith. If one has already been questioning their faith for other reasons, then certainly a traumatic event will serve as the final straw.

As far as praying and grieving when someone will be with God, our emotions simply don't function that way. Someone once had to give me her pet. She was happy for me, happy for the pet, but she still suffered through a profound sense of loss. Being happy for the child who find a dream job out of the country doesn't mean that we won't also suffer from a sense of loss. Make that loss permanent, and the suffering and sense of loss is going to be much greater. Not all the fear we hold for loved ones in dangerous careers is for them. There is a great portion of fear that is reserved for oneself: How will I ever get along without that beloved person? Knowing the beloved is with God does not erase our great loss.
"As far as praying and grieving when someone will be with God". So you think we live just one life and then spend the rest of eternity with god?
"As far as praying and grieving when someone will be with God". So you think we live just one life and then spend the rest of eternity with god?

I believe that we are here to know, love, and serve God--or decide such an existence is not for us. This life may help determine exactly how we will serve God in the next--if at all.
You need to believe in as many faiths as possible so that you are covered from head to feet, preferably washed by the Pope Himself, just to be sure.
Actually, no. It may do well to keep in mind there is more than one way to skin a cat--or do about anything. Look at all the things that worked for others! If you want to connect with God, just do it. Seek Him.
Most people believe in god "just in case" it's true. So why not believe in all the gods out there? Maybe someone is right? What makes you think that it's you?

Why do you spout nonsense?

"Most people believe in god 'just in case' it's true."

Really? Please cite and link the study that proves it. Otherwise, I just assume you're full of shit.

Well I know you are.
But anyway. Why do you spout nonsense? Do you do that in your real life too? Just rattle off inane retardisms and add "it's true" as if that makes it true? Do people fall for it?
"As far as praying and grieving when someone will be with God". So you think we live just one life and then spend the rest of eternity with god?

I believe that we are here to know, love, and serve God--or decide such an existence is not for us. This life may help determine exactly how we will serve God in the next--if at all.
So “in the next”, is that with god, or are you talking about reincarnation?
You need to believe in as many faiths as possible so that you are covered from head to feet, preferably washed by the Pope Himself, just to be sure.
Actually, no. It may do well to keep in mind there is more than one way to skin a cat--or do about anything. Look at all the things that worked for others! If you want to connect with God, just do it. Seek Him.
Most people believe in god "just in case" it's true. So why not believe in all the gods out there? Maybe someone is right? What makes you think that it's you?

Why do you spout nonsense?

"Most people believe in god 'just in case' it's true."

Really? Please cite and link the study that proves it. Otherwise, I just assume you're full of shit.

Well I know you are.
But anyway. Why do you spout nonsense? Do you do that in your real life too? Just rattle off inane retardisms and add "it's true" as if that makes it true? Do people fall for it?
At least you didn’t dispute the part about it being a good idea by covering all the bets and believing in all the gods. Good for you.

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