Please. How do you guys keep your Faith when you are going through the wringer?

I remember those miners trapped sometime ago
the town/families kept praying--believing-etc
after they found the miners dead, some of them lost their faith

1. why lose your faith if a loved one dies, if you say the greatest thing will happen to you when you die and that is being with god

Interesting questions. First, did some go into a crisis of faith or was it a permanent loss of faith?

It has been my experience and observation that people do not come to a major change or decision on one factor alone. It usually takes at least three. And sometimes a major event pours a light on another part of one's life. It may take something like death for a person to realize they never had any faith to begin with. Other times, a loss of faith might be known, but kept hidden from others until one feels they have a reason that will be acceptable to others for their declaration of no faith. If one has already been questioning their faith for other reasons, then certainly a traumatic event will serve as the final straw.

As far as praying and grieving when someone will be with God, our emotions simply don't function that way. Someone once had to give me her pet. She was happy for me, happy for the pet, but she still suffered through a profound sense of loss. Being happy for the child who find a dream job out of the country doesn't mean that we won't also suffer from a sense of loss. Make that loss permanent, and the suffering and sense of loss is going to be much greater. Not all the fear we hold for loved ones in dangerous careers is for them. There is a great portion of fear that is reserved for oneself: How will I ever get along without that beloved person? Knowing the beloved is with God does not erase our great loss.
The way I put it is we were not designed to die. While 100% of us will experience death, the most popular question is why did so and so have to die.
So “in the next”, is that with god, or are you talking about reincarnation?

I am not talking about reincarnation. My guess is that it is more like growth/evolution in developing further who we are now.
The way I put it is we were not designed to die. While 100% of us will experience death, the most popular question is why did so and so have to die.

Perhaps more accurately, why does the death of loved ones hurt so badly? I am thinking any loss of love does that to us, which is why the loss/rejection of God's love is a thought many of us won't entertain.
Your "guess"? So you've been lecturing me all this time with guesses?

Shrug. I am not lecturing anyone. You asked what I thought about your guess of reincarnation. I responded with with my guess. We know very little of the afterlife from either scripture or even accounts of life after death.
Your "guess"? So you've been lecturing me all this time with guesses?

Shrug. I am not lecturing anyone. You asked what I thought about your guess of reincarnation. I responded with with my guess. We know very little of the afterlife from either scripture or even accounts of life after death.
Ok, so NOW you admit that you know nothing about god... Hey, at least I'm upfront about being agnostic. But welcome to the club anyways! Always good to have new members. :biggrin:
Your "guess"? So you've been lecturing me all this time with guesses?

Shrug. I am not lecturing anyone. You asked what I thought about your guess of reincarnation. I responded with with my guess. We know very little of the afterlife from either scripture or even accounts of life after death.
very little??!!
how about absolutely nothing?
about life after death?? you've ''heard'' more??
like what??
The story of Pharaoh teaches us a great lesson. The more someone one tries to argue someone out of an opinion, the harder that one digs in and hardens their heart. All that matters is that I know an itsy-bitsy something about life after death. I know God exists, so I am not one who is blessed because they believe without seeing/knowing. The only thing I can do is affirm what you already know: People down through the ages talk of experiences of God and of life after death. What you do (or don't do) with that information is ever in your bailiwick, not mine.
He answered me and basically tried to bully me into shutting up because he can’t handle my positions. You guys have no answers for me and get all bent out of shape at me. It’s fun, but I have to some times slap one of you because you’re all not that sharp and believe in really whacky things without proof and throw tantrums when you don’t get your way. :biggrin:

Actually, not being "bent out of shape" I was holding up a mirror for you to reflect upon your behavior here. You are like the kid (who is the one already bent out of shape) who comes across a group of classmates playing baseball out on the playground, waltzes in, disrupts the game, insisting on playing dodge ball. When the kids playing baseball protest, the one one disrupting claims they are the ones "bent out of shape."

Like the kid who doesn't understand baseball, does not want to understand baseball, and is intent on ruining the game he does not like, you display the same behavior here--and proudly pat yourself on the back for doing so. Do we get "bent out of shape" when you do so? Shrug. No more than a person gets "bent out of shape" when they slap a mosquito--or tell the kid interfering with the baseball game to go sit on the bench for the rest of recess.

Now, before you go off half-cocked, how did you like me telling you your intent on what you really believe and what you are really doing? Was it fair, was it a good way to interact with people, making all these assumptions? Keep in mind, it is daily fare for you to come in and do precisely this. You.don't.listen. to what we are saying. Otherwise, you would see what many of us are doing is calmly walking away.

For people who are allegedly non-believers, and certainly aren't interested in anything to do with philosophy, ethics, or history, these deviants do indeed spend a whole lot of time here fliinging poo like 3 year olds.
He answered me and basically tried to bully me into shutting up because he can’t handle my positions. You guys have no answers for me and get all bent out of shape at me. It’s fun, but I have to some times slap one of you because you’re all not that sharp and believe in really whacky things without proof and throw tantrums when you don’t get your way. :biggrin:

Actually, not being "bent out of shape" I was holding up a mirror for you to reflect upon your behavior here. You are like the kid (who is the one already bent out of shape) who comes across a group of classmates playing baseball out on the playground, waltzes in, disrupts the game, insisting on playing dodge ball. When the kids playing baseball protest, the one one disrupting claims they are the ones "bent out of shape."

Like the kid who doesn't understand baseball, does not want to understand baseball, and is intent on ruining the game he does not like, you display the same behavior here--and proudly pat yourself on the back for doing so. Do we get "bent out of shape" when you do so? Shrug. No more than a person gets "bent out of shape" when they slap a mosquito--or tell the kid interfering with the baseball game to go sit on the bench for the rest of recess.

Now, before you go off half-cocked, how did you like me telling you your intent on what you really believe and what you are really doing? Was it fair, was it a good way to interact with people, making all these assumptions? Keep in mind, it is daily fare for you to come in and do precisely this. You.don't.listen. to what we are saying. Otherwise, you would see what many of us are doing is calmly walking away.

For people who are allegedly non-believers, and certainly aren't interested in anything to do with philosophy, ethics, or history, these deviants do indeed spend a whole lot of time here fliinging poo like 3 year olds.
Since you're so smart, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again? And while you're at it, since there were no Asians or Blacks on the boat, where do they come from?
Since you're so smart, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again? And while you're at it, since there were no Asians or Blacks on the boat, where do they come from?

We again see you are among the thirty percent who take the Bible literally. Perhaps bear in mind that seventy percent of us do not. Since you are among the minority who do take it literally, why don't you explain to us who do not take it literally all about the kangaroos, Asians, Blacks, etc.
For people who are allegedly non-believers, and certainly aren't interested in anything to do with philosophy, ethics, or history, these deviants do indeed spend a whole lot of time here fliinging poo like 3 year olds.

Sometimes they don't even have anything as substantial as poo. ;)
Since you're so smart, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again? And while you're at it, since there were no Asians or Blacks on the boat, where do they come from?

We again see you are among the thirty percent who take the Bible literally. Perhaps bear in mind that seventy percent of us do not. Since you are among the minority who do take it literally, why don't you explain to us who do not take it literally all about the kangaroos, Asians, Blacks, etc.
The building blocks of life on earth came from space after the earth's formation, and evolution took over from there.
The building blocks of life on earth came from space after the earth's formation, and evolution took over from there.

Yay! You finally came over to our side! Congratulations! Keep in mind that many believe that as the earth was formed in space, the building blocks inherent to life were always there, and it simply took the right environment to start its growth/evolution. Genesis notes that man came from the earth, that life may have had its beginnings in clay.
He answered me and basically tried to bully me into shutting up because he can’t handle my positions. You guys have no answers for me and get all bent out of shape at me. It’s fun, but I have to some times slap one of you because you’re all not that sharp and believe in really whacky things without proof and throw tantrums when you don’t get your way. :biggrin:

Actually, not being "bent out of shape" I was holding up a mirror for you to reflect upon your behavior here. You are like the kid (who is the one already bent out of shape) who comes across a group of classmates playing baseball out on the playground, waltzes in, disrupts the game, insisting on playing dodge ball. When the kids playing baseball protest, the one one disrupting claims they are the ones "bent out of shape."

Like the kid who doesn't understand baseball, does not want to understand baseball, and is intent on ruining the game he does not like, you display the same behavior here--and proudly pat yourself on the back for doing so. Do we get "bent out of shape" when you do so? Shrug. No more than a person gets "bent out of shape" when they slap a mosquito--or tell the kid interfering with the baseball game to go sit on the bench for the rest of recess.

Now, before you go off half-cocked, how did you like me telling you your intent on what you really believe and what you are really doing? Was it fair, was it a good way to interact with people, making all these assumptions? Keep in mind, it is daily fare for you to come in and do precisely this. You.don't.listen. to what we are saying. Otherwise, you would see what many of us are doing is calmly walking away.

For people who are allegedly non-believers, and certainly aren't interested in anything to do with philosophy, ethics, or history, these deviants do indeed spend a whole lot of time here fliinging poo like 3 year olds.
Since you're so smart, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again? And while you're at it, since there were no Asians or Blacks on the boat, where do they come from?

Why do you care about Noah? Does he scare you?
The building blocks of life on earth came from space after the earth's formation, and evolution took over from there.

Yay! You finally came over to our side! Congratulations! Keep in mind that many believe that as the earth was formed in space, the building blocks inherent to life were always there, and it simply took the right environment to start its growth/evolution. Keep in mind Genesis notes that man came from the earth, that life may have had its beginnings in clay.

Yes. 'The 'evolutionists' merely lifted their speculations from the allegories in Genesis in the first place. They don't have any genuine 'science', just speculation, but they are far more dishonest than the believers ever are, who are relying on what is clearly written versus the 'rationalists' who just make up handwaves for everything as they go along. And, many of those handwaves are far more absurd to boot, and involve truly magical mathematical probabilities even science fiction writers would go near.
The building blocks of life on earth came from space after the earth's formation, and evolution took over from there.

Yay! You finally came over to our side! Congratulations! Keep in mind that many believe that as the earth was formed in space, the building blocks inherent to life were always there, and it simply took the right environment to start its growth/evolution. Genesis notes that man came from the earth, that life may have had its beginnings in clay.
I've always been on the side of science, you only came to science because you could no longer believe in fairy tales. Genesis has everything wrong, scientifically, that is.

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