Please. How do you guys keep your Faith when you are going through the wringer?

There are consequences to every choice you make choosing to believe or not to believe has its consequences also

I offer this for consideration:

God's kingdom begins for us here on earth. I don't think we can say with certainty that people who do not find the Kingdom here on earth are doomed for eternity. The consequence they face (and I have seen this played out in my family) is that they are doomed to face life here on earth without God.
There are consequences to every choice you make choosing to believe or not to believe has its consequences also

I offer this for consideration:

God's kingdom begins for us here on earth. I don't think we can say with certainty that people who do not find the Kingdom here on earth are doomed for eternity. The consequence they face (and I have seen this played out in my family) is that they are doomed to face life here on earth without God.
So what happens when those people die?
There are consequences to every choice you make choosing to believe or not to believe has its consequences also

I offer this for consideration:

God's kingdom begins for us here on earth. I don't think we can say with certainty that people who do not find the Kingdom here on earth are doomed for eternity. The consequence they face (and I have seen this played out in my family) is that they are doomed to face life here on earth without God.
So what happens when those people die?
It's too late
Because I only hear nonsense about a mass murdering god who raped a virgin and then had a zombie child. And oh, btw, nobody can prove any of this at all. I also would like to know why is that, that some people can believe that far fetched book of stories like it's gold, and I think that it's kinda childish and mean, and pretty much a total scam to control people with fairy tales. That's what fascinates me.

I know what you hear. You keep telling us. But you do not hear what we say. We have risen above such an interpretation and would like for others to see what we are seeing. However, people who insist on remaining grounded are not ever going to see the view from above.
There are consequences to every choice you make choosing to believe or not to believe has its consequences also

I offer this for consideration:

God's kingdom begins for us here on earth. I don't think we can say with certainty that people who do not find the Kingdom here on earth are doomed for eternity. The consequence they face (and I have seen this played out in my family) is that they are doomed to face life here on earth without God.
So what happens when those people die?
It's too late
So what happens to them?
Because I only hear nonsense about a mass murdering god who raped a virgin and then had a zombie child. And oh, btw, nobody can prove any of this at all. I also would like to know why is that, that some people can believe that far fetched book of stories like it's gold, and I think that it's kinda childish and mean, and pretty much a total scam to control people with fairy tales. That's what fascinates me.

I know what you hear. You keep telling us. But you do not hear what we say. We have risen above such an interpretation and would like for others to see what we are seeing. However, people who insist on remaining grounded are not ever going to see the view from above.
But the bible has been scientifically debunked, none of the main stories can be proven, and the central character is a bully who murders nearly everyone. So WHY would you want to believe a book like that? And if you can only find your god through a book, like, that's kinda dumb. A real god wouldn't need a book to get whatever it wanted to get across. That just makes no sense whatsoever.
So what happens when those people die?

Scripture mentions that those who do not believe will be judged by their own hearts. Inherent in this is the idea they may lose out on the love, mercy, and compassion of being judged by God. We are often harder on ourselves than anyone else. I have every reason to believe--and every confidence--that my atheist grandfather is doing just fine in the afterlife. I'd tell you the story, but I have no proof. ;)
So what happens when those people die?

Scripture mentions that those who do not believe will be judged by their own hearts. Inherent in this is the idea they may lose out on the love, mercy, and compassion of being judged by God. We are often harder on ourselves than anyone else. I have every reason to believe--and every confidence--that my atheist grandfather is doing just fine in the afterlife. I'd tell you the story, but I have no proof. ;)
"love, mercy, and compassion of being judged by God" that's what being sent to hell is? :cuckoo:

Your grandfather has probably already been re-incarnated. Don't worry about him.
There are consequences to every choice you make choosing to believe or not to believe has its consequences also

I offer this for consideration:

God's kingdom begins for us here on earth. I don't think we can say with certainty that people who do not find the Kingdom here on earth are doomed for eternity. The consequence they face (and I have seen this played out in my family) is that they are doomed to face life here on earth without God.
So what happens when those people die?
It's too late
So what happens to them?
So I'm guessing total darkness and misery forever
There are consequences to every choice you make choosing to believe or not to believe has its consequences also

I offer this for consideration:

God's kingdom begins for us here on earth. I don't think we can say with certainty that people who do not find the Kingdom here on earth are doomed for eternity. The consequence they face (and I have seen this played out in my family) is that they are doomed to face life here on earth without God.
So what happens when those people die?
It's too late
So what happens to them?
So I'm guessing total darkness and misery forever
A guess? So you have no clue. So maybe they get 72 virgins? Who knows?
Because I only hear nonsense about a mass murdering god who raped a virgin and then had a zombie child. And oh, btw, nobody can prove any of this at all. I also would like to know why is that, that some people can believe that far fetched book of stories like it's gold, and I think that it's kinda childish and mean, and pretty much a total scam to control people with fairy tales. That's what fascinates me.

I know what you hear. You keep telling us. But you do not hear what we say. We have risen above such an interpretation and would like for others to see what we are seeing. However, people who insist on remaining grounded are not ever going to see the view from above.
But the bible has been scientifically debunked, none of the main stories can be proven, and the central character is a bully who murders nearly everyone. So WHY would you want to believe a book like that? And if you can only find your god through a book, like, that's kinda dumb. A real god wouldn't need a book to get whatever it wanted to get across. That just makes no sense whatsoever.
If there was total proof you would have no problem in believing but God wants you to believe and choose him of your own free will
Because I only hear nonsense about a mass murdering god who raped a virgin and then had a zombie child. And oh, btw, nobody can prove any of this at all. I also would like to know why is that, that some people can believe that far fetched book of stories like it's gold, and I think that it's kinda childish and mean, and pretty much a total scam to control people with fairy tales. That's what fascinates me.

I know what you hear. You keep telling us. But you do not hear what we say. We have risen above such an interpretation and would like for others to see what we are seeing. However, people who insist on remaining grounded are not ever going to see the view from above.
But the bible has been scientifically debunked, none of the main stories can be proven, and the central character is a bully who murders nearly everyone. So WHY would you want to believe a book like that? And if you can only find your god through a book, like, that's kinda dumb. A real god wouldn't need a book to get whatever it wanted to get across. That just makes no sense whatsoever.
If there was total proof you would have no problem in believing but God wants you to believe and choose him of your own free will
Did you read that in a book? I get free will but am threatened not to use it by a mass murdering bully who is so vain that it wants me to worship it or I'll roast?
But the bible has been scientifically debunked, none of the main stories can be proven, and the central character is a bully who murders nearly everyone. So WHY would you want to believe a book like that? And if you can only find your god through a book, like, that's kinda dumb. A real god wouldn't need a book to get whatever it wanted to get across. That just makes no sense whatsoever.

I've told you before that the Bible is not a science textbook, a factual newspaper account, or an Encyclopedia--none of which were available or even known in Biblical times. The Bible is a collection of stories--stories that we have lost the ability to understand--or even produce. Back then, people truly knew how to tell stories that reveal spiritual truths and the realities of life here on earth. Today, people who read the Bible as though it were a textbook, an Encyclopedia, or a factual newspaper account are going to entirely miss what is being communicated, much of which are eternal truths.
But the bible has been scientifically debunked, none of the main stories can be proven, and the central character is a bully who murders nearly everyone. So WHY would you want to believe a book like that? And if you can only find your god through a book, like, that's kinda dumb. A real god wouldn't need a book to get whatever it wanted to get across. That just makes no sense whatsoever.

I've told you before that the Bible is not a science textbook, a factual newspaper account, or an Encyclopedia--none of which were available or even known in Biblical times. The Bible is a collection of stories--stories that we have lost the ability to understand--or even produce. Back then, people truly knew how to tell stories that reveal spiritual truths and the realities of life here on earth. Today, people who read the Bible as though it were a textbook, an Encyclopedia, or a factual newspaper account are going to entirely miss what is being communicated, much of which are eternal truths.
Ya, I got that a while back, nothing in the bible means what's written. Nothing like moving the goalposts when you realize that the book IS nonsense as written. Well, there at least that, that you think the bible is nonsense as written. :biggrin:
"love, mercy, and compassion of being judged by God" that's what being sent to hell is? :cuckoo:

Your grandfather has probably already been re-incarnated. Don't worry about him.

Who is worried? By the way, you continue to miss the points.
Ya, I got that a while back, nothing in the bible means what's written. Nothing like moving the goalposts when you realize that the book IS nonsense as written. Well, there at least that, that you think the bible is nonsense as written.

Yes. It's realizing that in reading the Bible as a kid, I had moved the goalposts--so I took the time to go back and truly study both the Bible and Biblical times (both history and culture). I was then able to restore the goalposts to their original location--and recognize where others are moving them.
Ya, I got that a while back, nothing in the bible means what's written. Nothing like moving the goalposts when you realize that the book IS nonsense as written. Well, there at least that, that you think the bible is nonsense as written.

Yes. It's realizing that in reading the Bible as a kid, I had moved the goalposts--so I took the time to go back and truly study both the Bible and Biblical times (both history and culture). I was then able to restore the goalposts to their original location--and recognize where others are moving them.
If you haven't moved the goalposts, then how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again? Remember, if you're not moving the goalposts, you can't claim that all the land masses were one at the time of the flood.
No, it's you who fails to realize what you write.

Grin. No I realize precisely what I am writing and what I mean. Not only that, it being a rather lazy morning for me, I am sitting back and predicting exactly how you are going to respond (or not respond). Kind of scary how accurate I am, since I really don't believe people can read minds. I am also betting that anyone who may later read this exchange can also predict the outcome.
If you haven't moved the goalposts, then how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again? Remember, if you're not moving the goalposts, you can't claim that all the land masses were one at the time of the flood.

Kangaroos from Australia is moving the goalposts. Who moved the goalposts there? And why did you follow them?

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