
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Please write your Rep. Senators to ask
Susan Rice : "did you ever have an
affair with Obama?"
Please PLEASE understand the Dems use these cspan moments for snide attacks of politicizing the process and Republicans need to strap on a pair and start using these same tactics to fight propaganda with insinuations that will literally destroy the democratic party.
I'm saying request your Senators to ask Comey straight out: Now that you have email evidence of pay to play that Hillary illegally tried to hide upon request, have ypu ever asked what those favors were?
We now know through emails and open money envelope hand offs that Saudis paid off the Clintons, so did you ever investigate what favors they got for those payoffs?
Why not? Isn't it extremely important?
In 1998 Bill mysteriously let Bin Laden slip away, don't you think 911, Afgan war, Iraq War, Isis all an affect of this suspicious act is extremely important enough to warrant investigation of WHAT EXACTLY WERE THE FAVORS THE SAUDIS RECEIVED BY THE CLINTONS and is this the reason why Obama suspiciously refused to stand his ground over Saudis involvement in 911?
Whether it's the media or the Senate it's time to ask the real questions, questions that they have no excuse for ignoring.
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Nothing has ever surfaced about Obama having an extramarital affair. I'm guessing this is from InfoWars.
Nothing has ever surfaced about Obama having an extramarital affair. I'm guessing this is from InfoWars.
Actually there were accusations, and I noticed her closeness and can spot when something is beyond work. No I'm a counter propagandist, example your "Resist" was sending out aggitator emails asking people to bother politicians claiming the new healthcare plan was worse then the first draft and was denying care to existing issues which both are not true=proving they are merely terrorizing the gov't trying to sabotage out gov't from getting work done. Since MoveOn is the apparent org it's tying Obama and his activist henchmen behind this shadow anarchists.
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Nothing has ever surfaced about Obama having an extramarital affair. I'm guessing this is from InfoWars.
Actually there were accusations, and I noticed her closeness and can spot when something is beyond work. No I'm a counter propagandist, example your "Resist" was sending out aggitator emails asking people to bother politicians claiming the new healthcare plan was worse hen the first draft and was denying care to existing issues which both are not true=proving they are merely terrorizing the gov't trying to sabotage out gov't from getting work done. Since MoveOn is the apparent org it's tying Obama and his activist henchmen behind this shadow anarchists.

What accusations? What proof do you have of this?

Also, groups of people have the right to reach out to their government and contact them, regardless of ideology.
When someone(moveon org) financed by Soros has a known associate of former president Obama (the head of Resist is Ashley Kroetsch ) send out propaganda -fake info to disrupt and the groups have caused terrorist acts then a former president and his people are interfring, manipulating, disrupting and sabotaging, engaging in acts of treason, and in some cases threats to people and buildings are outright acts of terrorism.
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Above they beat up someone's grandfather.
No pics of the fire they started that could have caused a towering inferno.=terrorists.
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When someone(moveon org) financed by Soros has a known associate of former president Obama (the head of Resist) send out propaganda -fake info to disrupt and the groups have caused terrorist acts then a former president and his people are interfring, manipulating, disrupting and sabotaging, engaging in acts of treason, and in some cases threats to people and buildings are outright acts of terrorism.

Everything to critics is Soros, Soros, Soros. Yet where was the outcry over the Koch Brothers funding the Tea Party?

Soros would have to be the wealthiest person in the history of the world if he was responsible for every single thing critics accuse him of being responsible for.
She might have to testify and imagine the open jaws at the prospect of her pleading the fifth to that question of affair. Perhaps one main reason she refuses to testify.

Why would an employee take the bullet for a boss, only a lover does that.
Ashley Kroetsch spear heads these activities under the guise of social activism is actually a former (perhaps present) employee of Obama's activist movements hence why they mention Resist is trained & assisted by Moveon org which is financed by Billionaire agitator manipulator George Soros. In other words you the minions are tools and fools for manipulation. Like all terrorist organizations they pose as social activism and charity orgs fighting for rights of the people who they
enslave and manipulate with propaganda to do their biddding for them. Wake up! If they had your best interest they wouldn't tell you to oppose saving the imploding Affordable Care Act for sake of making the opposing party look bad for sake of party over country and the health & well being of the people.
People are genuinely fed up with what is going on and are joining groups to stop it.
People are genuinely fed up with what is going on and are joining groups to stop it.
I understand, but you are describing Isis and thus acting like Isis. Activist
Groups formed by a president should not be involved harassing the new administration and rights of the voters who voted them in. While you think they are being a free speech democracy it's actually opposite supressing democracy and acting treasonous to boot.
Most terrorist orgs are activist orgs that start as social justice charity by disguise, they also engage in demonizatuon of opponents, propaganda and riot rallies when online suffices.
Itcs who's behind resist and it's use using tools and fools who know no better.
It's Country first before party. Anyone sabotaging the country for sake of affiliation pride is no better then religions sacrificing righteousness, their religion and their people for sake of affiliation pride.

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