Pockets Of Parasites


Sep 23, 2010
Human parasites nest just like cockroaches. It takes a lot of effort to locate a cockroach nest:

How to Locate a Cockroach Nest
By Darcy Logan, eHow Contributor

How to Locate a Cockroach Nest | eHow

It’s easier to identify a parasite nest than it is to locate a cockroach nest. Just look at who their elected officials feed.

A number of American states are parasite nests. Only seven states do NOT tax income. Every state harbors a budding nest, while the following states are so infested that killing the nest is next to impossible; New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, Michigan, California, Oregon, and New Jersey.

New Jersey’s nest warrants special attention because roach master extraordinaire, Chris Christie, is currently the media’s choice for the Republican party’s presidential candidate in 2016. Joseph Farah does not mention the parasites who elected Christie, but he does tell us what a parasite master looks like:

Could the Republican Party establishment choose a presidential candidate in 2016 that is actually worse than John McCain or Mitt Romney in 2016?

Is that possible?

I’ve been asking everyone I know who is plugged in to GOP national politics who they think will be the establishment guy to trump the choice of the grass-roots. You know the Karl Roves of the world have some favorites.

Alarmingly, I keep hearing one name thrown out there – Chris Christie.

Whom will GOP establishment pick in 2016?
Exclusive: Joseph Farah warns freedom lovers, 'Let's learn from our mistakes'
Published: 18 hours ago

Whom will GOP establishment pick in 2016?

The care & feeding of parasites

Care is easy —— welfare state programs and soft touch parasite jobs on every level of government. Nourishment depends on the XVI Amendment. It is fair to say that the income tax is the primary source of food for parasites. Programs and soft touch parasites jobs on every level of government require nourishment. Food depends on the XVI Amendment; so long as it remains in force isolating their nests is the only course of action.

Parasites elect governors and legislatures because leading parasite states have large populations with a majority of parasites. That does not give them the majority in the US Senate. The House is only slightly less immune from parasite infestation.

Non-parasite states contain pockets of parasites; so in addition to electing federal parasites in the states they control, parasites can pick up a few House seats in non-parasite states. The total would be nowhere near a majority if all of the voters in non-parasites states concentrated on isolating parasite districts.

Parasite cities like NYC, Chicago, Newark, Boston, Los Angeles, etc., are a major problem within parasite states. City nests are so well-protected they will be the last to die after the XVI Amendment is repealed.

Repealing the XVI Amendment is only the first step. Ultimately, prohibiting an income tax must be the goal in killing parasite nests permanently.

A slew of cities also tax incomes. Click on this link if you’re interested in learning how far parasites came by taxing income:

Arguably, NYC’s parasite nest is the most entrenched and the hardest to kill. Note that ACORN was not defunded because it changed its name:

“Lining up to receive their fair share of the spoils will be the old ACORN organization, now renamed New York Communities for Change; the far-left Working Families Party; the United Federation of Teachers and other municipal unions; the radical Service Employees International Union, including the former communist-led health-care workers’ union Local 1199; the civil liberties and homeless lobbies.”

ACORN to be reborn in New York City?
Mayoral candidate would open City Hall to who's who of leftist radicals
Published: 14 hours ago

ACORN to be reborn in New York City?

Finally, Barack Taqiyya is the first president born of the parasite class. He was elected by parasites, useful idiots, and wannabe parasites. Parasites already feeding on the income tax want more, while millions of wannabe parasites will get tax dollar jobs if the ACA is not defunded until it can be repealed. Question: Will the parasite class finally become the majority? Before you answer NO take a good look at income tax incrementalism since 1913.
Lincoln, that darn parasite.

To Moonglow: Actually, when Lincoln set this country on the path to totalitarian government he could not have foreseen the birth of the parasite class his blood soaked hands sired. Nevertheless, it is fair to call him the Father of the Parasite Class.

I am only responding to your attempt at sarcasm because last night I watched part of the movie Lincoln. I thought it might be entertaining. I should have known better. It did not take me long to see that it was excrement. Happily, it was recorded; so I fast-forwarded through most of it.

I have to admit the publicity suckered me. Hollywood libs make movies like Lincoln to glorify their worldview, while they do hatchet jobs on famous people they don’t like. The fact that the movie was based on a novel by plagiarist Doris Kearns Goodwin should have warned me.

If I’ve not made myself clear see this thread to learn what I really think of Lincoln:

Finally, should the ACA not be repealed, I can envision freakazoids a hundred years from now making a movie about Barack Taqiyya’s political skills, his compassion, his moral leadership. Naturally, nothing will be said of the people slaughtered by ACA death panels, nor will the tremendous loss of freedoms stolen away by the ACA be included. Even now, the similarity between the Civil War and the ACA is obvious to everyone except hate-filled parasites. The ACA will be worse than Lincoln’s war because government killing ended when the Civil War ended.

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