Hey moron, it means that you deduct the cost of your health insurance premiums from your gross adjusted income. It doesn't mean you get it for free, it just means you don't pay taxes on that amount of your income. Are you really that damn stupid?Dancing around the questions....sad.
LMMAAAOOOOO another rube who thinks all her money belongs to govt....... policy holder paid=free in bizarro world
When the government is going to pay you back for it; yes it's free.
If I spend $3300 a year on insurance out of my pocket and the government pays me back $3300 for doing it; I got a year's worth of insurance for free.
Are you too dense to understand that? I don't think you are.
So, how is that not the "free shit" from the government you've been bitching about for 8 years?
Do you file taxes..... you realize a deduction is not a dollar for dollar situation.....and your health expenses have to reach a certain threshold before you can deduct them at all meaning its a deduction most upper income people dont get
Okay, great. Congratulations for answering a question. ..Here is what Trump says on his website:
There doesn't say there will be some sort of percentage, she sort of threshold, etc... That is what the proposal is.
- Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.
Healthcare Reform
Now, again, once and for all. How is this different than the "free shit" from the government you guys have been bitching about for 8 years.