Point #3 of Trump's HCP; Doesn't that equal the "free shit" you guys hate?

Didn't quite get the economics of it, did you?
The funny part is that she was calling out everybody like she really had us on the ropes. Notice how she's too embarrassed to come back to the thread? :lol:

A drive to Tucson will do that.

Deducting what you spend on insurance and being rebated the money by the government is getting your insurance for free. You guys seem to be stating that it won't be dollar for dollar. Okay...if it is or isn't, you're still getting money from the government (i.e. "free shit").
You were better off staying away. You still don't get it. You're not being rebated the money and your insurance is still NOT FREE. You just don't have to pay tax on the amount of money you spent for the insurance. This is basic stuff and you have to be an air head if you can't grasp it. No offense. :lol:

"Don't have to pay"

Can't you just admit you didn't know what you were talking about? :lol:

Can't you admit it's "free shit" (you already have) and that if Obama had come up with it, you'd be all over it?
Here is a quote from another thread:

Point #3: Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.

That is the same as saying its going to be free insurance; paid for by the US Government.

How is this any different than the "free shit" from the government you guys have been railing against for 8 years?

I'm asking those who have deemed Trump their messiah:


But feel free to comment if you're not one of the disciples.

Here are the top ten tax deductions or "expenditures" that the government allows.
One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
NOTE the #1 is employer-sponsored health insurance $171 billion.
This for simple minded people means... your companies' health insurance premiums that they pay for you are a TAX DEDUCTION... i.e.
exactly what Trump says should be the case for the individual.
PLUS by making the premiums tax deductible guess what??
The 1,400 companies that sell health insurance WON"T BE put out of business but will thrive as MORE people will be able to deduct their premiums.

After all that right now according to the United States Census Bureau, roughly 55% obtain insurance through an employer, while about 10% purchase it directly. About 31% of Americans were enrolled in a public health insurance program: 14.5% (45 million – although that number has since risen to 48 million) had Medicare, 15.9% (49 million) had Medicaid, and 4.2% (13 million) had military health insurance (there is some overlap, causing percentages to add up to more than 100%)
Health insurance in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The funny part is that she was calling out everybody like she really had us on the ropes. Notice how she's too embarrassed to come back to the thread? :lol:

A drive to Tucson will do that.

Deducting what you spend on insurance and being rebated the money by the government is getting your insurance for free. You guys seem to be stating that it won't be dollar for dollar. Okay...if it is or isn't, you're still getting money from the government (i.e. "free shit").
You were better off staying away. You still don't get it. You're not being rebated the money and your insurance is still NOT FREE. You just don't have to pay tax on the amount of money you spent for the insurance. This is basic stuff and you have to be an air head if you can't grasp it. No offense. :lol:

"Don't have to pay"

Can't you just admit you didn't know what you were talking about? :lol:

Can't you admit it's "free shit" (you already have) and that if Obama had come up with it, you'd be all over it?
Because it's not any "free shit" any more than you deducting your mortgage interest. Is that "free shit"?
See this chart of what the government allows as a DEDUCTION..
NOTE.. Mortgage interest deduction: $87 billion which millions of Americans take i.e. "free shit"???
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The funny part is that she was calling out everybody like she really had us on the ropes. Notice how she's too embarrassed to come back to the thread? :lol:

A drive to Tucson will do that.

Deducting what you spend on insurance and being rebated the money by the government is getting your insurance for free. You guys seem to be stating that it won't be dollar for dollar. Okay...if it is or isn't, you're still getting money from the government (i.e. "free shit").
You were better off staying away. You still don't get it. You're not being rebated the money and your insurance is still NOT FREE. You just don't have to pay tax on the amount of money you spent for the insurance. This is basic stuff and you have to be an air head if you can't grasp it. No offense. :lol:

"Don't have to pay"

Can't you just admit you didn't know what you were talking about? :lol:

Can't you admit it's "free shit" (you already have) and that if Obama had come up with it, you'd be all over it?
You may very well be the dumbest person on the planet. :lol:
A drive to Tucson will do that.

Deducting what you spend on insurance and being rebated the money by the government is getting your insurance for free. You guys seem to be stating that it won't be dollar for dollar. Okay...if it is or isn't, you're still getting money from the government (i.e. "free shit").
You were better off staying away. You still don't get it. You're not being rebated the money and your insurance is still NOT FREE. You just don't have to pay tax on the amount of money you spent for the insurance. This is basic stuff and you have to be an air head if you can't grasp it. No offense. :lol:

"Don't have to pay"

Can't you just admit you didn't know what you were talking about? :lol:

Can't you admit it's "free shit" (you already have) and that if Obama had come up with it, you'd be all over it?
You may very well be the dumbest person on the planet. :lol:

I don't think he comprehends that the government considers ALL of our income as theirs. So when they allow us to KEEP our income by allowing deductions like
mortgage interest it still isn't "FREE SHIT".... It's our money we can keep according to the government.

NOW "FREE SHIT" is this for those people that don't comprehend the distinction.
FREE SHIT is when the government GIVES you something in exchange for doing nothing to get it.
Now this is FREE SHIT!

a) Free Cell phone (my cell phone bill which I PAY about $100/month includes a tax that pays for this free phone...)
if the poor person receives just one of the below FREE entitlements:
* Food stamps * Medicaid * Section 8 * Supplemental Security Income * National School Lunch Program

b) 46 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month in free food.

it cost $75.7 billion in 2011 compared to $35 billion in 2008; and enrollment has hit an all-time high of 46.7 million recipients.
Meanwhile, the number of children receiving free school lunches has inflated from 18 to 21 million — an unprecedented jump —
about 2.1 million households (6 million) use Section 8 the Housing Choice Voucher program, pays a large
c) portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...
So these people get:
=== $ 5,666 in Earned Income Credit i.e. a check from Uncle Sam instead of paying they get a check!!!
=== $12,000 free housing , Section 8 will pay up to $1,000/month
=== $ 2,400 free food,
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.
So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...
Point #3: Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.
Yes, that is exactly the same thing as a subsidy.

Every deduction has to be made up for by someone else, or by borrowing.

The current employer-sponsored health insurance exemption is the single largest individual tax expenditure and should go away.
Here is a quote from another thread:

Point #3: Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.

That is the same as saying its going to be free insurance; paid for by the US Government.

How is this any different than the "free shit" from the government you guys have been railing against for 8 years?

I'm asking those who have deemed Trump their messiah:


But feel free to comment if you're not one of the disciples.

Go fUck yourself! The money collected from income taxes was mine anyways before the government decided to take it.
I don't think he comprehends that the government considers ALL of our income as theirs. So when they allow us to KEEP our income by allowing deductions like
mortgage interest it still isn't "FREE SHIT"....
I don't think you comprehend your deduction has to be made up for by someone else. So it most certainly is FREE SHIT paid for by someone else.

Everyone else has to pay MORE taxes to make up for your free shit (deduction).
If a feudal lord had 20 serfs under him, and his annual expenditures came to $1000, he would have to tax each serf $50.

If he then took $200 of this money and returned it to 5 of his favorite serfs, he would have $800 left. Not enough to cover his $1000 in expenses. And so he needs to tax everyone an additional $10 to balance his books. In short, he would have to raise the tax rates by 20 percent on everyone to come out even and to give the $200 gift to his five favorites.

This is the system we have today.

Those 5 inner circle serfs tell themselves, "Woo hoo! I get to keep more of my money! Yay!", completely oblivious to the fact everyone is paying higher tax rates because of them, including themselves.

Instead of paying $50 in taxes, the other 15 serfs who are carrying them are paying $60 in taxes.

Bad for the economy. And wealth begins to concentrate up to the favored five.
Here are the top ten tax deductions or "expenditures" that the government allows.
One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
NOTE the #1 is employer-sponsored health insurance $171 billion.
This for simple minded people means... your companies' health insurance premiums that they pay for you are a TAX DEDUCTION... i.e.
exactly what Trump says should be the case for the individual.

Not only are your employer's premiums tax deductible, your employer insurance benefit is tax exempted from your income tax.

A huge boondoggle that has to be paid for by higher tax rates for EVERYONE.
I don't think he comprehends that the government considers ALL of our income as theirs. So when they allow us to KEEP our income by allowing deductions like
mortgage interest it still isn't "FREE SHIT"....
I don't think you comprehend your deduction has to be made up for by someone else. So it most certainly is FREE SHIT paid for by someone else.

Everyone else has to pay MORE taxes to make up for your free shit (deduction).
And you don't understand accounting much less tax payments.

The federal government DOES NOT have a fixed amount of money coming in would you agree?
In other words it is based on taxes calculated by the people paying their taxes.
So how is a tax deduction ever considered "free shit"?
NOW FREE SHIT is when the government pays your cell phone bill as I imagine it does right now. And it pays your rent under section 8 plus you free food is paid
by the government. NOW that is "free shit"!
I don't think he comprehends that the government considers ALL of our income as theirs. So when they allow us to KEEP our income by allowing deductions like
mortgage interest it still isn't "FREE SHIT"....
I don't think you comprehend your deduction has to be made up for by someone else. So it most certainly is FREE SHIT paid for by someone else.

Everyone else has to pay MORE taxes to make up for your free shit (deduction).
She thinks a tax deduction means you are reimbursed the full amount of what you spent. It's nice of you to try and make her look less stupid but you fail at it.
I don't think he comprehends that the government considers ALL of our income as theirs. So when they allow us to KEEP our income by allowing deductions like
mortgage interest it still isn't "FREE SHIT"....
I don't think you comprehend your deduction has to be made up for by someone else. So it most certainly is FREE SHIT paid for by someone else.

Everyone else has to pay MORE taxes to make up for your free shit (deduction).
And you don't understand accounting much less tax payments.

The federal government DOES NOT have a fixed amount of money coming in would you agree?
In other words it is based on taxes calculated by the people paying their taxes.
So how is a tax deduction ever considered "free shit"?
NOW FREE SHIT is when the government pays your cell phone bill as I imagine it does right now. And it pays your rent under section 8 plus you free food is paid
by the government. NOW that is "free shit"!
See post 49.

There's a reason deductions, credits, and exemptions are called tax expenditures by the experts.

Your deduction is free shit. In fact, it is far more costly than traditional welfare like food stamps and Obamaphones.

Tax expenditures cost taxpayers $1.2 trillion a year, whereas welfare costs taxpayers half as much at $600 billion.
You have $100 in expenses. You charge your two taxpayers $50 each.

Balanced budget.

But next year, you give one taxpayer a $20 deduction for performing like a well-behaved monkey, and he pays only $30. He's out there jumping for joy, telling the world this is a virtuous behavioral control program. "I get to keep more of my own money! That money was mine anyways."

He is completely oblivious to the fact the second taxpayer is now going to have to pay $70 in taxes to keep the budget balanced.

That is why your deductions are free shit. That $20 deduction came out of the other taxpayer's pocket. And you have an inequitable system where identical taxpayers are paying radically different amounts of tax.

Get it now, retards?
If I barrowed two trillion dollars from a bank, and then the bank started harassing me about where I should spend $200 billion, I would tell them to fuck off.
Here is a quote from another thread:

Point #3: Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.

That is the same as saying its going to be free insurance; paid for by the US Government.

How is this any different than the "free shit" from the government you guys have been railing against for 8 years?

I'm asking those who have deemed Trump their messiah:


But feel free to comment if you're not one of the disciples.

Go fUck yourself! The money collected from income taxes was mine anyways before the government decided to take it.
Ahh, another new fan of "free shit".
You have $100 in expenses. You charge your two taxpayers $50 each.

Balanced budget.

But next year, you give one taxpayer a $20 deduction for performing like a well-behaved monkey, and he pays only $30. He's out there jumping for joy, telling the world this is a virtuous behavioral control program. "I get to keep more of my own money! That money was mine anyways."

He is completely oblivious to the fact the second taxpayer is now going to have to pay $70 in taxes to keep the budget balanced.

That is why your deductions are free shit. That $20 deduction came out of the other taxpayer's pocket. And you have an inequitable system where identical taxpayers are paying radically different amounts of tax.

Get it now, retards?
It's only free shit in the minds of people like you who think the money you earn belongs to the government in the first place and not the person who earns it.
You have $100 in expenses. You charge your two taxpayers $50 each.

Balanced budget.

But next year, you give one taxpayer a $20 deduction for performing like a well-behaved monkey, and he pays only $30. He's out there jumping for joy, telling the world this is a virtuous behavioral control program. "I get to keep more of my own money! That money was mine anyways."

He is completely oblivious to the fact the second taxpayer is now going to have to pay $70 in taxes to keep the budget balanced.

That is why your deductions are free shit. That $20 deduction came out of the other taxpayer's pocket. And you have an inequitable system where identical taxpayers are paying radically different amounts of tax.

Get it now, retards?
It's only free shit in the minds of people like you who think the money you earn belongs to the government in the first place and not the person who earns it.
You really are stupid.

I dumbed it down as much as possible, and you didn't read a word, did you.

Your deductions are paid for out of the pockets of other people. They are paying higher taxes to pay for your deduction. That makes you a leech.

And just like any other government gift sucking leech, you are defending your free shit with willful denial. "Mine! Mine! Mine!"
Eliminating tax expenditures is a CONSERVATIVE cause, dumbasses.

Policy Basics: Federal Tax Expenditures | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Tax expenditures” are subsidies delivered through the tax code as deductions, exclusions, and other tax preferences.

In fiscal year 2015, tax expenditures reduced federal income tax revenue by over $1.2 trillion, and they reduced payroll taxes and other revenues by an additional $128 billion. For comparison, just the federal income tax expenditures together cost more than Social Security, or the combined cost of Medicare and Medicaid, or defense or non-defense discretionary spending.

Tax expenditures are intended to promote policy goals.
In other words, they are a government behavioral control program, little mice.

Many policymakers have proposed cutting tax expenditures to reduce the deficit, increase investments made on the spending side of the budget, reduce tax rates, or a combination of those aims.

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