Police Brutality In 2015: NWO Police State...

Sadly, more schooling and training is required to become a hairdresser, than a Police Officer in today's America. It's time to change that.
Meanwhile, the brutal Police State continues to expand.

Thanks for sharing that with us. I very much appreciate it. It's very difficult for to believe that many don't see what's happening on our streets, and in America. That short video is a great example of what happens every single day somewhere in this country. Not only do we have a very corrupt government running this once great nation, but we also have out-of-control animalistic and barbaric members of law enforcement that's been given a permit to murder citizens at will. This can't continue forever. At some point, the people are going to rise and demand justice. I hope and pray that it's sooner than later, for all of our sakes. Thanks again for sharing the video with us.
Meanwhile, the brutal Police State continues to expand.

Thanks for sharing that with us. I very much appreciate it. It's very difficult for to believe that many don't see what's happening on our streets, and in America. That short video is a great example of what happens every single somewhere in this country. Not only do we have a very corrupt government running this once great nation, but we also have out-of-control animalistic and barbaric members of law enforcement that's been given a permit to murder citizens at will. This can't continue forever. At some point, the people are going to rise and demand justice. I hope and pray that it's sooner than later, for all of our sakes. Thanks again for sharing the video with us.

You're welcome. Yeah, it's time for change. Police violence is out of control. They've been given too much power. They're not being held accountable.
Look, we all know the system's rigged. The Police are gonna win 99% of the time. It's an average Citizen's word against a gang of 'upstanding' Police Officers' word. Who's the Judge gonna side with? Ya gotta know your rights. Don't let them bully you. That's especially important these days. This Police State is rapidly expanding.

After all the videos the past year it is clear many police officers are out of control. They see themselves as gods.

If the cop shooting the 50 year old man that was unarmed and running away VERY SLOWLY in the back 8 times wasn't caught on video, likely that cop who tried to plant the tazer on the victim would have not been charged.

There are many good cops, but they say nothing and do nothing when they see their fellow officers committing crimes. Its also obvious most police do not know the laws and again just act like they are god and can do what they want.

Everyone should carry a video camera or phone with camera everywhere they go.

Good cops need to point out the bad ones so they can be fired and kicked out of policing permanently.
Cops have always been cool with me, but then again I don't try to fight with them

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