Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

What a chicken shit you are.

Don't get all bent out of shape just because you can't defend your position. :uhoh3:

Than reply to my position you fucken idiot.
I will post it one more time because apparently you're to Goddamn stupid to use the alert feature.
Dirt Nap had just robbed a fucken store!!!!!!!!
What do you think went through his puny little brain when the cops rolled up on him?
Go ahead and take your time....I know if you cant grasp the alert function this might be difficult for you.

You cannot wait a little while for me to get around to it. :laugh:

Cop pulls up and asks them to get out of the street. They didn't even have time to get nervous seeing clearly the cop wasn't pursuing them. If they were that afraid of getting caught, they would run while they had a head start rather than make themselves more vulnerable by diving into a police car, which even one of the World's Stupidest Criminals wouldn't do. I asked already, but you are too busy worrying about how fast I respond to respond to my question of what did Brown have to gain by attacking a cop in a police car?

It's on record, proven by audio recordings that Wilson radioed in that he needed backup to investigate a suspect who was dressed similar to a reported robbery suspect.

The happened after the initial "get out of the street" but before any physical confrontation.

Why lie or ignore basic known facts?

That is according to Wilson.

Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson Says He 8220 Almost Lost Consciousness 8221 When Brown Smashed Him in Face The Gateway Pundit

Wilson told investigators that after Brown passed by, Wilson realized that Johnson’s clothing matched a recent radio alert about a suspect in a robbery at a nearby market where cigarillos had been taken. Wilson radioed for assistance and backed up his SUV to Brown and Johnson.

His story has more holes in it than Brown did like this one:

During the struggle, Brown handed the cigarillos to Johnson, then swung his left hand and hit Wilson on the right side of the face. Wilson said he almost lost consciousness, the source said.

While fighting the cop, Brown stopped to hand the cigars to Johnson. :laugh:

That sounds like nothing but a made-up story.

Wilson only had some swelling in the face, but this tough cop almost lost consciousness. Come on.
BM's 'bum-boy' Johnson told the police BM handed the stolen cigars to Johnson. What's the matter. Don't you believe Johnson?
What you have seen countless times is irrelevant to this case. This is a different case that you did not see.
What you think is relevant or not is irrelevant to me. Its only irrelevant to you because you dont want to believe cops do just what I described.

actually it is you who chooses to believe the "eye witnesses". I have no idea who to believe. I, like you, wasn't there.
I'm not asking you to have an idea about who to believe. I simply stated my reasons for believing the 2 uninvolved ladies instead of the cop trying to save his ass. You and a couple of others seem to be stressed over what I believe and I have no idea as to why.

You are desperately trying to claim that these so called uninvolved ladies have no agenda. Something you could not possibly know.

Any eyewitness can have an agenda, but nobody says we should eliminate eyewitnesses from court.

You have literally know idea what you are talking about. Eyewitness testimony is completely unreliable. Even if Brown's friend didn't intentionally lie, people often see what they want to see, same with the other witnesses.

I've ran a crime scene and asked 10 different witnesses what happened and gotten 10 completely different accounts on numerous occasions. It's not necessarily people lying, it's just that eyewitnesses suck

By the way, here's an unrelated story about an unarmed man who attacked police

Did the police make that one up to? It happens. People are stupid.
I'm not dodging the question. You have been misinformed by a dishonest, so-called eye witness. The dude that was with Michael lied about Michael's being shot in the back. He lied about Wilson reaching out through the window and grabbing Michael by the neck.

The race baiters ran with that and you sucked it up like cheap Kool-Aid through a clown straw.

Which is much more common? Cops starting things and grabbing people by the neck or thereabouts? Or suspects for practically no reason diving into police vehicles and attacking officers?
Makes no difference what you think is common. It's what happened in THIS CASE that is important.

It should be considered if that is something that almost never happens, but cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common.

I would be extremely surprised if you could produce a single story of someone diving into a police car to attack an officer. It is beyond all reason for someone unarmed to attack a cop in their car when the officer can easily shoot them. I have never heard of it happening.

But cops grabbing people viciously for little or no reason is common, and here is a cop grabbing someone by the neck just recently.

Eric Garner did not make even the slightest movement towards officers yet they choked him to death. Not letting up, when he is easily heard saying, "I can't breathe" is murder.

The forensic evidence is more valuable than any "eye witness" testimony, especially when the so-called "eye witness" testimony flies in the face of forensic evidence. Johnson LIED! Empathizers and sympathizers fed on this. It became "the truth". No manner of explanation will suffice to calm the savage call for REVENGE!

Even by professionals, forensic evidence can be widely interpreted which means it can be interpreted to mean anything here. Eye witnesses can never be ignored if they are respectable and earnest like the women. I also thought Johnson was very straightforward in his story.

...and if you don't think color plays an exponential factor in the equation of j-u-s-t-i-c-e, you should abandon all hope of becoming truly enlightened.

It is beyond the time that we should have shunned Jesse, Al, Malcolm, Jeremiah, Barry, Eric and many other race-baiting assholes that drive a wedge between crime and justice.

barracks preacher - Yahoo Search Results

Listen to the hatred in this man's heart.

You can't expect them to stay silent, can you. Look how much attention it has gotten on the forum.

Again, it makes no difference what you think is common or expected to have happened during the confrontation. Your conjecture is nothing more than an acting out in your mind of what you might have done if placed in similar circumstances. You likely have no idea what it's like to be stoned out of your gourd, just having left a successful bullying contest with stolen items, encountering an armed officer of the law while walking defiantly down the centerline of the street with your buddy, Johnson, deciding for some unknown reason to struggle with the officer trying to take his weapon and get shot once, walk away and then come back for more....you gotta be outta yo fuckin' head.

Yet you try to explain what Brown was thinking, what Wilson was thinking, what each was doing without regard for the forensic evidence that offers infinitely more accurate evidence of what transpired than any "eye witness" account. If an eye witness account is not consistent with the forensic evidence, the account is either a lie or a honest mistake. There's no tellin' what someone might claim to have seen when they're wishin' to have seen somethin' in particular.

If eye witness accounts are corroborated by forensic evidence, the testimony of the eye witness has significant value.

Yes, it matters, if the story Wilson gave doesn't hold up to scrutiny, we could say it is a bizarre story. The consistency lies in the testimony of the witnesses who said Wilson backed up and almost hit Brown which is an action. Wilson is creating the action and is then going to follow it up, therefore it would be consistent that he backed up specifically to grab Brown illegally by the throat. One story is consistent and the other is not. It all lends to believing or not believing the witnesses and MUST be considered.

You said they had to be out of their "head" to have done those things, because, yes, the whole make-believe story is bizarre and ridiculous.

if the story Wilson gave doesn't hold up to scrutiny,

as this unfolds and evidence becomes public

wisons version is holding up
White people are nothing to be jealous of. I'd kill myself if I were white.

Sooner the better, bitch.

I told you I would if a cop every tried to grab me in a headlock. Except his widow would be getting his pension instead of me dying. I'm not an 18 year old kid.

So...are you 12 years old on your mother's computer, or 30 and living in her basement?
Yeah, only whites are allowed to own guns . . . . :rolleyes-41:

deflection...and a clumsy, amateur one at that.
You are getting your ass kicked all over the boards tonight white boy. How big was Mike Brown again?

I don't care how big the dead negro is. Never did, boy.
Gooberboy did and you came to his rescue. I know you thought he was Goliath as well. You white boy racists are a timid bunch.
He was so fat that he would be too heavy to qualify for the UFC heavy weight division. He was a HUGE disgusting fat boy! You are really dumb for thinking he was small. You clearly aren't following this case.

Off the top of my head, LOTS of people are too heavy for the UFC heavyweight class (which tops out at 265lbs). Off the top of my head, this dude is 300lbs:
it had to be at least 20 feet

since brown is lying next to three bullet casings
I would take that to mean Wilson walked up on Brown and kept shooting him just like the eye witness described.

How close do you think Wilson was to the suspect when he fired his last shot?
I dont know. I only have the eyewitness account to go on. Even if he never walked up on him how hard would it be to drop 3 shell casings near Brown?

Just this: If the eyewitnesses were "witnessing" the event and Wilson did that, do you not think we would have heard about it long ago? IOW, no, he didn't walk up and drop the casings. He would have had to collect them from the ground first, walk over and place them. He didn't.
Depends on if the witness saw him do it in the confusion resulting in other cops arriving. Another cop could have dropped the shells as well to help Wilson out. Cops have arranged crimes scenes millions of times before. Why would this one be any different?

So...you are actually trying to say that a DIFFERENT officer arrived, PICKED UP three casings from Wilson's gun, and placed them next to Brown's body? Are you on LSD?!?!
Can you quote that?

it has been posted

you continue to run around in circles
I never saw anything that indicated that. My guess is you are simply talking out your ass.
It is no guess on my part. YOU are talking out of your ass.
So where is the autopsy report that says Brown was the one advancing?

the autopsy report does say that on page two of the investigation

the deceased turned around and ran towards Officer Wilson. Officer Wilson had his service weapon drawn

Pdf PDF Autopsy report for Michael Brown News

however it is the photographic evidence that supports the claim made in the report which also has been posted

plus there are eight witnesses that supports the officers version of the event
You cant be that dumb can you? Those are not the findings of the autopsy you idiot. Thats from what Wilson told them. I'll give you a clue. In that same document it says plain as day "Det Hokamp DSN-609 of the St Louis County Police Department provided the following preliminary investigative detail." It goes on to say other things like "the deceased became belligerent towards officer Wilson...." Please tell me you are not that much of a moron and you were trying your best to trick me? How do you think the autopsy determined Brown was belligerent towards Wilson? This should be amusing to see explain this.

I attached the page so everyone else can see how much of an idiot you are.


  • idiot.jpg
    89.4 KB · Views: 72
I would take that to mean Wilson walked up on Brown and kept shooting him just like the eye witness described.

How close do you think Wilson was to the suspect when he fired his last shot?
I dont know. I only have the eyewitness account to go on. Even if he never walked up on him how hard would it be to drop 3 shell casings near Brown?

Extremely difficult. First, you have to assume that he was carrying empty shells. Highly unlikely. Second, if he wasn't carrying empties, he would have to find the empties, pick them up, and then drop them, all the while knowing that those shots had drawn the interest of many witness's.

Occams Razor will point out to us what really happened.

Very easy. I have witnessed cops do it as a child growing up in the hood. You simply pick up the spent casings and drop them where you want to afterwards.

not one witness has stated that happening
Not one witness has stated that didnt happen either.
I would take that to mean Wilson walked up on Brown and kept shooting him just like the eye witness described.

How close do you think Wilson was to the suspect when he fired his last shot?
I dont know. I only have the eyewitness account to go on. Even if he never walked up on him how hard would it be to drop 3 shell casings near Brown?

Just this: If the eyewitnesses were "witnessing" the event and Wilson did that, do you not think we would have heard about it long ago? IOW, no, he didn't walk up and drop the casings. He would have had to collect them from the ground first, walk over and place them. He didn't.
Depends on if the witness saw him do it in the confusion resulting in other cops arriving. Another cop could have dropped the shells as well to help Wilson out. Cops have arranged crimes scenes millions of times before. Why would this one be any different?

So...you are actually trying to say that a DIFFERENT officer arrived, PICKED UP three casings from Wilson's gun, and placed them next to Brown's body? Are you on LSD?!?!
So you must be saying that scenario is impossible?
White people are nothing to be jealous of. I'd kill myself if I were white.

Sooner the better, bitch.

I told you I would if a cop every tried to grab me in a headlock. Except his widow would be getting his pension instead of me dying. I'm not an 18 year old kid.

So...are you 12 years old on your mother's computer, or 30 and living in her basement?
I'm not white so I wont be killing myself anytime soon.

How close do you think Wilson was to the suspect when he fired his last shot?
I dont know. I only have the eyewitness account to go on. Even if he never walked up on him how hard would it be to drop 3 shell casings near Brown?

Extremely difficult. First, you have to assume that he was carrying empty shells. Highly unlikely. Second, if he wasn't carrying empties, he would have to find the empties, pick them up, and then drop them, all the while knowing that those shots had drawn the interest of many witness's.

Occams Razor will point out to us what really happened.

Very easy. I have witnessed cops do it as a child growing up in the hood. You simply pick up the spent casings and drop them where you want to afterwards.

You're heavily relying on these eyewitnesses. Have ANY of them reported that they saw the officer pick up any shells and drop them? If they have not, you are going on pure supposition and not relying on facts, and that road leads to irrational mob action, not justice.

what makes you think he cares about justice?

He doesn't...he simply wants to burn the witch!
A sure sign of a loser is that they seize on things that don't matter in order to somehow prove their fallicies.

Where the bullet casings were found do not prove that Thug Brown was shot in the back. The bullet wounds prove that he was shot from the front. There could be 100 witnesses saying that Officer Wilson shot the thug in the back. Not 1000 such statements will move an entry wound from the front to the back.
rotagilla said:
Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

LMAO...oh, right...another internet tough guy...:rolleyes:

you're so intimidated, scared and jealous of white people that you say some of the most ridiculous things...
pure comedy..:banana::blsmile::banana:
Thats too funny. :laugh:

You white boys are scared of your own shadows. You must be sleepy. Come on dude I know you can come up with something better than that.

LMAO..sure, sambo..whatever you say. Your jealousy and envy of white people is comical.

Go punch a cop..black or white..and try to take his gun. Give it a try, tough guy...You'll end up just like brown.

White people are nothing to be jealous of. I'd kill myself if I were white.

I told you I would if a cop every tried to grab me in a headlock. Except his widow would be getting his pension instead of me dying. I'm not an 18 year old kid.
Oh surely there's a white man in your woodpile someplace. I mean. Surely you're aware of racial history. Would you like a knife, a gun or a rope?
How close do you think Wilson was to the suspect when he fired his last shot?
I dont know. I only have the eyewitness account to go on. Even if he never walked up on him how hard would it be to drop 3 shell casings near Brown?

Just this: If the eyewitnesses were "witnessing" the event and Wilson did that, do you not think we would have heard about it long ago? IOW, no, he didn't walk up and drop the casings. He would have had to collect them from the ground first, walk over and place them. He didn't.
Depends on if the witness saw him do it in the confusion resulting in other cops arriving. Another cop could have dropped the shells as well to help Wilson out. Cops have arranged crimes scenes millions of times before. Why would this one be any different?

So...you are actually trying to say that a DIFFERENT officer arrived, PICKED UP three casings from Wilson's gun, and placed them next to Brown's body? Are you on LSD?!?!
So you must be saying that scenario is impossible?

Impossible? No. Wildly implausible and about as likely as Brown rising from the dead today? HELL YES!
I dont know. I only have the eyewitness account to go on. Even if he never walked up on him how hard would it be to drop 3 shell casings near Brown?

Just this: If the eyewitnesses were "witnessing" the event and Wilson did that, do you not think we would have heard about it long ago? IOW, no, he didn't walk up and drop the casings. He would have had to collect them from the ground first, walk over and place them. He didn't.
Depends on if the witness saw him do it in the confusion resulting in other cops arriving. Another cop could have dropped the shells as well to help Wilson out. Cops have arranged crimes scenes millions of times before. Why would this one be any different?

So...you are actually trying to say that a DIFFERENT officer arrived, PICKED UP three casings from Wilson's gun, and placed them next to Brown's body? Are you on LSD?!?!
So you must be saying that scenario is impossible?

Impossible? No. Wildly implausible and about as likely as Brown rising from the dead today? HELL YES!
Please explain why its wildly implausible. I wont take your opinion as proof.
If you're being violently assaulted by somebody you have the right, police officer or civilian, to shoot that person in defense. ...
FYI Police officers are civilians. According to the 3rd Geniva convention you are either a member of the military, an enemy combatant or a civilian. Police are not a military, nore do they engage in war, therefore they are civilians.

I think the distinction is relevant because cops have no more right to shoot anyone than you or I, whereas the Military does. A cop can only fire in self-defence just like you and I (which means if cops can have machienguns then logicaly so can everyone else because we're all using them for the same reason).
You are wrong. A police officer can shoot someone in the back if they have just committed a felony and the officer believes they are a danger to the public. Try that as a civilian and youll end up in prison. We give police more authority than the rest of us civilians.

Wilson committed the felony by grabbing Brown by the neck without cause, and after thinking very carefully about it, he decided to eliminate any possibility of Brown pressing charges by murdering him, knowing full well that police virtually always get away with it.

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