Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

I'm not dodging the question. You have been misinformed by a dishonest, so-called eye witness. The dude that was with Michael lied about Michael's being shot in the back. He lied about Wilson reaching out through the window and grabbing Michael by the neck.

The race baiters ran with that and you sucked it up like cheap Kool-Aid through a clown straw.

Which is much more common? Cops starting things and grabbing people by the neck or thereabouts? Or suspects for practically no reason diving into police vehicles and attacking officers?
Makes no difference what you think is common. It's what happened in THIS CASE that is important.

It should be considered if that is something that almost never happens, but cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common.

I would be extremely surprised if you could produce a single story of someone diving into a police car to attack an officer. It is beyond all reason for someone unarmed to attack a cop in their car when the officer can easily shoot them. I have never heard of it happening.

But cops grabbing people viciously for little or no reason is common, and here is a cop grabbing someone by the neck just recently.

Eric Garner did not make even the slightest movement towards officers yet they choked him to death. Not letting up, when he is easily heard saying, "I can't breathe" is murder.

The forensic evidence is more valuable than any "eye witness" testimony, especially when the so-called "eye witness" testimony flies in the face of forensic evidence. Johnson LIED! Empathizers and sympathizers fed on this. It became "the truth". No manner of explanation will suffice to calm the savage call for REVENGE!

Even by professionals, forensic evidence can be widely interpreted which means it can be interpreted to mean anything here. Eye witnesses can never be ignored if they are respectable and earnest like the women. I also thought Johnson was very straightforward in his story.

...and if you don't think color plays an exponential factor in the equation of j-u-s-t-i-c-e, you should abandon all hope of becoming truly enlightened.

It is beyond the time that we should have shunned Jesse, Al, Malcolm, Jeremiah, Barry, Eric and many other race-baiting assholes that drive a wedge between crime and justice.

barracks preacher - Yahoo Search Results

Listen to the hatred in this man's heart.

You can't expect them to stay silent, can you. Look how much attention it has gotten on the forum.
The facts are starting to roll in now. Did you guys know that there are 7 black witnesses who confirm Wilsons testimony? This case is a wrap. Wilson walks. Hopefully he can make some book money, or perhaps money from an interview tour.

What part of the story exactly did they confirm? That Wilson repeatedly shot him dead?
If you aren't aware of Wilsons side of the story, then you aren't qualified to even be in this discussion.
The facts are starting to roll in now. Did you guys know that there are 7 black witnesses who confirm Wilsons testimony? This case is a wrap. Wilson walks. Hopefully he can make some book money, or perhaps money from an interview tour.

What part of the story exactly did they confirm? That Wilson repeatedly shot him dead?
If you aren't aware of Wilsons side of the story, then you aren't qualified to even be in this discussion.

It was just a sarcastic example. First of all, it is a leak and not entirely credible information, and then we don't know if they backed up a crucial part of Wilson's story or not, how credible they look, where they were and when or how consistent their testimony is. We don't even know if it was hearsay or not.
A gun equalizes that disadvantage. They do it to intimidate people. I have seen it done countless times.

What you have seen countless times is irrelevant to this case. This is a different case that you did not see.
What you think is relevant or not is irrelevant to me. Its only irrelevant to you because you dont want to believe cops do just what I described.

actually it is you who chooses to believe the "eye witnesses". I have no idea who to believe. I, like you, wasn't there.
I'm not asking you to have an idea about who to believe. I simply stated my reasons for believing the 2 uninvolved ladies instead of the cop trying to save his ass. You and a couple of others seem to be stressed over what I believe and I have no idea as to why.

You are desperately trying to claim that these so called uninvolved ladies have no agenda. Something you could not possibly know.

Any eyewitness can have an agenda, but nobody says we should eliminate eyewitnesses from court.
I'm not dodging the question. You have been misinformed by a dishonest, so-called eye witness. The dude that was with Michael lied about Michael's being shot in the back. He lied about Wilson reaching out through the window and grabbing Michael by the neck.

The race baiters ran with that and you sucked it up like cheap Kool-Aid through a clown straw.

Which is much more common? Cops starting things and grabbing people by the neck or thereabouts? Or suspects for practically no reason diving into police vehicles and attacking officers?
Makes no difference what you think is common. It's what happened in THIS CASE that is important.

It should be considered if that is something that almost never happens, but cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common.

I would be extremely surprised if you could produce a single story of someone diving into a police car to attack an officer. It is beyond all reason for someone unarmed to attack a cop in their car when the officer can easily shoot them. I have never heard of it happening.

But cops grabbing people viciously for little or no reason is common, and here is a cop grabbing someone by the neck just recently.

Eric Garner did not make even the slightest movement towards officers yet they choked him to death. Not letting up, when he is easily heard saying, "I can't breathe" is murder.

The forensic evidence is more valuable than any "eye witness" testimony, especially when the so-called "eye witness" testimony flies in the face of forensic evidence. Johnson LIED! Empathizers and sympathizers fed on this. It became "the truth". No manner of explanation will suffice to calm the savage call for REVENGE!

Even by professionals, forensic evidence can be widely interpreted which means it can be interpreted to mean anything here. Eye witnesses can never be ignored if they are respectable and earnest like the women. I also thought Johnson was very straightforward in his story.

...and if you don't think color plays an exponential factor in the equation of j-u-s-t-i-c-e, you should abandon all hope of becoming truly enlightened.

It is beyond the time that we should have shunned Jesse, Al, Malcolm, Jeremiah, Barry, Eric and many other race-baiting assholes that drive a wedge between crime and justice.

barracks preacher - Yahoo Search Results

Listen to the hatred in this man's heart.

You can't expect them to stay silent, can you. Look how much attention it has gotten on the forum.

Again, it makes no difference what you think is common or expected to have happened during the confrontation. Your conjecture is nothing more than an acting out in your mind of what you might have done if placed in similar circumstances. You likely have no idea what it's like to be stoned out of your gourd, just having left a successful bullying contest with stolen items, encountering an armed officer of the law while walking defiantly down the centerline of the street with your buddy, Johnson, deciding for some unknown reason to struggle with the officer trying to take his weapon and get shot once, walk away and then come back for more....you gotta be outta yo fuckin' head.

Yet you try to explain what Brown was thinking, what Wilson was thinking, what each was doing without regard for the forensic evidence that offers infinitely more accurate evidence of what transpired than any "eye witness" account. If an eye witness account is not consistent with the forensic evidence, the account is either a lie or a honest mistake. There's no tellin' what someone might claim to have seen when they're wishin' to have seen somethin' in particular.

If eye witness accounts are corroborated by forensic evidence, the testimony of the eye witness has significant value.
I'm not dodging the question. You have been misinformed by a dishonest, so-called eye witness. The dude that was with Michael lied about Michael's being shot in the back. He lied about Wilson reaching out through the window and grabbing Michael by the neck.

The race baiters ran with that and you sucked it up like cheap Kool-Aid through a clown straw.

Which is much more common? Cops starting things and grabbing people by the neck or thereabouts? Or suspects for practically no reason diving into police vehicles and attacking officers?
Makes no difference what you think is common. It's what happened in THIS CASE that is important.

It should be considered if that is something that almost never happens, but cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common.

I would be extremely surprised if you could produce a single story of someone diving into a police car to attack an officer. It is beyond all reason for someone unarmed to attack a cop in their car when the officer can easily shoot them. I have never heard of it happening.

But cops grabbing people viciously for little or no reason is common, and here is a cop grabbing someone by the neck just recently.

Eric Garner did not make even the slightest movement towards officers yet they choked him to death. Not letting up, when he is easily heard saying, "I can't breathe" is murder.

The forensic evidence is more valuable than any "eye witness" testimony, especially when the so-called "eye witness" testimony flies in the face of forensic evidence. Johnson LIED! Empathizers and sympathizers fed on this. It became "the truth". No manner of explanation will suffice to calm the savage call for REVENGE!

Even by professionals, forensic evidence can be widely interpreted which means it can be interpreted to mean anything here. Eye witnesses can never be ignored if they are respectable and earnest like the women. I also thought Johnson was very straightforward in his story.

...and if you don't think color plays an exponential factor in the equation of j-u-s-t-i-c-e, you should abandon all hope of becoming truly enlightened.

It is beyond the time that we should have shunned Jesse, Al, Malcolm, Jeremiah, Barry, Eric and many other race-baiting assholes that drive a wedge between crime and justice.

barracks preacher - Yahoo Search Results

Listen to the hatred in this man's heart.

You can't expect them to stay silent, can you. Look how much attention it has gotten on the forum.

Again, it makes no difference what you think is common or expected to have happened during the confrontation. Your conjecture is nothing more than an acting out in your mind of what you might have done if placed in similar circumstances. You likely have no idea what it's like to be stoned out of your gourd, just having left a successful bullying contest with stolen items, encountering an armed officer of the law while walking defiantly down the centerline of the street with your buddy, Johnson, deciding for some unknown reason to struggle with the officer trying to take his weapon and get shot once, walk away and then come back for more....you gotta be outta yo fuckin' head.

Yet you try to explain what Brown was thinking, what Wilson was thinking, what each was doing without regard for the forensic evidence that offers infinitely more accurate evidence of what transpired than any "eye witness" account. If an eye witness account is not consistent with the forensic evidence, the account is either a lie or a honest mistake. There's no tellin' what someone might claim to have seen when they're wishin' to have seen somethin' in particular.

If eye witness accounts are corroborated by forensic evidence, the testimony of the eye witness has significant value.

Yes, it matters, if the story Wilson gave doesn't hold up to scrutiny, we could say it is a bizarre story. The consistency lies in the testimony of the witnesses who said Wilson backed up and almost hit Brown which is an action. Wilson is creating the action and is then going to follow it up, therefore it would be consistent that he backed up specifically to grab Brown illegally by the throat. One story is consistent and the other is not. It all lends to believing or not believing the witnesses and MUST be considered.

You said they had to be out of their "head" to have done those things, because, yes, the whole make-believe story is bizarre and ridiculous.
I'm not dodging the question. You have been misinformed by a dishonest, so-called eye witness. The dude that was with Michael lied about Michael's being shot in the back. He lied about Wilson reaching out through the window and grabbing Michael by the neck.

The race baiters ran with that and you sucked it up like cheap Kool-Aid through a clown straw.

Which is much more common? Cops starting things and grabbing people by the neck or thereabouts? Or suspects for practically no reason diving into police vehicles and attacking officers?
Makes no difference what you think is common. It's what happened in THIS CASE that is important.

It should be considered if that is something that almost never happens, but cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common.

I would be extremely surprised if you could produce a single story of someone diving into a police car to attack an officer. It is beyond all reason for someone unarmed to attack a cop in their car when the officer can easily shoot them. I have never heard of it happening.

But cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common, and here is a cop grabbing someone by the neck just recently.

Eric Garner did not make even the slightest movement towards officers yet they choked him to death. Not letting up, when he is easily heard saying, "I can't breathe" is murder.

The forensic evidence is more valuable than any "eye witness" testimony, especially when the so-called "eye witness" testimony flies in the face of forensic evidence. Johnson LIED! Empathizers and sympathizers fed on this. It became "the truth". No manner of explanation will suffice to calm the savage call for REVENGE!

Even by professionals, forensic evidence can be widely interpreted which means it can be interpreted to mean anything here. Eye witnesses can never be ignored if they are respectable and earnest like the women. I also thought Johnson was very straightforward in his story.

...and if you don't think color plays an exponential factor in the equation of j-u-s-t-i-c-e, you should abandon all hope of becoming truly enlightened.

It is beyond the time that we should have shunned Jesse, Al, Malcolm, Jeremiah, Barry, Eric and many other race-baiting assholes that drive a wedge between crime and justice.

barracks preacher - Yahoo Search Results

Listen to the hatred in this man's heart.

You can't expect them to stay silent, can you. Look how much attention it has gotten on the forum.

I'm not dodging the question. You have been misinformed by a dishonest, so-called eye witness. The dude that was with Michael lied about Michael's being shot in the back. He lied about Wilson reaching out through the window and grabbing Michael by the neck.

The race baiters ran with that and you sucked it up like cheap Kool-Aid through a clown straw.

Which is much more common? Cops starting things and grabbing people by the neck or thereabouts? Or suspects for practically no reason diving into police vehicles and attacking officers?
Makes no difference what you think is common. It's what happened in THIS CASE that is important.

It should be considered if that is something that almost never happens, but cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common.

I would be extremely surprised if you could produce a single story of someone diving into a police car to attack an officer. It is beyond all reason for someone unarmed to attack a cop in their car when the officer can easily shoot them. I have never heard of it happening.

But cops grabbing people viciously for little or no reason is common, and here is a cop grabbing someone by the neck just recently.

Eric Garner did not make even the slightest movement towards officers yet they choked him to death. Not letting up, when he is easily heard saying, "I can't breathe" is murder.

The forensic evidence is more valuable than any "eye witness" testimony, especially when the so-called "eye witness" testimony flies in the face of forensic evidence. Johnson LIED! Empathizers and sympathizers fed on this. It became "the truth". No manner of explanation will suffice to calm the savage call for REVENGE!

Even by professionals, forensic evidence can be widely interpreted which means it can be interpreted to mean anything here. Eye witnesses can never be ignored if they are respectable and earnest like the women. I also thought Johnson was very straightforward in his story.

...and if you don't think color plays an exponential factor in the equation of j-u-s-t-i-c-e, you should abandon all hope of becoming truly enlightened.

It is beyond the time that we should have shunned Jesse, Al, Malcolm, Jeremiah, Barry, Eric and many other race-baiting assholes that drive a wedge between crime and justice.

barracks preacher - Yahoo Search Results

Listen to the hatred in this man's heart.

You can't expect them to stay silent, can you. Look how much attention it has gotten on the forum.

Again, it makes no difference what you think is common or expected to have happened during the confrontation. Your conjecture is nothing more than an acting out in your mind of what you might have done if placed in similar circumstances. You likely have no idea what it's like to be stoned out of your gourd, just having left a successful bullying contest with stolen items, encountering an armed officer of the law while walking defiantly down the centerline of the street with your buddy, Johnson, deciding for some unknown reason to struggle with the officer trying to take his weapon and get shot once, walk away and then come back for more....you gotta be outta yo fuckin' head.

Yet you try to explain what Brown was thinking, what Wilson was thinking, what each was doing without regard for the forensic evidence that offers infinitely more accurate evidence of what transpired than any "eye witness" account. If an eye witness account is not consistent with the forensic evidence, the account is either a lie or a honest mistake. There's no tellin' what someone might claim to have seen when they're wishin' to have seen somethin' in particular.

If eye witness accounts are corroborated by forensic evidence, the testimony of the eye witness has significant value.

Yes, it matters, if the story Wilson gave doesn't hold up to scrutiny, we could say it is a bizarre story. The consistency lies in the testimony of the witnesses who said Wilson backed up and almost hit Brown which is an action. Wilson is creating the action and is then going to follow it up, therefore it would be consistent that he backed up specifically to grab Brown illegally by the throat. One story is consistent and the other is not. It all lends to believing or not believing the witnesses and MUST be considered.

You said they had to be out of their "head" to have done those things, because, yes, the whole make-believe story is bizarre and ridiculous.

Holy shit!!! How about once more in english you uneducated boob.
I'm not dodging the question. You have been misinformed by a dishonest, so-called eye witness. The dude that was with Michael lied about Michael's being shot in the back. He lied about Wilson reaching out through the window and grabbing Michael by the neck.

The race baiters ran with that and you sucked it up like cheap Kool-Aid through a clown straw.

Which is much more common? Cops starting things and grabbing people by the neck or thereabouts? Or suspects for practically no reason diving into police vehicles and attacking officers?
Makes no difference what you think is common. It's what happened in THIS CASE that is important.

It should be considered if that is something that almost never happens, but cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common.

I would be extremely surprised if you could produce a single story of someone diving into a police car to attack an officer. It is beyond all reason for someone unarmed to attack a cop in their car when the officer can easily shoot them. I have never heard of it happening.

But cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common, and here is a cop grabbing someone by the neck just recently.

Eric Garner did not make even the slightest movement towards officers yet they choked him to death. Not letting up, when he is easily heard saying, "I can't breathe" is murder.

The forensic evidence is more valuable than any "eye witness" testimony, especially when the so-called "eye witness" testimony flies in the face of forensic evidence. Johnson LIED! Empathizers and sympathizers fed on this. It became "the truth". No manner of explanation will suffice to calm the savage call for REVENGE!

Even by professionals, forensic evidence can be widely interpreted which means it can be interpreted to mean anything here. Eye witnesses can never be ignored if they are respectable and earnest like the women. I also thought Johnson was very straightforward in his story.

...and if you don't think color plays an exponential factor in the equation of j-u-s-t-i-c-e, you should abandon all hope of becoming truly enlightened.

It is beyond the time that we should have shunned Jesse, Al, Malcolm, Jeremiah, Barry, Eric and many other race-baiting assholes that drive a wedge between crime and justice.

barracks preacher - Yahoo Search Results

Listen to the hatred in this man's heart.

You can't expect them to stay silent, can you. Look how much attention it has gotten on the forum.

Which is much more common? Cops starting things and grabbing people by the neck or thereabouts? Or suspects for practically no reason diving into police vehicles and attacking officers?
Makes no difference what you think is common. It's what happened in THIS CASE that is important.

It should be considered if that is something that almost never happens, but cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common.

I would be extremely surprised if you could produce a single story of someone diving into a police car to attack an officer. It is beyond all reason for someone unarmed to attack a cop in their car when the officer can easily shoot them. I have never heard of it happening.

But cops grabbing people viciously for little or no reason is common, and here is a cop grabbing someone by the neck just recently.

Eric Garner did not make even the slightest movement towards officers yet they choked him to death. Not letting up, when he is easily heard saying, "I can't breathe" is murder.

The forensic evidence is more valuable than any "eye witness" testimony, especially when the so-called "eye witness" testimony flies in the face of forensic evidence. Johnson LIED! Empathizers and sympathizers fed on this. It became "the truth". No manner of explanation will suffice to calm the savage call for REVENGE!

Even by professionals, forensic evidence can be widely interpreted which means it can be interpreted to mean anything here. Eye witnesses can never be ignored if they are respectable and earnest like the women. I also thought Johnson was very straightforward in his story.

...and if you don't think color plays an exponential factor in the equation of j-u-s-t-i-c-e, you should abandon all hope of becoming truly enlightened.

It is beyond the time that we should have shunned Jesse, Al, Malcolm, Jeremiah, Barry, Eric and many other race-baiting assholes that drive a wedge between crime and justice.

barracks preacher - Yahoo Search Results

Listen to the hatred in this man's heart.

You can't expect them to stay silent, can you. Look how much attention it has gotten on the forum.

Again, it makes no difference what you think is common or expected to have happened during the confrontation. Your conjecture is nothing more than an acting out in your mind of what you might have done if placed in similar circumstances. You likely have no idea what it's like to be stoned out of your gourd, just having left a successful bullying contest with stolen items, encountering an armed officer of the law while walking defiantly down the centerline of the street with your buddy, Johnson, deciding for some unknown reason to struggle with the officer trying to take his weapon and get shot once, walk away and then come back for more....you gotta be outta yo fuckin' head.

Yet you try to explain what Brown was thinking, what Wilson was thinking, what each was doing without regard for the forensic evidence that offers infinitely more accurate evidence of what transpired than any "eye witness" account. If an eye witness account is not consistent with the forensic evidence, the account is either a lie or a honest mistake. There's no tellin' what someone might claim to have seen when they're wishin' to have seen somethin' in particular.

If eye witness accounts are corroborated by forensic evidence, the testimony of the eye witness has significant value.

Yes, it matters, if the story Wilson gave doesn't hold up to scrutiny, we could say it is a bizarre story. The consistency lies in the testimony of the witnesses who said Wilson backed up and almost hit Brown which is an action. Wilson is creating the action and is then going to follow it up, therefore it would be consistent that he backed up specifically to grab Brown illegally by the throat. One story is consistent and the other is not. It all lends to believing or not believing the witnesses and MUST be considered.

You said they had to be out of their "head" to have done those things, because, yes, the whole make-believe story is bizarre and ridiculous.

Holy shit!!! How about once more in english you uneducated boob.

Says the man who often has trouble typing a full sentence. :laugh:
I'm not dodging the question. You have been misinformed by a dishonest, so-called eye witness. The dude that was with Michael lied about Michael's being shot in the back. He lied about Wilson reaching out through the window and grabbing Michael by the neck.

The race baiters ran with that and you sucked it up like cheap Kool-Aid through a clown straw.

Which is much more common? Cops starting things and grabbing people by the neck or thereabouts? Or suspects for practically no reason diving into police vehicles and attacking officers?
Makes no difference what you think is common. It's what happened in THIS CASE that is important.

It should be considered if that is something that almost never happens, but cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common.

I would be extremely surprised if you could produce a single story of someone diving into a police car to attack an officer. It is beyond all reason for someone unarmed to attack a cop in their car when the officer can easily shoot them. I have never heard of it happening.

But cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common, and here is a cop grabbing someone by the neck just recently.

Eric Garner did not make even the slightest movement towards officers yet they choked him to death. Not letting up, when he is easily heard saying, "I can't breathe" is murder.

The forensic evidence is more valuable than any "eye witness" testimony, especially when the so-called "eye witness" testimony flies in the face of forensic evidence. Johnson LIED! Empathizers and sympathizers fed on this. It became "the truth". No manner of explanation will suffice to calm the savage call for REVENGE!

Even by professionals, forensic evidence can be widely interpreted which means it can be interpreted to mean anything here. Eye witnesses can never be ignored if they are respectable and earnest like the women. I also thought Johnson was very straightforward in his story.

...and if you don't think color plays an exponential factor in the equation of j-u-s-t-i-c-e, you should abandon all hope of becoming truly enlightened.

It is beyond the time that we should have shunned Jesse, Al, Malcolm, Jeremiah, Barry, Eric and many other race-baiting assholes that drive a wedge between crime and justice.

barracks preacher - Yahoo Search Results

Listen to the hatred in this man's heart.

You can't expect them to stay silent, can you. Look how much attention it has gotten on the forum.

Makes no difference what you think is common. It's what happened in THIS CASE that is important.

It should be considered if that is something that almost never happens, but cops grabbing people viciously for little or reason is common.

I would be extremely surprised if you could produce a single story of someone diving into a police car to attack an officer. It is beyond all reason for someone unarmed to attack a cop in their car when the officer can easily shoot them. I have never heard of it happening.

But cops grabbing people viciously for little or no reason is common, and here is a cop grabbing someone by the neck just recently.

Eric Garner did not make even the slightest movement towards officers yet they choked him to death. Not letting up, when he is easily heard saying, "I can't breathe" is murder.

The forensic evidence is more valuable than any "eye witness" testimony, especially when the so-called "eye witness" testimony flies in the face of forensic evidence. Johnson LIED! Empathizers and sympathizers fed on this. It became "the truth". No manner of explanation will suffice to calm the savage call for REVENGE!

Even by professionals, forensic evidence can be widely interpreted which means it can be interpreted to mean anything here. Eye witnesses can never be ignored if they are respectable and earnest like the women. I also thought Johnson was very straightforward in his story.

...and if you don't think color plays an exponential factor in the equation of j-u-s-t-i-c-e, you should abandon all hope of becoming truly enlightened.

It is beyond the time that we should have shunned Jesse, Al, Malcolm, Jeremiah, Barry, Eric and many other race-baiting assholes that drive a wedge between crime and justice.

barracks preacher - Yahoo Search Results

Listen to the hatred in this man's heart.

You can't expect them to stay silent, can you. Look how much attention it has gotten on the forum.

Again, it makes no difference what you think is common or expected to have happened during the confrontation. Your conjecture is nothing more than an acting out in your mind of what you might have done if placed in similar circumstances. You likely have no idea what it's like to be stoned out of your gourd, just having left a successful bullying contest with stolen items, encountering an armed officer of the law while walking defiantly down the centerline of the street with your buddy, Johnson, deciding for some unknown reason to struggle with the officer trying to take his weapon and get shot once, walk away and then come back for more....you gotta be outta yo fuckin' head.

Yet you try to explain what Brown was thinking, what Wilson was thinking, what each was doing without regard for the forensic evidence that offers infinitely more accurate evidence of what transpired than any "eye witness" account. If an eye witness account is not consistent with the forensic evidence, the account is either a lie or a honest mistake. There's no tellin' what someone might claim to have seen when they're wishin' to have seen somethin' in particular.

If eye witness accounts are corroborated by forensic evidence, the testimony of the eye witness has significant value.

Yes, it matters, if the story Wilson gave doesn't hold up to scrutiny, we could say it is a bizarre story. The consistency lies in the testimony of the witnesses who said Wilson backed up and almost hit Brown which is an action. Wilson is creating the action and is then going to follow it up, therefore it would be consistent that he backed up specifically to grab Brown illegally by the throat. One story is consistent and the other is not. It all lends to believing or not believing the witnesses and MUST be considered.

You said they had to be out of their "head" to have done those things, because, yes, the whole make-believe story is bizarre and ridiculous.

Holy shit!!! How about once more in english you uneducated boob.

Says the man who often has trouble typing a full sentence. :laugh:

Look here you dumb ****. You have obviously ignored all news reports regarding this case and you have zero idea of what you speak.
I expect you to be around when Officer Wilson is exonerated so you can swallow the load you deserve.
If Wilson had wanted to get out of the car, he would have done that away from Brown. That's why it is obvious Wilson is lying when he says Brown blocked him from getting out. There is no way on earth he would back up like that just to get out.
If you're being violently assaulted by somebody you have the right, police officer or civilian, to shoot that person in defense. ...
FYI Police officers are civilians. According to the 3rd Geniva convention you are either a member of the military, an enemy combatant or a civilian. Police are not a military, nore do they engage in war, therefore they are civilians.

I think the distinction is relevant because cops have no more right to shoot anyone than you or I, whereas the Military does. A cop can only fire in self-defence just like you and I (which means if cops can have machienguns then logicaly so can everyone else because we're all using them for the same reason).
Last edited:
Not believing them makes you an idiot.

As I said before, even if Wilson DID have the suspect by the neck, can the eyewitnesses say WHY? Did they see the suspect go for the officer's gun? Did they witness the suspect punching the officer? As always, context matters. You can't excuse the suspect's actions with "fight or flight" if he initiated the struggle and went for the officer's weapon. That's one very stupid thing to do.
Because he was trying to hold onto him. Why else would he have him around the neck? I can excuse his actions in going for the gun and or punching Wilson since Wilson grabbed him first.

But you don't know that Wilson grabbed him first. A police officer does not attempt to apprehend a suspect by reaching out of his car, BTW. He always gets out of the vehicle precisely so he has freedom to move. The fact that the suspect was that close to the car in the first place is very suspicious to me. Obviously, his body language was threatening.

Exactly, that is how we know Wilson grabbed him by the neck in a fit of rage.

What a moron....I cant wait for Wilson to be exonerated.
I hope you realize your attitude along with Asslips has made me hate Ferguson type blacks with a passion. And I promise you I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Keep on keepen on......
Lifes a mess, dont stress. No one cares who you hate. We already know you hate Black people regardless of if they live in Ferguson. As long as you keep your mouth shut in our presence you can be as racist as you want to be.
Last edited:
If you're being violently assaulted by somebody you have the right, police officer or civilian, to shoot that person in defense. ...
FYI Police officers are civilians. According to the 3rd Geniva convention you are either a member of the military, an enemy combatant or a civilian. Police are not a military, nore do they engage in war, therefore they are civilians.

I think the distinction is relevant because cops have no more right to shoot anyone than you or I, whereas the Military does. A cop can only fire in self-defence just like you and I (which means if cops can have machienguns then logicaly so can everyone else because we're all using them for the same reason).
You are wrong. A police officer can shoot someone in the back if they have just committed a felony and the officer believes they are a danger to the public. Try that as a civilian and youll end up in prison. We give police more authority than the rest of us civilians.
If Wilson had wanted to get out of the car, he would have done that away from Brown. That's why it is obvious Wilson is lying when he says Brown blocked him from getting out. There is no way on earth he would back up like that just to get out.
Cause you were there, and you saw it all.
You are wrong. A police officer can shoot someone in the back if they have just committed a felony and the officer believes they are a danger to the public.
Only if the officer believes that person is an imediate lethal threat; but you and I can shoot someone in that situation also.

We give police more authority than the rest of us civilians.
Lots of civilians have more authority than other kinds of civilians. They're all still civilians, though. Having an authority is not what determins if you are a civilian.
If Wilson had wanted to get out of the car, he would have done that away from Brown. That's why it is obvious Wilson is lying when he says Brown blocked him from getting out. There is no way on earth he would back up like that just to get out.
Cause you were there, and you saw it all.
Thats not a valid rebuttal because you werent there either. Point is Wilson said he backed up. If he was going to apprehend them why didnt he just get out of the car where he was?
not according to the autopsy report
Can you quote that?

it has been posted

you continue to run around in circles
I never saw anything that indicated that. My guess is you are simply talking out your ass.
It is no guess on my part. YOU are talking out of your ass.
So where is the autopsy report that says Brown was the one advancing?

the autopsy report does say that on page two of the investigation

the deceased turned around and ran towards Officer Wilson. Officer Wilson had his service weapon drawn

Pdf PDF Autopsy report for Michael Brown News

however it is the photographic evidence that supports the claim made in the report which also has been posted

plus there are eight witnesses that supports the officers version of the event
it had to be at least 20 feet

since brown is lying next to three bullet casings
I would take that to mean Wilson walked up on Brown and kept shooting him just like the eye witness described.

How close do you think Wilson was to the suspect when he fired his last shot?
I dont know. I only have the eyewitness account to go on. Even if he never walked up on him how hard would it be to drop 3 shell casings near Brown?

Extremely difficult. First, you have to assume that he was carrying empty shells. Highly unlikely. Second, if he wasn't carrying empties, he would have to find the empties, pick them up, and then drop them, all the while knowing that those shots had drawn the interest of many witness's.

Occams Razor will point out to us what really happened.

Very easy. I have witnessed cops do it as a child growing up in the hood. You simply pick up the spent casings and drop them where you want to afterwards.

not one witness has stated that happening
I would take that to mean Wilson walked up on Brown and kept shooting him just like the eye witness described.

How close do you think Wilson was to the suspect when he fired his last shot?
I dont know. I only have the eyewitness account to go on. Even if he never walked up on him how hard would it be to drop 3 shell casings near Brown?

Just this: If the eyewitnesses were "witnessing" the event and Wilson did that, do you not think we would have heard about it long ago? IOW, no, he didn't walk up and drop the casings. He would have had to collect them from the ground first, walk over and place them. He didn't.
Depends on if the witness saw him do it in the confusion resulting in other cops arriving. Another cop could have dropped the shells as well to help Wilson out. Cops have arranged crimes scenes millions of times before. Why would this one be any different?

Unless there is actual evidence that occurred, I'm not going to give it much credence. I mean, you can conjecture all day long and spin all sorts of scenarios, but it ultimately comes down to forensics and what can be proven.

wow what a conspiracy -LOL

another cop dropping spent casings on the ground

with officer browns finger prints and his pistols strike marks on them


and this above all

the total number of casings and the number

of live rounds left in the magazine all add up


in all the "media evidence" so far

this appears to be a first


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