Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

You cannot wait a little while for me to get around to it. :laugh:

Cop pulls up and asks them to get out of the street. They didn't even have time to get nervous seeing clearly the cop wasn't pursuing them. If they were that afraid of getting caught, they would run while they had a head start rather than make themselves more vulnerable by diving into a police car, which even one of the World's Stupidest Criminals wouldn't do. I asked already, but you are too busy worrying about how fast I respond to respond to my question of what did Brown have to gain by attacking a cop in a police car?

You really underestimate the stupidity of criminals.

It's on record, proven by audio recordings that Wilson radioed in that he needed backup to investigate a suspect who was dressed similar to a reported robbery suspect.

The happened after the initial "get out of the street" but before any physical confrontation.

Why lie or ignore basic known facts?
I asked for the link earlier. You never provided it.

SEVERAL links have been posted. You've ignored them all

Wilson called for backup before driving his vehicle to confront the two, the source told the Post-Dispatch. After placing the SUV in park, Wilson said he tried to exit the vehicle, the source said. That’s when he contends Brown suddenly slammed the door shut and punched him in his face through the open window, according to the source.

New Report on Michael Brown Case Offers Three Explosive Revelations TheBlaze.com
This is not the link with the audio. This is the link someone else used that needs a logon.


Checked the bottom link and no where does it mention audio of Wilson talking to dispatch prior to the shooting.

You are being ridiculous. EVERY TIME someone has posted a link in this thread that you don't like you claim "I get an error saying I need to log in, I can't read your link" EVERY TIME.
Every time you keep posting the same link. Its not different links. A valid site would not require a login for me to read something that should be common knowledge. Why is there no other site with this audio?
Those who dont start shit with an armed man generally live to see the sun rise.

The only thing Brown started with the cop was hesitating to get out of the street. If the cop had insisted a second time, instead of attacking Brown, he probably would have complied. Should we execute people for momentary petty stubbornness?

See, that's where you simply don't know for sure. Where is the evidence that "the only thing Brown started with the cop was hesitating to get out of the street"? Did you in fact witness the event? I'm going with no, you did not.

What motive did Brown have to attack the officer for simply being asked to get out of the street? Johnson said it was the officer who attacked, and his story is the only one that is consistent and makes sense.

Johnson, however, was shown to be completely wrong when he said the suspect was shot in the back.

If the victim is moving around a lot, can you tell from a distance where the bullets are landing? No.

If you want to talk motives, let's be accurate. None of us has any REAL idea what either person was thinking, so to assign motives is to operate completely on conjecture. Now, if you want an opinion, I think the suspect had a greatly exaggerated sense of his own invulnerability. He was bigger than most people, had just successfully bullied a shop owner into letting him walk out of the store with goods he didn't pay for, was under the influence of drugs that lowered his ability to make good judgement calls, and let testosterone and adrenaline do his thinking for him. But, that's just an opinion.

I was not asking for his true motive just what MIGHT have been a motive. The cop is only asking for them to get out of the street, so attacking the cop would not make any sense at all, unless you can think of something.

I did. Didn't you read what I wrote?
The fact that the police chief has now said that Wilson will likely not be charged shows the police overall have a strong bias against a fair outcome of the grand jury hearing. The chief is in charge.

No, if the grand jury doesn't hand down an indictment, there's no reason to havea trial. It would be a waste of time.

These guys aren't going to let it go.. Pathetic that they aren't willing to give this guy the benefit of presumed innocence.
You really underestimate the stupidity of criminals.

It's on record, proven by audio recordings that Wilson radioed in that he needed backup to investigate a suspect who was dressed similar to a reported robbery suspect.

The happened after the initial "get out of the street" but before any physical confrontation.

Why lie or ignore basic known facts?
I asked for the link earlier. You never provided it.

SEVERAL links have been posted. You've ignored them all

Wilson called for backup before driving his vehicle to confront the two, the source told the Post-Dispatch. After placing the SUV in park, Wilson said he tried to exit the vehicle, the source said. That’s when he contends Brown suddenly slammed the door shut and punched him in his face through the open window, according to the source.

New Report on Michael Brown Case Offers Three Explosive Revelations TheBlaze.com
This is not the link with the audio. This is the link someone else used that needs a logon.


Checked the bottom link and no where does it mention audio of Wilson talking to dispatch prior to the shooting.

You are being ridiculous. EVERY TIME someone has posted a link in this thread that you don't like you claim "I get an error saying I need to log in, I can't read your link" EVERY TIME.
Every time you keep posting the same link. Its not different links. A valid site would not require a login for me to read something that should be common knowledge. Why is there no other site with this audio?

No, it's been SEVERAL different links ape, and YOU are the only one who "has to log in" to read them.


  • ferg.jpg
    78.1 KB · Views: 15
I asked for the link earlier. You never provided it.

SEVERAL links have been posted. You've ignored them all

Wilson called for backup before driving his vehicle to confront the two, the source told the Post-Dispatch. After placing the SUV in park, Wilson said he tried to exit the vehicle, the source said. That’s when he contends Brown suddenly slammed the door shut and punched him in his face through the open window, according to the source.

New Report on Michael Brown Case Offers Three Explosive Revelations TheBlaze.com
This is not the link with the audio. This is the link someone else used that needs a logon.


Checked the bottom link and no where does it mention audio of Wilson talking to dispatch prior to the shooting.

You are being ridiculous. EVERY TIME someone has posted a link in this thread that you don't like you claim "I get an error saying I need to log in, I can't read your link" EVERY TIME.
Every time you keep posting the same link. Its not different links. A valid site would not require a login for me to read something that should be common knowledge. Why is there no other site with this audio?

No, it's been SEVERAL different links ape, and YOU are the only one who "has to log in" to read them.

No cave monkey its the same link. I copied it onto notepad. I have no problem with this link.

New Report on Michael Brown Case Offers Three Explosive Revelations TheBlaze.com
What a chicken shit you are.

Don't get all bent out of shape just because you can't defend your position. :uhoh3:

Than reply to my position you fucken idiot.
I will post it one more time because apparently you're to Goddamn stupid to use the alert feature.
Dirt Nap had just robbed a fucken store!!!!!!!!
What do you think went through his puny little brain when the cops rolled up on him?
Go ahead and take your time....I know if you cant grasp the alert function this might be difficult for you.

You cannot wait a little while for me to get around to it. :laugh:

Cop pulls up and asks them to get out of the street. They didn't even have time to get nervous seeing clearly the cop wasn't pursuing them. If they were that afraid of getting caught, they would run while they had a head start rather than make themselves more vulnerable by diving into a police car, which even one of the World's Stupidest Criminals wouldn't do. I asked already, but you are too busy worrying about how fast I respond to respond to my question of what did Brown have to gain by attacking a cop in a police car?

You really underestimate the stupidity of criminals.

You just don't see that happening and that a one-in-million shot happening now when there is 3 eyewitnesses who say the cop was grabbing Brown goes directly to beyond a reasonable doubt.

You are so far behind on the facts it's not worth talking to you.
From the actions of the PD the moment this went down I'm sure any evidence of wrong doing is long gone. I pretty much said I didnt think there would be a trial. You have at least 5 eyewitnesses saying they saw Brown gunned down 1 I believe happened to be a white guy and people wonder in amazement at Black anger at the legal system. Hopefully no innocent white people get hurt over this.

I hope not either, but I don't hold out a lot of hope, not with the usual suspects fanning the flames of racial animosity. Not all the eyewitnesses agree, nor are all of them credible. You should be careful not to grant them more credibility than they deserve.
All of witnesses were credible. The only one suspect was Johnson and his account matches up with the evidence precisely. All the witness agree on the most important points. The sequence of events and the fact Brown was shot down by Wilson after surrendering. There is even a video of the white guys pissed at the cop for killing Brown directly afterwards.

And the people in that video were proven wrong by autopsy report.
Yet you cant quote where it was proven wrong.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't those guys say he had his hands up surendering when he got shot?

The autopsy proved that to be false.
If there isn't even enough evidence of wrong doing to hold a trial, there won't be one, because it would be a massive waste of time. Sadly, there are many to whom a trial would be meaningless because they've already made up their minds that the officer is guilty and they will be outraged at ANY outcome short of him being imprisoned.
From the actions of the PD the moment this went down I'm sure any evidence of wrong doing is long gone. I pretty much said I didnt think there would be a trial. You have at least 5 eyewitnesses saying they saw Brown gunned down 1 I believe happened to be a white guy and people wonder in amazement at Black anger at the legal system. Hopefully no innocent white people get hurt over this.

I hope not either, but I don't hold out a lot of hope, not with the usual suspects fanning the flames of racial animosity. Not all the eyewitnesses agree, nor are all of them credible. You should be careful not to grant them more credibility than they deserve.
All of witnesses were credible. The only one suspect was Johnson and his account matches up with the evidence precisely. All the witness agree on the most important points. The sequence of events and the fact Brown was shot down by Wilson after surrendering. There is even a video of the white guys pissed at the cop for killing Brown directly afterwards.


s0n.....best prepare yourself for a spectacular display of Oooooooooooooooops for you on here in a few days. Just sayin'.........

Add I'll be in here with lots of gay MSPAINT Photobucket classics too.......like this one just a little over a year ago......

How much fun am I gonna have??:2up:

It amusing to me your brain is stimulated by photo shopped pictures.

You mean the stuff that makes the PC zombie lefties heads want to explode??:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
I hope not either, but I don't hold out a lot of hope, not with the usual suspects fanning the flames of racial animosity. Not all the eyewitnesses agree, nor are all of them credible. You should be careful not to grant them more credibility than they deserve.
All of witnesses were credible. The only one suspect was Johnson and his account matches up with the evidence precisely. All the witness agree on the most important points. The sequence of events and the fact Brown was shot down by Wilson after surrendering. There is even a video of the white guys pissed at the cop for killing Brown directly afterwards.

And the people in that video were proven wrong by autopsy report.
Yet you cant quote where it was proven wrong.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't those guys say he had his hands up surendering when he got shot?

The autopsy proved that to be false.
Except no where can you quote that claim.
And the people in that video were proven wrong by autopsy report.
Yet you cant quote where it was proven wrong.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't those guys say he had his hands up surendering when he got shot?
Is this your quote or a question?

I'm asking you.
Dont ask me a question. Provide your proof that the autopsy says he didnt have his hands up.

Fuck you and your blind ass ignorance. It's all over every Goddamn news paper in the country.
From the actions of the PD the moment this went down I'm sure any evidence of wrong doing is long gone. I pretty much said I didnt think there would be a trial. You have at least 5 eyewitnesses saying they saw Brown gunned down 1 I believe happened to be a white guy and people wonder in amazement at Black anger at the legal system. Hopefully no innocent white people get hurt over this.

I hope not either, but I don't hold out a lot of hope, not with the usual suspects fanning the flames of racial animosity. Not all the eyewitnesses agree, nor are all of them credible. You should be careful not to grant them more credibility than they deserve.
All of witnesses were credible. The only one suspect was Johnson and his account matches up with the evidence precisely. All the witness agree on the most important points. The sequence of events and the fact Brown was shot down by Wilson after surrendering. There is even a video of the white guys pissed at the cop for killing Brown directly afterwards.


s0n.....best prepare yourself for a spectacular display of Oooooooooooooooops for you on here in a few days. Just sayin'.........

Add I'll be in here with lots of gay MSPAINT Photobucket classics too.......like this one just a little over a year ago......

How much fun am I gonna have??:2up:

It amusing to me your brain is stimulated by photo shopped pictures.

You mean the stuff that makes the PC zombie lefties heads want to explode??:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
Is that how pictures affect you? No wonder you had a hard time learning to read. You could never get past picture books.
Yet you cant quote where it was proven wrong.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't those guys say he had his hands up surendering when he got shot?
Is this your quote or a question?

I'm asking you.
Dont ask me a question. Provide your proof that the autopsy says he didnt have his hands up.

Fuck you and your blind ass ignorance. It's all over every Goddamn news paper in the country.
So why dont you link to one? Dont give me that bull shit link where I have to sign in. Better yet why dont you quote it. I have found no autopsy report that says his hands were not up when he was surrendering.
It seems as if you are saying that since he had the right to arrest Brown he handled the arrest in a dumb fashion and grossly over reacted to the infraction. You dont grab someone around the neck without warning and think they are just going to stand there and not resist. Wilson provoked the situation just like I said earlier. There was no need do so. The fact he choose to escalate the situation instead of handling it with an ounce of intelligence is negligent and therefore he should definitely be tried for murder.

Where the hell are you getting this neck grabbing fantasy?
Eyewitness testimony.

Which one? Dorian the wanted criminal?
The 2 ladies. Tiffany Mitchel and Piagent Crenshaw

I remember Piagent's testimony on the news (hard name to forget.) She didn't seem credible to me. Other's unknown to me.

Of course, because you have already exonerated Wilson and closed your mind to any other possibilities.
Don't get all bent out of shape just because you can't defend your position. :uhoh3:

Than reply to my position you fucken idiot.
I will post it one more time because apparently you're to Goddamn stupid to use the alert feature.
Dirt Nap had just robbed a fucken store!!!!!!!!
What do you think went through his puny little brain when the cops rolled up on him?
Go ahead and take your time....I know if you cant grasp the alert function this might be difficult for you.

You cannot wait a little while for me to get around to it. :laugh:

Cop pulls up and asks them to get out of the street. They didn't even have time to get nervous seeing clearly the cop wasn't pursuing them. If they were that afraid of getting caught, they would run while they had a head start rather than make themselves more vulnerable by diving into a police car, which even one of the World's Stupidest Criminals wouldn't do. I asked already, but you are too busy worrying about how fast I respond to respond to my question of what did Brown have to gain by attacking a cop in a police car?

You really underestimate the stupidity of criminals.

You just don't see that happening and that a one-in-million shot happening now when there is 3 eyewitnesses who say the cop was grabbing Brown goes directly to beyond a reasonable doubt.

You are so far behind on the facts it's not worth talking to you.

You haven't said anything yet except that one assertion of yours to begin with. :lol:
What a chicken shit you are.

Don't get all bent out of shape just because you can't defend your position. :uhoh3:

Than reply to my position you fucken idiot.
I will post it one more time because apparently you're to Goddamn stupid to use the alert feature.
Dirt Nap had just robbed a fucken store!!!!!!!!
What do you think went through his puny little brain when the cops rolled up on him?
Go ahead and take your time....I know if you cant grasp the alert function this might be difficult for you.

You cannot wait a little while for me to get around to it. :laugh:

Cop pulls up and asks them to get out of the street. They didn't even have time to get nervous seeing clearly the cop wasn't pursuing them. If they were that afraid of getting caught, they would run while they had a head start rather than make themselves more vulnerable by diving into a police car, which even one of the World's Stupidest Criminals wouldn't do. I asked already, but you are too busy worrying about how fast I respond to respond to my question of what did Brown have to gain by attacking a cop in a police car?

It's on record, proven by audio recordings that Wilson radioed in that he needed backup to investigate a suspect who was dressed similar to a reported robbery suspect.

The happened after the initial "get out of the street" but before any physical confrontation.

Why lie or ignore basic known facts?

That is according to Wilson.

Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson Says He 8220 Almost Lost Consciousness 8221 When Brown Smashed Him in Face The Gateway Pundit

Wilson told investigators that after Brown passed by, Wilson realized that Johnson’s clothing matched a recent radio alert about a suspect in a robbery at a nearby market where cigarillos had been taken. Wilson radioed for assistance and backed up his SUV to Brown and Johnson.

His story has more holes in it than Brown did like this one:

During the struggle, Brown handed the cigarillos to Johnson, then swung his left hand and hit Wilson on the right side of the face. Wilson said he almost lost consciousness, the source said.

While fighting the cop, Brown stopped to hand the cigars to Johnson. :laugh:

That sounds like nothing but a made-up story.

Wilson only had some swelling in the face, but this tough cop almost lost consciousness. Come on.

The PC k00ks will never get it Im afraid.......just the way it is. Thankfully, their sentiments represent a minority view = lOsInG.

Next week.....not that it will matter........the reality will be smashing them square in the rear end. They might as well prepare themselves now for a red hot poker straight up the pooper because its coming.:coffee:.

And to be sure.....I'll be in here cheering the level of gay in their sentiments!!!:fu:

Comments on Stuff Black People Don t Like - SBPDL Guns Don t Kill People Dangerous Minorities Do -- The Chicago Edition
The only thing Brown started with the cop was hesitating to get out of the street. If the cop had insisted a second time, instead of attacking Brown, he probably would have complied. Should we execute people for momentary petty stubbornness?

See, that's where you simply don't know for sure. Where is the evidence that "the only thing Brown started with the cop was hesitating to get out of the street"? Did you in fact witness the event? I'm going with no, you did not.

What motive did Brown have to attack the officer for simply being asked to get out of the street? Johnson said it was the officer who attacked, and his story is the only one that is consistent and makes sense.

Johnson, however, was shown to be completely wrong when he said the suspect was shot in the back.

If the victim is moving around a lot, can you tell from a distance where the bullets are landing? No.

If you want to talk motives, let's be accurate. None of us has any REAL idea what either person was thinking, so to assign motives is to operate completely on conjecture. Now, if you want an opinion, I think the suspect had a greatly exaggerated sense of his own invulnerability. He was bigger than most people, had just successfully bullied a shop owner into letting him walk out of the store with goods he didn't pay for, was under the influence of drugs that lowered his ability to make good judgement calls, and let testosterone and adrenaline do his thinking for him. But, that's just an opinion.

I was not asking for his true motive just what MIGHT have been a motive. The cop is only asking for them to get out of the street, so attacking the cop would not make any sense at all, unless you can think of something.

I did. Didn't you read what I wrote?

You said nothing of why Brown would dive into a police car and attack the officer.
SEVERAL links have been posted. You've ignored them all

Wilson called for backup before driving his vehicle to confront the two, the source told the Post-Dispatch. After placing the SUV in park, Wilson said he tried to exit the vehicle, the source said. That’s when he contends Brown suddenly slammed the door shut and punched him in his face through the open window, according to the source.

New Report on Michael Brown Case Offers Three Explosive Revelations TheBlaze.com
This is not the link with the audio. This is the link someone else used that needs a logon.


Checked the bottom link and no where does it mention audio of Wilson talking to dispatch prior to the shooting.

You are being ridiculous. EVERY TIME someone has posted a link in this thread that you don't like you claim "I get an error saying I need to log in, I can't read your link" EVERY TIME.
Every time you keep posting the same link. Its not different links. A valid site would not require a login for me to read something that should be common knowledge. Why is there no other site with this audio?

No, it's been SEVERAL different links ape, and YOU are the only one who "has to log in" to read them.

No cave monkey its the same link. I copied it onto notepad. I have no problem with this link.

New Report on Michael Brown Case Offers Three Explosive Revelations TheBlaze.com

s0n.......nobody cares.

You might as well be standing in the middle of Siberia, buck naked waving a banana at people screaming "fire!!".
Damn. You ask for a quote and all the cave monkeys run away. Still waiting for the quote in the autopsy report that says Brown did not have his hands up when he was surrendering.
This is not the link with the audio. This is the link someone else used that needs a logon.


Checked the bottom link and no where does it mention audio of Wilson talking to dispatch prior to the shooting.

You are being ridiculous. EVERY TIME someone has posted a link in this thread that you don't like you claim "I get an error saying I need to log in, I can't read your link" EVERY TIME.
Every time you keep posting the same link. Its not different links. A valid site would not require a login for me to read something that should be common knowledge. Why is there no other site with this audio?

No, it's been SEVERAL different links ape, and YOU are the only one who "has to log in" to read them.

No cave monkey its the same link. I copied it onto notepad. I have no problem with this link.

New Report on Michael Brown Case Offers Three Explosive Revelations TheBlaze.com

s0n.......nobody cares.

You might as well be standing in the middle of Siberia, buck naked waving a banana at people screaming "fire!!".
They care thats why they are trying to convince me. You care as well. If you didnt it wouldnt be so important to you to tell me you dont care. Do you have the a link to the audio or the part in the autopsy where it says its proven Brown didnt have his hands up while surrendering? Dont give me the cave ape link. I want something credible.

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