Police EXPLAIN 6 hot topics of Ferguson shooting! MUST READ


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ferguson s 6 top use-of-force questions A cop s response

If you care about this topic at all, that link is a must read. The police finally respond to the 6 most asked questions about this shooting. It involves some science, some legality, som common sense questions. Cop haters probably wont have the patience or intellect to keep up. But, for all others, its a great article.
Interesting to note: The Ferguson Police Department owns....0 armored vehicles, and does not have a SWAT team. Hmmmm.
Good read, it could educate a few folks around here.

Well... Maybe not. So many already know everything...
Good read, it could educate a few folks around here.

Well... Maybe not. So many already know everything...

Its a great read.

And yeah, I wonder why NYPD and LAPD aren't on here recruiting some commanding officers. We have so many experts and people who are so wise about how policing should be done.
Ferguson s 6 top use-of-force questions A cop s response

If you care about this topic at all, that link is a must read. The police finally respond to the 6 most asked questions about this shooting. It involves some science, some legality, som common sense questions. Cop haters probably wont have the patience or intellect to keep up. But, for all others, its a great article.

I have not followed the story, bucs90. I was told about the looting and destruction of property done by citizens of Ferguson due to the death of a man who was killed by a police officer - which I do not know the details of how that came to be - I have not followed it on USMB either. But I will respond to this one.

Even if the police officer in question made a mistake in judgment, what shall we say of this? Can a law enforcement officer make a mistake in judgment? Yes. Does this mean we toss the entire law enforcement department on the burn pile and defy their every order? God forbid. What if this was even a police officer who had not the good ethics or moral conscience of his fellow officers? Should we condemn all police officers for the wrong actions of one single officer of the law? God forbid. Let his own department decide by way of investigation of him what the matter was about and let the law of the land judge him accordingly but we do not take the law into our own hands as private citizens. File the complaint to his authorities and move on. It's settled in court by the judge hearing the matter. Not in the streets.

What possible justification could anyone have to destroy the property of others, to loot their stores, to steal and rob and cause bodily injury on other human beings because one man died in an incident that involved a police officer? Are we meshugenah here? Hold these lawless people in Ferguson accountable for the destruction and theft they have incurred and stop placating law breakers for heavens sakes!

What has one mans death got to do with an entire community rising up in violent behavior to loot what other private citizens have worked so hard to attain? You want to address lawlessness? Start there!

The law enforcement officer made a mistake. Mistakes happen. Even surgeons lose their patients on the table sometimes. Should Ferguson rise up and destroy and loot hospitals when someone in their community dies? Demand the head of the surgeon who lost the poor fellow? It is just that ridiculous.

The looting was not because a man is dead, bucs90. The looting was because of a the Ferguson communities' collective conscience is dead. It was an excuse and a poor one at that.

Put the responsibility where it belongs and tell the people of that community that they will pay for the damages and those involved in the thefts will be prosecuted. That is what needs to be done. imo.
Ferguson s 6 top use-of-force questions A cop s response

If you care about this topic at all, that link is a must read. The police finally respond to the 6 most asked questions about this shooting. It involves some science, some legality, som common sense questions. Cop haters probably wont have the patience or intellect to keep up. But, for all others, its a great article.
It is an excellent article. The comment section was quite good. The last comment ( I believe it was the last ) said that Russia has 5 times the murder rate America has and they do not permit guns to be owned by private citizens in Russia. The murders are committed with other weapons but not guns. I believe he made an excellent point. Guns do not kill people. People kill people. It is also an obvious fact that the violence in Russia is five times worse than the USA and we have 2nd amendment rights whereas they do not. So what is wrong with Russia? Putin is a commmunist and the truth about Russia has been suppressed. Getting back to the article - the author did an excellent job.
Good read, it could educate a few folks around here.

Well... Maybe not. So many already know everything...

Its a great read.

And yeah, I wonder why NYPD and LAPD aren't on here recruiting some commanding officers. We have so many experts and people who are so wise about how policing should be done.

This is election year. Many have sold out for filthy lucre.
Ferguson s 6 top use-of-force questions A cop s response

If you care about this topic at all, that link is a must read. The police finally respond to the 6 most asked questions about this shooting. It involves some science, some legality, som common sense questions. Cop haters probably wont have the patience or intellect to keep up. But, for all others, its a great article.

Says a guy who's defending some guys who typically don't "have the patience or the intellect to keep up". :badgrin:
Just like I thought. No one wants the truth. They just hate cops and white people and want chaos.
I know I've pointed out some of those facts here myself. Only to be ridiculed by the left. Nice to have some confirmation.
Thanks for the post.

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