Police say at least 6 injured in shootings at FedEx center in metro Atlanta

you can joke, but I'll bet the did have the center designated a 'gun free' zone.

My, how well that truly does work.

The Secret Service should go gun free, since guns don't really protect anyone and all....

yes it is a gun free zone
They don't happen in Virginia or Texas unless its a gun free zone or run by libtard idiots.

this happened in a gun free zone

well, there ya go......but aren't most gun free zones not also run by idiots unless its a requirement by law? (laws passed by libtard idiots as well)

yeah pretty much

here is fedex policy to reduce workplace violence

FedEx has zero tolerance for workplace violence and has established clear
standards of behavior in our policies. Conflicts must always be resolved in a
peaceful, professional and respectful manner. The FedEx Workplace Violence
Prevention Program helps to provide team members and vendors with a safe and
secure work environment. Our mission is to increase awareness of developing
situations and other indicators of workplace violence. Unauthorized firearms or
weapons are strictly prohibited on company-leased or -owned property and in
buildings, aircraft or vehicles. Possession of firearms or weapons on company
property may be grounds for immediate dismissal
All FedEx employees are responsible for reporting potential or actual situations
of workplace violence either through a special web-based reporting system,
contacting a member of FedEx Management, Security or Human Resources, or
calling the FedEx Alert Line in their respective countries.

Meh. These things happen.

Not often when citizens are allowed to carry a gun. The intended mass shooter is only able to shoot a few before they are stopped by a good guy with a gun. That just makes it a regular shooting & prevents it from becoming a full blown mass shooting.
so it turned out not to be an "assault rifle" as first reported

but rather pistols and bidens favorite a shotgun

KENNESAW, Ga. -- Police say the suspect in a shooting at a Kennesaw FedEx facility has died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He has not yet been named, but witnesses said he worked as a baggage handler for the company.

The suspect's body was found in a loading bay. Police say he was armed with pistols and a shotgun.

Kennesaw FedEx shooting suspect dead

Six people were injured and one is still in critical condition. Four people have already been released. One other person was not injured in the shooting but twisted his knee running and he also was treated and released. The news in Georgia is asking for prayer for Mr. Starkey who is the one in critical condition. So the Georgians have been praying for all these victims and they seem to be coming out of it. (they asked everyone to do that on tv)

It was a gun free zone according to Fed-Ex rules. Kennesaw is a town whose law is to own a gun, every home, you can opt out if you have a personal objection but the law is to own one. I remember a few years ago Kennesaw had zero rapes and maybe 1 break in for the entire year. They have the reputation of being one of the safest towns in the nation. Alot of Christians live in Kennesaw.

Had the guard been allowed to have a gun it wouldn't have happened. He was one of the gun shot victims I believe.
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