Police should strike in response to calls for their disarmament


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If I were a police union official I'd strongly be encouraging police officers to strike in response to calls for their 'demilitarization.' Ok people, wanna see what we do for you, we're gone. Handle it yourselves for a few days and see how well that goes.
We have plenty to step in...Fire them like the FAA was fired when they went on strike..
If I were a police union official I'd strongly be encouraging police officers to strike in response to calls for their 'demilitarization.' Ok people, wanna see what we do for you, we're gone. Handle it yourselves for a few days and see how well that goes.

and now the police who support the gun grabbers know how the rest of us feel when the politicians, backed by the police chiefs, call for us to be disarmed, or severely under-armed.
If I were a police union official I'd strongly be encouraging police officers to strike in response to calls for their 'demilitarization.' Ok people, wanna see what we do for you, we're gone. Handle it yourselves for a few days and see how well that goes.

Fuck off statist boot licker!
Every cop who goes on strike should be fired.

Bad idea. Mine has em coming back after a few days having made their point. Your's has em gone forever. :)

Policing is a job that cannot be allowed the same freedoms associated with others. When you entrust in a job the ability to arrest according to procedure, use deadly force according to procedure, both of which if done properly result in immunity to prosecution for the officer, you have to hold said people to higher standards. Add in the fact that the power given by the job has the potential to corrupt, as all power does, and there has to be a level of control over the people doing the job. This is something we don't enforce anymore. Cops are being allowed to get away with far much crap recently.
If I were a police union official I'd strongly be encouraging police officers to strike in response to calls for their 'demilitarization.' Ok people, wanna see what we do for you, we're gone. Handle it yourselves for a few days and see how well that goes.

and now the police who support the gun grabbers know how the rest of us feel when the politicians, backed by the police chiefs, call for us to be disarmed, or severely under-armed.

You know, I have two long rifles, a .250-3000, and a .308. With either one, you are not safe at 600 yards. Why do I need one of those Goddamned war weapons? All they are good for is cleaning out grade school classrooms. I don't see the need of the police having war weapons, either.
Every cop who goes on strike should be fired.

Bad idea. Mine has em coming back after a few days having made their point. Your's has em gone forever. :)

I don't think public employees should ever strike, and police and fireman should have it written onto their contract that if they ever strike, for any reason, they will be immediately fired and lose all accrued benefits. If they can't make their point without endagering the public, they don't have one.
If I were a police union official I'd strongly be encouraging police officers to strike in response to calls for their 'demilitarization.' Ok people, wanna see what we do for you, we're gone. Handle it yourselves for a few days and see how well that goes.

and now the police who support the gun grabbers know how the rest of us feel when the politicians, backed by the police chiefs, call for us to be disarmed, or severely under-armed.

You know, I have two long rifles, a .250-3000, and a .308. With either one, you are not safe at 600 yards. Why do I need one of those Goddamned war weapons? All they are good for is cleaning out grade school classrooms. I don't see the need of the police having war weapons, either.

Budget. The police can either buy new shit on a tight budget or they can save money by acquiring excess weapons from the military.

1033 program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

EDIT should have included this one since it talks more about the financial stuff than the other: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DLA_Disposition_Services
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I'm a heavy supporter of organized labor in general, including public sector unions.

I don't think that emergency services should have the right to strike.

That being said, it would be logistically impossible to fire them all.

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