Police State Horror: Ohio Deputy Wakes Up Sleeping Man By Tazering Him In Eye..Twice

There are thousands of contacts between police and civilians every day, the occasional incident of excessive force does not a police state make.

If you can come and go as you please, and can express dissenting political views on these forums without fear of persecution by the police, you aren't in a police state.
There are thousands of contacts between police and civilians every day, the occasional incident of excessive force does not a police state make.

If you can come and go as you please, and can express dissenting political views on these forums without fear of persecution by the police, you aren't in a police state.

Just hope you never get pulled over.
Who knows what the fuck may happen!
There are thousands of contacts between police and civilians every day, the occasional incident of excessive force does not a police state make.

If you can come and go as you please, and can express dissenting political views on these forums without fear of persecution by the police, you aren't in a police state.

Just hope you never get pulled over.
Who knows what the fuck may happen!

Agreed, especially if there is any kind of dog in the vehicle.
I don't know why these stories surprise anyone. Cops are motherfuckers. Great example of "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." And this is a nice, middle-class, respectable 61-year old white woman talking. I never have any trouble with them because I kiss their ass and go out of my way not to accidentally piss them off. But I hate them. I have seen them mistreat people and I don't like it, not one bit.
Did he do it the second time because it was so fucking funny the first time?
This dirtbag will get his money's worth on those union dues as his masters (the true ones running the union) turn handstands to keep him working. What a wonderful opportunity for a contingency-based law firm to reap a bumper harvest!
This is horrible. This young man is now blind in one eye and he wasn't even committing any crime. In fact, his compliance with the law by wearing his seatbelt is what got him into trouble in the first place.

Police State Horror: Ohio sheriff?s deputy wakes up sleeping man by tasering him directly in the eye twice

It's a terrible abuse of power but only the profoundly ignorant would claim that the investigation and media coverage was indicative of a "police state".
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC3fy8_bS4E]Cop shoots taser to man's eye makes him almost blind - VIDEO - YouTube[/ame]
There are thousands of contacts between police and civilians every day, the occasional incident of excessive force does not a police state make.

If you can come and go as you please, and can express dissenting political views on these forums without fear of persecution by the police, you aren't in a police state.

It's not that use of excessive force was used it is the cover up.
This is horrible. This young man is now blind in one eye and he wasn't even committing any crime. In fact, his compliance with the law by wearing his seatbelt is what got him into trouble in the first place.

Police State Horror: Ohio sheriff?s deputy wakes up sleeping man by tasering him directly in the eye twice

I couldn't even watch it all. That is just sickening. Fire the cops and I hope the poor bastard gets millions from the State to pay for his medical bills, and to help him get by for the rest of his life.
There are thousands of contacts between police and civilians every day, the occasional incident of excessive force does not a police state make.

If you can come and go as you please, and can express dissenting political views on these forums without fear of persecution by the police, you aren't in a police state.

Your attitude is what makes it a police state.
There are thousands of contacts between police and civilians every day, the occasional incident of excessive force does not a police state make.

If you can come and go as you please, and can express dissenting political views on these forums without fear of persecution by the police, you aren't in a police state.

What if you are blinded permanently by them for obeying the law. What is your stance on that one?
Maybe gen Xers and the millennium a-holes have had it too damn easy and maybe they are victims of the draft dodger cowards who run the union based education system today. They have no idea of what it means to live in a "police state" and they throw cliches around like they know what they are talking about. The liberal media doesn't get off it's ass too long these days to address federal law enforcement abuses but at least the local media is aware when the local law goes bad. If the local media was forced to condone abuses of law-enforcement agencies it would be reasonable to characterize it as a "police state" but when local media holds law-enforcement's feet to the fire it is an indication that we (still) live in a free society at least at the local level.

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