Police State Horror: Ohio Deputy Wakes Up Sleeping Man By Tazering Him In Eye..Twice

There are thousands of contacts between police and civilians every day, the occasional incident of excessive force does not a police state make.

If you can come and go as you please, and can express dissenting political views on these forums without fear of persecution by the police, you aren't in a police state.

The cops need to go to jail to enforce that this is not a police state.

Cops do not get an "oops" card to play.
There are thousands of contacts between police and civilians every day, the occasional incident of excessive force does not a police state make.

This kind of excessive force shit is becoming more and more common.

Funny you mention that. Seems like excessive force is becoming the norm for all sorts of interactions of people.

I can think of quite a few excessive force actions that were taken by one citizen against another. Cops are people to. I guess they figure if excessive force is good for the citizen, it must be what the citizens want of their police departments.

Not saying it is right. But possible.

Or maybe the police departments are hiring a bunch of sadistic, fearful thugs. That is possible also.

I just try and avoid any interaction with police.
There are thousands of contacts between police and civilians every day, the occasional incident of excessive force does not a police state make.

If you can come and go as you please, and can express dissenting political views on these forums without fear of persecution by the police, you aren't in a police state.

What if you are blinded permanently by them for obeying the law. What is your stance on that one?

I look at this video and it's obvious the guy is so drunk that he can't understand what the officers are telling him to do. And this was after his buddy was so drunk he got pulled over.

Just an observation.

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