Police State: Surveillance Drones To Be Launched In Orlando Skies...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Oh boy, this one should get the Authority-Worshipping Goose Steppers very excited. Big Brother and his new toys. Yippee!!

Sheriff's Office wants to fly drones over Orange County skies

The Orange County Sheriff's Office is experimenting with two surveillance drones that it hopes to turn loose over Metro Orlando skies this summer.

Sheriff's spokesman Jeff Williamson would not reveal specific uses for the drones, larger versions of which are known for flying over tribal regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan to drop bombs on suspected terrorists.

But Williamson did say Orange's remote-controlled planes would not be armed. The agency still needs approval from county leaders and the Federal Aviation Administration to use them. The FAA said it does not comment on drone applications.

Privacy advocates oppose drones for civilian use, saying they can too easily be used to snoop on law-abiding citizens, not just criminals or those thought to be doing something illegal.

"This is unwise and unnecessary. … Sheriffs are supposed to be sheriffs, not the U.S. Army," said Doug Head, a Democratic activist who closely follows Orange County politics.

Even so, drones are being deployed all over America, with at least 60 applications made to the FAA.

Most are being flown along the Mexican border by law-enforcement agencies looking for people crossing illegally into the United States.

In Florida, drones are being tested by Miami-Dade Police Department. The Polk County Sheriff's Office tried them a couple of years ago but decided they were too expensive.

Williamson, who declined a request by the Orlando Sentinel to photograph the department's drones, said the Orange County models have a wingspan of 3 to 4 feet. He said he did not know the manufacturer or model number.

The armed Predator drones flying over Pakistan and Afghanistan are somewhat larger than a two-seat, single-propeller Cessna and cost about $4 million apiece.

The ones in Orange County cost $22,000 to $25,000 each, Williamson said. The money to buy them came from a grant, but he said he was not sure which program.

Although Williamson would not say exactly how the drones would be used, he wrote in an email that they might be deployed when looking for explosives, barricaded suspects and to inspect "hostile/inaccessible terrain" or at train accidents.

As for civil-rights concerns,...

Read More:
Drones could soon be flying in Orange County skies - OrlandoSentinel.com
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Get used to it. More law enforcement agencies are moving in this direction and the public doesn't seem to care one bit.
Trading freedom for security. How far down that road are we willing to go?
As of now, nothing they gain from this illegal invasion of privacy, can be used in court.

So far..................
Sure will be funny when they get shot out of the sky...

I'm sure there will be occasional incidents of that happening, but by and large, people will sit by and do nothing like normal.
I read an article about this several months ago, and it seems the feds sold a bunch of these to county sheriff's offices across the nation at a very low price. The problem is that from the date of purchase, the individual sheriff offices are responsible for all storage, maintenance and operating costs.
I think that them flying them from time to time has more to do with regular maintenance and them practicing for operations should the ever be needed.
I know of a county not far from us that purchased two of them a couple of years ago, but both are being kept in storage because that's all the county can currently afford.
If there good enough for us to use Afghanistan, and Pakistan then there good enough for us to use in the US. Most importantly though they will help get more criminals off the streets.
Trading freedom for security. How far down that road are we willing to go?

Hopefully a lot farther considering we are being masscared by gun violence in this country. Its not terrorist that are the biggest danger to our safety its our fellow citizens.
Get used to it. More law enforcement agencies are moving in this direction and the public doesn't seem to care one bit.

Well, i can't argue with ya there. Most of the Public doesn't seem to care.

Most of the public doesnt care, because most of the public aren't fucking right wing retards.

The entire world is getting more dangerous. That includes us.

Who would you rather chase a fleeing bank robber? A drone in the sky that can then signal to cops where the guy ran and hid? Or a cop car, speeing through streets endangering innocent people?

With drones, there is no need for car chases. Just follow the guy, report where he stops and hides, and then let the boys go get him.

Funny, people seemed to be ok with police helicopters, that do the same damn thing, but use 2 men and a lot more fuel.

Drones are unmanned, use less fuel, and dont get pilots killed (Like the 2 Atlanta PD helicopter pilots killed last year).

You are the same type that bitches about swat guys carrying big guns and having armored cars.......despite all the ambushes and attacks on cops in the past 5 years.

Fucking retards man, thats what our nation is becoming sometimes.
If there good enough for us to use Afghanistan, and Pakistan then there good enough for us to use in the US. Most importantly though they will help get more criminals off the streets.

OH NO man. Gotta understand the right wing brain.

Spending billions to train Middle East police forces, to make their streets safer, SURE!!! Use drones over their heads? Absolutely. For how long and how much money? NO LIMIT. Its for OUR protection.

But to suggest funding and equipping OUR cops better, to protect OUR people? HELL NO!!!

Afterall, why would we do that? We have the military to protect us, and they are in the Middle East doing just that, protecting us, so we dont have to worry about...well....about the crazy fucks in our own cities harming us.

See? It makes sense.

Run for your lives!!

Take cover!!
I think this is going a little too far. And for reason most of our people choose to adapt to this. I don't like it. It's so hard to convince everyone in this country though....:cool:
Get used to it. More law enforcement agencies are moving in this direction and the public doesn't seem to care one bit.

Well, i can't argue with ya there. Most of the Public doesn't seem to care.

Most of the public doesnt care, because most of the public aren't fucking right wing retards.

The entire world is getting more dangerous. That includes us.

Who would you rather chase a fleeing bank robber? A drone in the sky that can then signal to cops where the guy ran and hid? Or a cop car, speeing through streets endangering innocent people?

With drones, there is no need for car chases. Just follow the guy, report where he stops and hides, and then let the boys go get him.

Funny, people seemed to be ok with police helicopters, that do the same damn thing, but use 2 men and a lot more fuel.

Drones are unmanned, use less fuel, and dont get pilots killed (Like the 2 Atlanta PD helicopter pilots killed last year).

You are the same type that bitches about swat guys carrying big guns and having armored cars.......despite all the ambushes and attacks on cops in the past 5 years.

Fucking retards man, thats what our nation is becoming sometimes.

It is crossing the line. Drones do not belong in a civilian population. Next you'll be telling us they should be allowed to fire down homes suspected of doing something illegal. I see too much power being exercised here and it has to be toned down. Substantially!

Get used to it. More law enforcement agencies are moving in this direction and the public doesn't seem to care one bit.

Well, i can't argue with ya there. Most of the Public doesn't seem to care.

Most of the public doesnt care, because most of the public aren't fucking right wing retards.

The entire world is getting more dangerous. That includes us.

Who would you rather chase a fleeing bank robber? A drone in the sky that can then signal to cops where the guy ran and hid? Or a cop car, speeing through streets endangering innocent people?

With drones, there is no need for car chases. Just follow the guy, report where he stops and hides, and then let the boys go get him.

Funny, people seemed to be ok with police helicopters, that do the same damn thing, but use 2 men and a lot more fuel.

Drones are unmanned, use less fuel, and dont get pilots killed (Like the 2 Atlanta PD helicopter pilots killed last year).

You are the same type that bitches about swat guys carrying big guns and having armored cars.......despite all the ambushes and attacks on cops in the past 5 years.

Fucking retards man, thats what our nation is becoming sometimes.

Yes, HEIL BIG BROTHER!! We know.

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