Policy prevented Florida teacher from breaking up fight

I don't know if you can do it in your state, but I know of a school district that counter sued the parents. They screamed, whined, backed off, and put their kid in another school district.
School district officials in Palm Beach, Florida, are defending a middle school teacher who did not intervene when two of his students got into a physical altercation in his classroom at the end of October.

According to a statement released by the school district, the teacher, Donald Charbonneau, was following a school policy that staff can only intervene after undergoing special training on how to properly deal with such incidents.

Thompson's mother, Mara Cornish, agrees with the Pooles that the teacher should have done more to stop the fight. "You're the adult," she told ABC 24 News. "You're supposed to stop it."

But Washington University education professor Carol Kochhar-Bryant tells ABC News the school district's policy regarding teachers and altercations is not surprising.

"In the past there have been many families, if the child gets injured in any way by an intervention by a teacher, there have been instances where the teachers have been reprimanded," said Kochhar-Bryant.
School district says policy prevented Florida teacher from breaking up fight | syracuse.com

What do you think - Should teachers be expected to intervene in physical altercations?

No, they should cheer them on. :eusa_whistle:

Of course they should intervene, why else are they there? At the very least they should speak up and try to stop it if they are smallish females, but an adult male should be able to break up a fight between two kids.
School district officials in Palm Beach, Florida, are defending a middle school teacher who did not intervene when two of his students got into a physical altercation in his classroom at the end of October.

According to a statement released by the school district, the teacher, Donald Charbonneau, was following a school policy that staff can only intervene after undergoing special training on how to properly deal with such incidents.

Thompson's mother, Mara Cornish, agrees with the Pooles that the teacher should have done more to stop the fight. "You're the adult," she told ABC 24 News. "You're supposed to stop it."

But Washington University education professor Carol Kochhar-Bryant tells ABC News the school district's policy regarding teachers and altercations is not surprising.

"In the past there have been many families, if the child gets injured in any way by an intervention by a teacher, there have been instances where the teachers have been reprimanded," said Kochhar-Bryant.
School district says policy prevented Florida teacher from breaking up fight | syracuse.com

What do you think - Should teachers be expected to intervene in physical altercations?

Students are under the supervision of the class room teacher and the school while there. ABSOLUTELY a teacher should intervene when a fight breaks out. This is ignorant. The school is responsible for those students. By NOT breaking up the fight, if something happens to one or both of them the school can and will be sued.

As for the bullshit cop out about disciplining a teacher for breaking up a fight, THAT is a school policy that is ignorant as hell.

One of the wonderful benefits of unionizing civil servants, rather than risk getting a reprimand they get to sit on their hands.
A pregnant teacher at a Bronx high school miscarried after she intervened between two fighting students, sources said today.

Police are investigating the incident, which happened Wednesday at the Explorations Academy at 1619 Boston Rd. in Claremont.

The teacher, who was four months pregnant, fell to the floor when one of the students involved in the fight kicked her in the stomach — though it was unclear if he was aiming for her, sources and students said.

Another teacher was attacked today by students at a JHS 145 in East Harlem, said police.

In today’s incident, a 14-year-old girl struck a 49-year-old teacher in the face. The teacher was taken to Weill Cornell Medical Center.

Read more: Miscarriage horror at Bx. school - NYPOST.com

Should pregnant teachers be exempt? So sad.
The school is being sued. In the end, it doesn't seem to matter what the teacher does...step in and get injured or inadvertently injure a student and get sued, or call for help and not step in and get sued.

It surprises me that anyone wants to teach.

I'm guessing that those are the kind of parents that they would have sued either way....they're looking for $$$$

As for computers....my teacher friend (great source) has told me that in his district, they are now expected to do their attendance on the computer every period and it takes minutes to load the program...and it times out after about 10 minutes. They are also expected to check their e-mail several times a day cause meetings and stuff are announced by the Administration/counseling staff (you know...those people who do nothing but sit at computers all day) at the last minute and replies and acknowledgements are expected.
Weird. I had dinner with my principal last night and told him #1 on my "wish list" was a universal logon and password for the multiple websites we have to access daily. We have the same problem. Five minutes to load each program; 15 minutes and we're logged
out. And if everyone is using the network at the same time - it freezes the whole computer. Yes. Teachers spend way too much time at their computers. But only because they have to. I doubt too many people in private industry have this issue. Our systems are always the worst.

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