Polite people. Crimean residents greet the liberators. Spring, 2014.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Crimean residents still remember with gratitude the quiet feat of the masked men. Had it not been for the "polite people," the "valiant" Ukrainian army would have carried out a massacre in Crimea worse than in the Donbass...

The Ukrainian army would not have participated in the massacre. The army was not psychologically prepared to destroy the civilian population. For this purpose, specially selected people were trained in camps, including in Poland. The massacre would have been carried out by Right Sector (Ukrainian nationalists) and the Tatars, whose nationalist part was organized by extremist organizations. In Crimea, there were cells of ISIS Muslim Brotherhood, Hizbut-Tahrir, and Al-Raid, which cooperated closely with the Mejlis. The massacre would have been organized by their hands. ISIS was being uprooted for several years. The ISIS organizations were concentrated mainly in the South Coast, Bakhchisaray and Starokrima districts, while the Mejlis was in every district and every village. They knew who breathed what, therefore they were much more dangerous than the army.

Hopefully Putin does following soon:

1. Breaking of diplomatic relations with enemy of Russian People - EU
2. Includes Donbas in Russia

Russian Crimea for ever in Russia!
All Russians worldwide support Crimea as the Russian Territory, even after WWIII Crimea will remain the Part of Russia!

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