Zone1 Do most Americans Believe Peace With Russia is Advisable?

Putin is smart... much smarter than Biden and that's the problem... and NATO is a shadow puppet... money grubbing nations with no power what so ever.... just a toilet to flush down US dollars....

Putin was smart enough to believe his powerful Army would conquer Ukraine in a matter of weeks and NATO would not do a thing about it

Biden was smart enough not to commit US troops like was done in Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Putin was smart enough to believe his powerful Army would conquer Ukraine in a matter of weeks and NATO would not do a thing about it

Biden was smart enough not to commit US troops like was done in Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Putin and Russia will win unless we put troops on the ground... see the dilemma Biden has us in?... that is not smart... especially when he could have stopped it from the start....
Money doesn't win wars commitment does and nether the USA or Ukraine has that... Putin does... so ask him what the frig he wants... I bet its less than he wanted a year ago....
Putin and Russia will win unless we put troops on the ground... see the dilemma Biden has us in?... that is not smart... especially when he could have stopped it from the start....
Money doesn't win wars commitment does and nether the USA or Ukraine has that... Putin does... so ask him what the frig he wants... I bet its less than he wanted a year ago....

Putin can’t win, he blew his shot

Commitment wins wars?
Ukraine has incentive to commit, Russia does not
Russia will run out of gas
Putin can’t win, he blew his shot

Commitment wins wars?
Ukraine has incentive to commit, Russia does not
Russia will run out of gas
Half of fighting age men in Ukraine split... look it up the average age of a soldier in Ukraine is 43 years old.... there is nothing like we had in WW2 where thousands of young Americans ran to enlist and woman volunteered to take their husbands place at the plant site... its way different in Ukraine.... their enemy is right next door... if they don't make a deal we will have decades of Guerilla warfare in that region....
And the only folks happy with that are the military industrial complex and the politicians who receive their donations....
Half of fighting age men in Ukraine split... look it up the average age of a soldier in Ukraine is 43 years old.... there is nothing like we had in WW2 where thousands of young Americans ran to enlist and woman volunteered to take their husbands place at the plant site... its way different in Ukraine.... their enemy is right next door... if they don't make a deal we will have decades of Guerilla warfare in that region....
And the only folks happy with that are the military industrial complex and the politicians who receive their donations....

In World War II roughly ten million, of the sixteen million who served, were drafted.

In short, for every soldier who enlisted, one and a half were drafted.

Half of fighting age men in Ukraine split... look it up the average age of a soldier in Ukraine is 43 years old.... there is nothing like we had in WW2 where thousands of young Americans ran to enlist and woman volunteered to take their husbands place at the plant site... its way different in Ukraine.... their enemy is right next door... if they don't make a deal we will have decades of Guerilla warfare in that region....
And the only folks happy with that are the military industrial complex and the politicians who receive their donations....

Russia can’t win and Ukraine won’t quit.
Guerillas will fight with high tech weapons and drones from the west.
Russia will have to maintain an occupying Army indefinitely
That doesn’t come cheap
In World War II roughly ten million, of the sixteen million who served, were drafted.

In short, for every soldier who enlisted, one and a half were drafted.

During World War II, 50 million men between the ages of 18 and 45 registered for the draft, and 10,110,104 were inducted into the military. This means that about 32% of eligible men served in the armed forces, which is around 16 million men. However, During World War II, 50 million men between the ages of 18 and 45 registered for the draft, and 10,110,104 were inducted into the military. This means that about 32% of eligible men served in the armed forces, which is around 16 million men.

The average age of a combat soldier in World War II was 26 years old. 61.2% of U.S. servicemen were draftees, while 38.8% were volunteers. On average, service members served for 33 months, with 73% serving overseas for about 16 months.

As the risk of nuclear war becomes more likely, is it time to talk about a peace settlement with Russia?

If protecting the Ukraine is America's goal and end game, then is there anything left to protect. And is an escalation of the war a wise decision, due to Russia's stated determination?

Is Russia bluffing?
Actually, Americans should be happy about the conflict. lol. :)

The US Benefits from the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The United States benefits from the Russia-Ukraine conflict in several ways:

Economic Repercussions:
  • The conflict could disrupt flights from Asia to Europe, posing a challenge for industries that move products by air, like electronics, fast fashion, and automakers.
  • The crisis has greatly increased US' natural gas exports to Europe, which used to purchase more than 40 percent of its gas from Russia.
  • As EU members join to sanction Russia and some Russian banks are excluded from the SWIFT system, bilateral trade will shrink significantly, which is beneficial for the US.

Military and Strategic Interests:
  • Supporting Ukraine in defeating Russian aggression is in the United States' interest, as it enables Ukraine to do immense damage to Russia's overall capability to threaten Europe and to fight any future conflict.
  • The US has provided security assistance, including weapons and financial aid, to help Ukraine maintain access to fundamental services as they fight for their liberty and sovereignty.

Global Influence and Financial Benefits:
  • The crisis could benefit the American military-industrial complex, as the US, Germany, and other NATO countries are providing weapons to Ukraine.
  • The conflict has increased the US dollar's status as the "King," providing liquidity and hedging risks, which benefits the US on the currency front.

In summary, the US benefits economically, strategically, and in terms of global influence from the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

==> Peace with Russia or China is highly unlikely. If Americans know HOW TO PLAY with the KGB man or Xi, Doomsday is highly unlikely too. lol. :)

Sources :

1. What Does Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Mean for the U.S. Economy? (Published 2022)

2. US economy is reaping benefits from the Ukraine crisis - Global Times

3. United States Aid to Ukraine: An Investment Whose Benefits Greatly Exceed its Cost

4. FACT SHEET: One Year of Supporting Ukraine | The White House
I joined the Army in 1988 and spent years training to fight the Soviets Scooter. I’ve got the payments every month from the VA as my proof.
That is good, but doesn’t change what I wrote. This proxy war in its current form is unwinnable. If under the 'win' someone regards maximal goals.
That is doubtful. Why he should want less if his army is on the offensive now?
Save face... and Putin can archive his objective... if we had a strong leader this war would have never started...
Save face... and Putin can archive his objective... if we had a strong leader this war would have never started...
And what peace proposal should be offered to him that can be considered as saving face?
That is good, but doesn’t change what I wrote. This proxy war in its current form is unwinnable. If under the 'win' someone regards maximal goals.

It depends on your goals. Personally. I believe the goals are achievable. First. I think Ukraine will fall. But I want it to cost Russia so much it takes them a century to recover. I want their economy to suffer for decades. I want them to dream of how good they would have it if they were only a third world nation.

I want China to have the Russian Millstone around their neck dragging them down. I want children learning the Russian Lesson for centuries.

Those goals are achievable.
It depends on your goals. Personally. I believe the goals are achievable. First. I think Ukraine will fall. But I want it to cost Russia so much it takes them a century to recover. I want their economy to suffer for decades. I want them to dream of how good they would have it if they were only a third world nation.

I want China to have the Russian Millstone around their neck dragging them down. I want children learning the Russian Lesson for centuries.

Those goals are achievable.
It is wishful-thinking, and not more. As these more than two years showed, Russia can weather these sanctions with the help of China, India, Turkey and some others. It is not 'help' per se of course, because these countries get good benefits out of that.

I don't want to imply that the Russian economy won't suffer at all. But it is doubtful it will be too critical. At least not that the Putin regime can't cope with with their propaganda and oppression apparatus. See Iran, after all.

Your line of thinking will lead to Russia really winning this war adding swathes more to its sphere of influence. No matter what reasoning you apply to justify this destructive policy.
It is wishful-thinking, and not more. As these more than two years showed, Russia can weather these sanctions with the help of China, India, Turkey and some others. It is not 'help' per se of course, because these countries get good benefits out of that.

I don't want to imply that the Russian economy won't suffer at all. But it is doubtful it will be too critical. At least not that the Putin regime can't cope with with their propaganda and oppression apparatus. See Iran, after all.

Your line of thinking will lead to Russia really winning this war adding swathes more to its sphere of influence. No matter what reasoning you apply to justify this destructive policy.

Iran is blaming the sanctions for the Helicopter crash that killed the President. Their claim is that the inability to get parts and newer equipment made the aircraft dangerous. So Sanctions do have an effect for a long time.

Russia is hurting. They are unable to participate in international competitions. Their airlines have lost decades of progress and all that work is for naught now. Their friends are losing too. Turkey lost out on the F-35 because of their friendship with Russia.

We wouldn’t even consider bribing Turkey with the F-35 to get Sweden into NATO. We sold them to Greece but not Turkey.

Peace should be the goal of American diplomacy. Encouraging invasion should not be (despite America's own lamentable examples).
Iran is blaming the sanctions for the Helicopter crash that killed the President. Their claim is that the inability to get parts and newer equipment made the aircraft dangerous. So Sanctions do have an effect for a long time.

Russia is hurting. They are unable to participate in international competitions. Their airlines have lost decades of progress and all that work is for naught now. Their friends are losing too. Turkey lost out on the F-35 because of their friendship with Russia.

We wouldn’t even consider bribing Turkey with the F-35 to get Sweden into NATO. We sold them to Greece but not Turkey.

You seem not to have read thoroughly what I wrote. I agree with that the sanctions will hurt the Russian economy and infrastructure. But they won't lead to the regime change or correction of its foreign policy.

Iran didn't stop its nuclear program, financing proxies in the Middle East. They live under sanctions for decades. The same will be with Russia. All your 'bench' is do is helping Russia to actually win this war.
You seem not to have read thoroughly what I wrote. I agree with that the sanctions will hurt the Russian economy and infrastructure. But they won't lead to the regime change or correction of its foreign policy.

Iran didn't stop its nuclear program, financing proxies in the Middle East. They live under sanctions for decades. The same will be with Russia. All your 'bench' is do is helping Russia to actually win this war.

I don’t want regime change. I want Russia to suffer. I want the suffering to last for generations. I want history books written about it. I want Russia so broke they dream of the day when the world gives a fuck about their suffering.

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