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Bullshit! You're more likely to be killed by a black man in his late teens to early twenties that anyone else.

Well, I suppose in a way you're right, but there are 60 or 70 million trump supporters and a couple hundred would be Muslim terrorists. If there were 1/10th as many terrorists as Trump supporters you'd be long dead along with all the rest of us infidels.
Well seeings that when we got here, your people were still living in primitive mode, and the land was highly undeveloped with very high potential to grow beyond it's wildest dreams, and of course with Europeon's leading the charge to it's future, so of course you all got mad about having to shake off the primitive head gear, finally get out of the TP and modernize.... But noooooooooooooooo you all weren't having none of it we're you ?? So you chose to remain primitive way far into the future, and the modernized society said uhhhh ok it's up to you all, but don't get mad when you see great things happening all around you.

Illegals are being used as cheap labor, and all because of their primitive ways and their low education. It's a shame. We just don't need no more of these future whine buckets blaming America for all of her woes, along with the activist blacks and leftist whites doing the very same thing now.

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