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BREAKING: Alabama mayor and pastor Bubba Copeland commits suicide just days after a conservative news outlet with close ties to Steve Bannon and Breitbart published private photos of him wearing women’s clothing.

The story started off describing how the pastor met with Trump to request federal aid after a flood — and then pivoted, “However, during this time, the pastor had a secret life playing out online on social media and Reddit. The mayor operated social media accounts as a transgender woman under the pseudonym Brittini Blaire Summerlin.”

After being contacted by the conservatives publication, 1819 News, Copeland promptly deleted the accounts and asked that the images not to be made public due to his family and position as a pastor.

However, the conservative publication ignored his request and published the photos anyways in a sinister attempt to smear him and ruin his life.

Copeland addressed his Baptist congregation on Wednesday night, stating that he was the victim of an “internet attack” and declaring, “Yes, I have taken pictures with my wife in the privacy of our home in an attempt of humor because I know I’m not a handsome man nor a beautiful woman either. I apologize for any embarrassment caused by my private, personal life that has come publicly.”

Unfortunately, bigoted Baptist leaders in Alabama issued a damming statement saying they had “become aware of the alleged unbiblical behavior.”

Today, Copeland took his own life, according to police. They did not release any further details.

One of his close friends responded to the tragic news by declaring, “I am so angry right now and heartbroken. I witnessed a good man be publicly ridiculed and crucified over the last few days…to the point that he just took his own life today. I knew he was suffering so I reached out to him yesterday and offered him support and encouragement. He was appreciative and acknowledged that he had been going through some “dark days” over the last few days. I just want to ask you people who thought it humorous to publicly ridicule him, ‘Are you happy now?’ What crime did he commit?”

Other friends of Copeland noted that he didn’t hold bigoted views “toward transgender people or people who enjoy cross-dressing,” so there was simply no need for the conservative news outlet to out him.

Rest in Peace, Bubba Copeland…

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