Political Cartoon

When they decided that killing their unborn wasn't something that they aspire too. Many issue's that the left champion has since driven women over to the Trump camp. Why ? It's because they just can't stomach the radical left any longer, and of course the left then high jacks word's like dignity and respect in order to intimidate them in hopes to bring them back.
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The country is full of differences of opinions and ideologies, but it doesn't mean people support them. Of course the left attempts to associate certain characteristics or actions with those who don't support those characteristics and actions, and this even though they support their freedom of expression and freedom of speech. If the left can somehow make the lies about it all stick, then they will accomplish their radical agendas. Hopefully people realize what's going on, and they will put a stop to the leftist agenda.
Are you still sinning and doing your ridiculous thing's in life ? Do you ever want to change and repent of your sins ? OK, so you aren't ready maybe, but here you are for political purposes finding time to judge another who has put away their early ways, and therefore have repented of them.

You have no authority to judge another in this way, so why don't you just drop the stones already, and stop your war on women ?

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