Political Cartoon


I bet that you had a friend or two in your past that your parent's probably knew was trouble with a capital T, but you didn't see it their way or rather didn't believe them. Well at least until one day you found out for yourself right ?

The company we keep has always sought to define us or implicate us right, but what people struggle with or don't understand is that the encounters people have with other's or the company one might keep at different times in one's life, DON'T ALWAYS DEFINE us or implicate us with them. We are all separate beings that have our own identities and lives to live.

I mean it doesn't define us or include us unless we as individuals are just so weak or maybe we are just mere follower's of other's in life.......... We could only hope to be like Trump or people like him in life, otherwise a person who can't be led into a trap by nefarious character's who prey on those who are successful like Trump in life, and they are doing these thing's for nefarious reason's regarding fame, money or whatever the case might be.

Epstein was such a nefarious character, but Trump's radar went off finally, and that told him that he best walk carefully with some of these shady character's by keeping a safe distance while using caution when the seemingly innocent encounters took place.

They figure that Trump or any highly successful celebrity, private sector elitist or rich government official can help them to look as important or as elite as the biggest star, big elite or government official in town was.

However Trump and other's like him are simply enjoying their fame and money from their hardwork, but the likes of an Epstein were simply just snake's that somehow slithered into the clubhouse looking for a host like Trump or anyone else to cling too for either fame, extortion and/or for money.

Unless you have proof that puts Trump directly into an Epstein bed with an underage girl, then you don't have nothing but an association between the top elites attempting to find some sort of common ground in the world of business or celebrity. Your accusations are nothing but political, and they are not grounded in proof or facts.

Until then, you are just a blow hard butt hurt leftist trying to defeat those you think will stop either your nefarious lifestyles, political ambition's or agenda's.
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The man undoubtedly has alzheimers, because he is doing exactly what my uncle did when he was in the progressive stages of the disease. They can live around 10 year's or better with the progression of it. However, it absolutely doesn't mean that anyone with it can be the President of the United State's.

It's past time to take the nuclear key's from this patient.

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