Politifact: No, Hillary didn't lose $6 Billion dollars in the State Department

Pretty typical for all of the right wingers and Hillary and Obama bashers. The media is slanted! The polls are rigged! The election will be rigged. When challenged with facts, then all of the fact checkers are left leaning. No, they just don't agree with your BS lies. I guess Fox News and Breitbart and Drudge are the only ones you believe.
A thread in this message board claims that Hillary Clinton "lost" 6 billion dollars belonging to the US State Department. Hill on Trump, "What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a year?" Hillary lost $6B in 4 years

However, fact-checking website Politifact.com rates this as a "pants on fire" claim. In other words, it's a lie. Link

In other words, the State Department was terrible at paperwork. The $6 billion figure refers to the total amount affected by file mismanagement. It’s akin to spending $20 on lunch and losing or not asking for a receipt. Documentation over where that $20 went was lost, but not the $20 itself.

So the State Department under Clinton, who wasn’t mentioned in the alert, may have been financially disorganized, but it didn’t "lose" $6 billion.

All members are hereby reminded not to type bullshit. Let's keep this message board's reputation high.

Actually, she did. The IG report has mysteriously gone missing (how unsurprising), here is the original news article that reported it with the now dead link. Yet another violation of NARA regs by the obama admin.

By Adam Kredo — The Washington Free Beacon - - Friday, April 4, 2014
The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.

The $6 billion in unaccounted funds poses a “significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions,” according to the report.

The alert, originally sent on March 20 and just released this week, warns that the missing contracting funds “could expose the department to substantial financial losses.”

The report centered on State Department contracts worth “more than $6 billion in which contract files were incomplete or could not be located at all,” according to the alert.

“The failure to maintain contract files adequately creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions,” the alert states.

State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report

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