

Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Last week, Politifiction helped extend the lie among liberals that obama spoke the truth about you could "keep your insurance".

PolitiFact | Barack Obama says that under his health care law, those who have health insurance will keep it

For those of who don't remember, that was their first response. That you really could keep your insurance if you like it and that Republicans were just lying. And Politifiction rated it --


Now, after a week of every other reputable media outlet in the World making them look like the fools and liars they are, they come out with a revised 'truth-o-meter'



If this were simple incompetence, I'd be fine with it. But it isn't and every honest person in the Country knows it.

It's just more of why I call them the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Fellas, guys and gals. This isn't about Health Care. This isn't about media.

This is pure politics. And nothing but politics.

democrats lie, and the media backs them on it. Without the LSM, dimocraps couldn't win -- Anything. The LSM is no longer a fair medium through which honest information flows, they are the propaganda arm of the DNC

What I suspect is, that Politifiction knew they were lying but weren't concerned about it because they figured that every other media outlet in the Country would fall in line by backing the obama regime's lie. As usual.

Or just simply censor it by ignoring it.

But they got left out in the cold looking stupid and foolish and had to come back and make amends.

This is too big for the LSM to hide. Too obvious for them to lie about. Too important for them to risk everything covering for dimocraps -- Again.

Point being..... If you want the truth, never, and I mean NEVER trust the LSM. Sometimes they get it right.

But only when it suits them
Another Obamacare thread ... yay!

Got to love the spin on the article, though.

It's not about obamacare, genius.

It's about how democrats lie and the LSM backs them up on them.

Until they can't anymore.

Just like Benghazi.... Took them over a year to do a report on that.

Fast and Furious is till waiting.

The IRS story hasn't interested them yet.

And now, the "You can keep your own insurance" lie is being exposed even though Republicans have been calling it a lie for three years.

It's about politics and it explains how dimocraps get away with lying..... Because the media won't call them on it until they feel like it
Hey edgy, I heard that the Democratic Party PAYS the LSM a total of 54 gazillion dollars a year to NOT print articles that would be unflattering to the Dem o rats.

Had you heard the same? Shameful if true. But it at least explains where the Dems get their money to run campaigns. And smear poor, defenseless Repubs.

i know you have close ties to the investigators of the Repubs. Check out that story. Surely it must be true.
of course, LSM LIE.

they are the leftard scum and they know that the left HAS TO lie in order to get elected.

If they would ever tell the truth about their real agenda, they would get lynched.
Another Obamacare thread ... yay!

Got to love the spin on the article, though.

you are not the smartest kid in the bunch, aren't you?
but then, you are a leftard, so that's expectable :lol:

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