Poll: Do comments Donald Trump made 11 years ago change your vote?

No. I was never voting for Trump or Hillary. If I had been voting for him, it wouldn't change my mind about doing so.
You'd think by the twist and conclusions of the media that what was said was as doing the acts discussed and yet the context and wording clearly states an unpopular fact that celebrities "COULD" get away with those things, not that he would (as seen by his mere innocent hug).
Clearly the context is about celebrity status and how woman are star struck.
If woman are so concerned by being subjected to this talk and image then equally go after the groupies who throw themselves at musicians and celebs in hopes of a good story, blackmail money, fame, or snagging one-instant score.
Yes the comments are wrong, but not as the media spun it to be, they are coming from the opposite side of that behavior thus created and formed out of bad behaviors itself, which is where the context stems from. "Could" is not would, & context is everything. The Media takes things out of context and assumes meanings it wants or needs to sell stories. This is making them manipulators who can't be trusted, which is why Trump denied saying the implied words the debate hosts described. They were not the words or context of the tape, they were the words of the media.=passing the story down the line syndrome, say it enough times with your spin on words and others start believing them.
Nope. Wasn't voting for him anyway.

But I think it's funny how people were more upset about his comments on that bus than they were about his comments about disabled people, that disgusting comment about John McCain, calling people Miss piggy and Miss housekeeping and his comments against Hispanics and Muslims.

Republicans were cool with him through all that but now all of sudden they are drawing the line now.

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