Poll: do you think Rubio still has a shot at the nomination?

Do you think Rubio still has a shot at the nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 40.9%
  • No

    Votes: 24 54.5%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 2 4.5%

  • Total voters
A lot of Republican voters don't seem to care about that, hence them lining up behind Trump

True, but remember that Trump is only one "tweet" away from total implosion.....then what?

Hard to believe that people like you continue to underestimate Trump.

Lol hes definitely not if he thinks Trump can't win the WH.

If Trump he wins the nomination, he will be the next POTUS. The Democrats are running a crackpot and criminal- neither have any chance of winning the general election.

Look at the voter turnout for Republicans in New Hampshire- it was record breaking! Then look at the Dems- well below average. Bottom line nobody is excited about hiLIARy and nobody with a brain is excited about crackpot Sanders....

Your party is a train wreck.

Reid will still lose.
Poor Rubio, he blundered during a debate. A week ago he was the rising star of the GOP establishment, and now people are talking about if he stands a chance! I only hope he is not so much distracted by what happened that night and carry on. After all, he's my second pick :/
He's my first. Remember he took a sip of water and the left wing called it a career ender. It's what they do. The race has a long long way to go and Rubio is only a few delegates short of Cruz. Even the Dems are no certainty at this point.
Honestly I think he's a little inexperienced, not because he doesn't have a strong resume, but because of his performance in the debates.
I can smell nervousness from his reactions constantly. He's been around for enough time to overcome this sort of thing, yet he blunders in a debate so badly that it's inexcusable. I mean what kind of person repeats an irrelevant talking point four times, especially when his opponent was accusing him of doing so? Everybody makes mistakes, but it's the characteristics revealed by this and other similar mistakes that make me doubt if he could stand the pressure and perform well as the leader of the free world.
I don't think he does debates well, Trump is a better debater because he's used to the big deal. However I have heard Rubio many times now speak his mind and he's a level headed guy very familiar with the issues. And the only one with foreign policy experience. Debating and bringing people together are not the same skills.

The media focuses on a few seconds and runs it in a loop to paint an image. If they destroy Rubio they simply move to the next one. Trump repeats himself every few seconds but I never see the clips. I have a feeling there's more than what meets the eye this election cycle.
Actually, Rubio is a not-so-bad debater most of the time, and he's a charming guy. The problem I emphasized is that he gets super nervous during those debates. His word may be persuasive often time, but he sweated so much, could't drink enough before a debate, and blundered in an inexplicable way. All of these, by themselves, may not be significant, but the indication that it is difficult for him to stand the pressure is alarming to me. If debating on a stage could be a challenge, what about the big deals that our president ought to make for the country? If an ordinary citizen can smell nervousness from him during a TV event, do you think leaders like Putin or Xi won't take advantage of his weakness? I'm just not confident in his nerves against some of the toughest challenges. And yes, he might be able to unite a lot of people because he is charming and those people are nice, but I bet the world of politics is not all that friendly.
BTW, my comment on Rubio is just what I feel after watching his performance in a number of events on TV. As for the media, they suck!
Poor Rubio, he blundered during a debate. A week ago he was the rising star of the GOP establishment, and now people are talking about if he stands a chance! I only hope he is not so much distracted by what happened that night and carry on. After all, he's my second pick :/
He's my first. Remember he took a sip of water and the left wing called it a career ender. It's what they do. The race has a long long way to go and Rubio is only a few delegates short of Cruz. Even the Dems are no certainty at this point.
Honestly I think he's a little inexperienced, not because he doesn't have a strong resume, but because of his performance in the debates.
I can smell nervousness from his reactions constantly. He's been around for enough time to overcome this sort of thing, yet he blunders in a debate so badly that it's inexcusable. I mean what kind of person repeats an irrelevant talking point four times, especially when his opponent was accusing him of doing so? Everybody makes mistakes, but it's the characteristics revealed by this and other similar mistakes that make me doubt if he could stand the pressure and perform well as the leader of the free world.
I don't think he does debates well, Trump is a better debater because he's used to the big deal. However I have heard Rubio many times now speak his mind and he's a level headed guy very familiar with the issues. And the only one with foreign policy experience. Debating and bringing people together are not the same skills.

The media focuses on a few seconds and runs it in a loop to paint an image. If they destroy Rubio they simply move to the next one. Trump repeats himself every few seconds but I never see the clips. I have a feeling there's more than what meets the eye this election cycle.
Actually, Rubio is a not-so-bad debater most of the time, and he's a charming guy. The problem I emphasized is that he gets super nervous during those debates. His word may be persuasive often time, but he sweated so much, could't drink enough before a debate, and blundered in an inexplicable way. All of these, by themselves, may not be significant, but the indication that it is difficult for him to stand the pressure is alarming to me. If debating on a stage could be a challenge, what about the big deals that our president ought to make for the country? If an ordinary citizen can smell nervousness from him during a TV event, do you think leaders like Putin or Xi won't take advantage of his weakness? I'm just not confident in his nerves against some of the toughest challenges. And yes, he might be able to unite a lot of people because he is charming and those people are nice, but I bet the world of politics is not all that friendly.
BTW, my comment on Rubio is just what I feel after watching his performance in a number of events on TV. As for the media, they suck!
I think Rubio has a future in presidential primaries but he lacks both political and legislative experience. He just doesn't come across as leader of the free world any more than Trump does.. He needs another 4 to to 8 years.
I think Rubio has a future in presidential primaries but he lacks both political and legislative experience. He just doesn't come across as leader of the free world any more than Trump does.. He needs another 4 to to 8 years.

Yeah, but he's not going to get it. Because he chose to run for President instead of his senate seat, that door has closed. It's unlikely Rick Scott is going to step aside so he can play at being governor until that gets boring for him.
Poor Rubio, he blundered during a debate. A week ago he was the rising star of the GOP establishment, and now people are talking about if he stands a chance! I only hope he is not so much distracted by what happened that night and carry on. After all, he's my second pick :/
He's my first. Remember he took a sip of water and the left wing called it a career ender. It's what they do. The race has a long long way to go and Rubio is only a few delegates short of Cruz. Even the Dems are no certainty at this point.
Honestly I think he's a little inexperienced, not because he doesn't have a strong resume, but because of his performance in the debates.
I can smell nervousness from his reactions constantly. He's been around for enough time to overcome this sort of thing, yet he blunders in a debate so badly that it's inexcusable. I mean what kind of person repeats an irrelevant talking point four times, especially when his opponent was accusing him of doing so? Everybody makes mistakes, but it's the characteristics revealed by this and other similar mistakes that make me doubt if he could stand the pressure and perform well as the leader of the free world.
I don't think he does debates well, Trump is a better debater because he's used to the big deal. However I have heard Rubio many times now speak his mind and he's a level headed guy very familiar with the issues. And the only one with foreign policy experience. Debating and bringing people together are not the same skills.

The media focuses on a few seconds and runs it in a loop to paint an image. If they destroy Rubio they simply move to the next one. Trump repeats himself every few seconds but I never see the clips. I have a feeling there's more than what meets the eye this election cycle.
Actually, Rubio is a not-so-bad debater most of the time, and he's a charming guy. The problem I emphasized is that he gets super nervous during those debates. His word may be persuasive often time, but he sweated so much, could't drink enough before a debate, and blundered in an inexplicable way. All of these, by themselves, may not be significant, but the indication that it is difficult for him to stand the pressure is alarming to me. If debating on a stage could be a challenge, what about the big deals that our president ought to make for the country? If an ordinary citizen can smell nervousness from him during a TV event, do you think leaders like Putin or Xi won't take advantage of his weakness? I'm just not confident in his nerves against some of the toughest challenges. And yes, he might be able to unite a lot of people because he is charming and those people are nice, but I bet the world of politics is not all that friendly.
BTW, my comment on Rubio is just what I feel after watching his performance in a number of events on TV. As for the media, they suck!
I think most would agree that obama is a smooth talker and a cool customer live. But his policies suck and the way he goes about them even worse, seriously dividing this country. I would much rather have a guy uncomfortable in front of a camera but determined to unite the country and more interested in increasing prosperity than social pet causes behind his desk.
Considering the field I would say Rubio has a chance of turning it around. Two votes in small states might not mean much. But Rubio has to stop with the canned responses and the robot type appearances.

I was all for him until he didn't vote on the unconstitutional two year budget. Voting present is for whimps.
Do you think Rubio still has a shot at the nomination?
This neocon has no chance to become President, either in this election or in any future elections.
Poor Rubio, he blundered during a debate. A week ago he was the rising star of the GOP establishment, and now people are talking about if he stands a chance! I only hope he is not so much distracted by what happened that night and carry on. After all, he's my second pick :/
He's my first. Remember he took a sip of water and the left wing called it a career ender. It's what they do. The race has a long long way to go and Rubio is only a few delegates short of Cruz. Even the Dems are no certainty at this point.
Honestly I think he's a little inexperienced, not because he doesn't have a strong resume, but because of his performance in the debates.
I can smell nervousness from his reactions constantly. He's been around for enough time to overcome this sort of thing, yet he blunders in a debate so badly that it's inexcusable. I mean what kind of person repeats an irrelevant talking point four times, especially when his opponent was accusing him of doing so? Everybody makes mistakes, but it's the characteristics revealed by this and other similar mistakes that make me doubt if he could stand the pressure and perform well as the leader of the free world.
I don't think he does debates well, Trump is a better debater because he's used to the big deal. However I have heard Rubio many times now speak his mind and he's a level headed guy very familiar with the issues. And the only one with foreign policy experience. Debating and bringing people together are not the same skills.

The media focuses on a few seconds and runs it in a loop to paint an image. If they destroy Rubio they simply move to the next one. Trump repeats himself every few seconds but I never see the clips. I have a feeling there's more than what meets the eye this election cycle.
Actually, Rubio is a not-so-bad debater most of the time, and he's a charming guy. The problem I emphasized is that he gets super nervous during those debates. His word may be persuasive often time, but he sweated so much, could't drink enough before a debate, and blundered in an inexplicable way. All of these, by themselves, may not be significant, but the indication that it is difficult for him to stand the pressure is alarming to me. If debating on a stage could be a challenge, what about the big deals that our president ought to make for the country? If an ordinary citizen can smell nervousness from him during a TV event, do you think leaders like Putin or Xi won't take advantage of his weakness? I'm just not confident in his nerves against some of the toughest challenges. And yes, he might be able to unite a lot of people because he is charming and those people are nice, but I bet the world of politics is not all that friendly.
BTW, my comment on Rubio is just what I feel after watching his performance in a number of events on TV. As for the media, they suck!
I think Rubio has a future in presidential primaries but he lacks both political and legislative experience. He just doesn't come across as leader of the free world any more than Trump does.. He needs another 4 to to 8 years.

As did Obama, and we have been paying ever since.
Considering the field I would say Rubio has a chance of turning it around. Two votes in small states might not mean much. But Rubio has to stop with the canned responses and the robot type appearances.

I was all for him until he didn't vote on the unconstitutional two year budget. Voting present is for whimps.
I think he should have, it had no chance of being over turned but he might have decided to play it safe. But on the flip side of the coin we have Cruz who will put him self out there. The problem is he doesn't see, or maybe care about the consequences. He was responsible for the two week government shut down. On principle and all it did was harm Republicans.
Poor Rubio, he blundered during a debate. A week ago he was the rising star of the GOP establishment, and now people are talking about if he stands a chance! I only hope he is not so much distracted by what happened that night and carry on. After all, he's my second pick :/
He's my first. Remember he took a sip of water and the left wing called it a career ender. It's what they do. The race has a long long way to go and Rubio is only a few delegates short of Cruz. Even the Dems are no certainty at this point.
Honestly I think he's a little inexperienced, not because he doesn't have a strong resume, but because of his performance in the debates.
I can smell nervousness from his reactions constantly. He's been around for enough time to overcome this sort of thing, yet he blunders in a debate so badly that it's inexcusable. I mean what kind of person repeats an irrelevant talking point four times, especially when his opponent was accusing him of doing so? Everybody makes mistakes, but it's the characteristics revealed by this and other similar mistakes that make me doubt if he could stand the pressure and perform well as the leader of the free world.
I don't think he does debates well, Trump is a better debater because he's used to the big deal. However I have heard Rubio many times now speak his mind and he's a level headed guy very familiar with the issues. And the only one with foreign policy experience. Debating and bringing people together are not the same skills.

The media focuses on a few seconds and runs it in a loop to paint an image. If they destroy Rubio they simply move to the next one. Trump repeats himself every few seconds but I never see the clips. I have a feeling there's more than what meets the eye this election cycle.
Actually, Rubio is a not-so-bad debater most of the time, and he's a charming guy. The problem I emphasized is that he gets super nervous during those debates. His word may be persuasive often time, but he sweated so much, could't drink enough before a debate, and blundered in an inexplicable way. All of these, by themselves, may not be significant, but the indication that it is difficult for him to stand the pressure is alarming to me. If debating on a stage could be a challenge, what about the big deals that our president ought to make for the country? If an ordinary citizen can smell nervousness from him during a TV event, do you think leaders like Putin or Xi won't take advantage of his weakness? I'm just not confident in his nerves against some of the toughest challenges. And yes, he might be able to unite a lot of people because he is charming and those people are nice, but I bet the world of politics is not all that friendly.
BTW, my comment on Rubio is just what I feel after watching his performance in a number of events on TV. As for the media, they suck!
I think Rubio has a future in presidential primaries but he lacks both political and legislative experience. He just doesn't come across as leader of the free world any more than Trump does.. He needs another 4 to to 8 years.
If he's not ready now he never will be. How much have you changed in 4 years? You either got it or you don't. It's too bad for Republicans because he's Hispanic. So close
Considering the field I would say Rubio has a chance of turning it around. Two votes in small states might not mean much. But Rubio has to stop with the canned responses and the robot type appearances.

I was all for him until he didn't vote on the unconstitutional two year budget. Voting present is for whimps.
I think he should have, it had no chance of being over turned but he might have decided to play it safe. But on the flip side of the coin we have Cruz who will put him self out there. The problem is he doesn't see, or maybe care about the consequences. He was responsible for the two week government shut down. On principle and all it did was harm Republicans.

I have no problem with the Government shutdown and I don't think it hurt the Republicans at all considering the beating the Democrats have been taking. I talk to no one that even mentions the government shutdown. Matter of fact most are all for it. Pretty funny that the democrats thought so little of their base that they thought they would become motivated because a scenic road side stop was closed by Obama and of course blamed on the Republicans.

That said, I do like what Cruz has to say and has done but I am too superficial to get past his looks. Just something about him.
Do you think Rubio still has a shot at the nomination?
This neocon has no chance to become President, either in this election or in any future elections.
Golly, you heard it here first, folks.
Neocons rinos teabaggers libertarians Reagan Republicans. How many wings do your right wingers have?

I am not a republican but it seems to me the answer to your question is how many has the left created.
Do you think Rubio still has a shot at the nomination?
This neocon has no chance to become President, either in this election or in any future elections.
Golly, you heard it here first, folks.
Neocons rinos teabaggers libertarians Reagan Republicans. How many wings do your right wingers have?
How many bowls have you had this morning?

Will Cheerios do that to a person?
Do you think Rubio still has a shot at the nomination?
This neocon has no chance to become President, either in this election or in any future elections.
Golly, you heard it here first, folks.
Neocons rinos teabaggers libertarians Reagan Republicans. How many wings do your right wingers have?
How many bowls have you had this morning?
2. Poker night last night. Lots of drinking and weed
Do you think Rubio still has a shot at the nomination?
This neocon has no chance to become President, either in this election or in any future elections.
Golly, you heard it here first, folks.
Neocons rinos teabaggers libertarians Reagan Republicans. How many wings do your right wingers have?
How many bowls have you had this morning?
2. Poker night last night. Lots of drinking and weed
Color me shocked.
Do you think Rubio still has a shot at the nomination?
This neocon has no chance to become President, either in this election or in any future elections.
Golly, you heard it here first, folks.
Neocons rinos teabaggers libertarians Reagan Republicans. How many wings do your right wingers have?

I am not a republican but it seems to me the answer to your question is how many has the left created.
I don't belong to any organized political parties I'm a democrat. Isn't that the saying?

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