Poll: Republican House Majority Vulnerable In 2012


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Jordan Howard

WASHINGTON -- A new survey sponsored by a Democratic super PAC reveals that several Republican-held House seats could be competitive next year as Democrats look to gain 25 seats to take back the House of Representatives.

The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling on behalf of the Democratic super PAC, "House Majority PAC," shows 12 Republican incumbents in a vulnerable position heading into their reelection campaigns: fewer than 50 percent of voters in their districts would vote to reelect them.

"These polls illustrate that Republican incumbents running in swing districts across the country are in serious trouble and Republican control of the House is in serious jeopardy," House Majority PAC Executive Director Alixandria Lapp said in a press release.

More: Republican House Majority Vulnerable In 2012: Poll
And this will only get worse for the GOP during the next year as the House continues to do nothing and the American people continue to suffer accordingly.
Problem: You have to have someone credible to run against them.

That has been the part of the problem in elections over the last several decades. Quality people are not running for office and the incumbents have the money and name recognition to make any newbie think twice about running. Dissatisfaction with incumbents will only take form if the other party or independents can find quality people and money to back them. Without this it is all academic.

What really needs to happen is for a grass roots party to spring up and run House candidates, candidates who represent the middle class not the extreme sides of the two parties we currently have.
I suspect teabagger mentality will doom House Republicans.
I think most of the Tea Baggers will be one hit wonders..

Repeated attempts to shut down government, default on our debt, devalue our credit rating, anti workers rights.....

Payback time
This is called "whistling past the graveyard." The GOP will pick up more seats and the Senate.
I guess that would be a good thing with the new republican administration.
And this will only get worse for the GOP during the next year as the House continues to do nothing and the American people continue to suffer accordingly.

As much as it pains me to agree with the Rabbi, I have to agree...

Redistricting is going to help Republicans more than Democrats. And it Obama wins at all, he'll just squeak by.
Couldn't care less...I wont give those Marxist propagandist fucks the hit.
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