Poll: Republican House Majority Vulnerable In 2012

Those who live by the Tea Bagger, die by the Tea Bagger

Nancy Pelosi will be back in 2013
It's a push poll. They tell the pollster the result they'd like, then the pollster gets it for them......

This will be difficult for you, but here's some logic...

WHY would the DNC request a "false" poll?
I wouldn't be surprised.

This may be a weird election where the Republicans win the White House and the Senate but lose the House. I don't think that will happen. I think the Republicans will win everything. But I think the Republicans will have a lower majority in the House and could outright lose it.
And this will only get worse for the GOP during the next year as the House continues to do nothing and the American people continue to suffer accordingly.
No...The American people benefit by the federal government staying OUT of the economy and steering clear of the private sector.
Government is NOT the answer. Limited government IS the answer.If you are looking to government to fix your house, get you a job, make you feel better or cure the common cold, you're on the wrong side.
The poll has no credibility as it was commissioned via a biased entity.
You and the other Obama worshipers can keep your thoughts of a democrat controlled social utopia.
Wish in one hand and shit in the other...See what you get first.
obamacare! obamacare! obamacare!

Don't forget that a "majority" wanted ObamaCare TO DO MORE - not less.
Majority of whom?
2,500 pages of nonsense, tax increases and social entitlements that create more dependency on government.
When will you lefties get it through your heads that Obamacare does not offer free medical care. It does not control prices. it is now projected to cost several times what was supported by the legislature. Is creating the uncertainty that is causing the business community to slow expansion and hiring to a crawl. Sets up a brand new bureaucracy that will include hundreds of thousands of new federal employees. New taxes on businesses and individuals. Finally it creates another dependency class.
This law will not survive in it's current form. It is facing Constitutional challenges in several states. it facing voter referendum challenges in Ohio and Utah.
You will never see the day where your medical care is free and on demand. It's impossible.
This is called "whistling past the graveyard." The GOP will pick up more seats and the Senate.

Leave it to those wacky left wing extremists to quote a poll done by a "Democrat Party Super PAC", then slobber all over themselves posting their "the Republicans are doomed" election predictions, then all gather around their campfire, hold hands, and sing "Obamaya".

"Whistling past the graveyard", indeed! The lefties are ALWAYS good for a laugh. :lol::clap2:
I think most of the Tea Baggers will be one hit wonders..

Repeated attempts to shut down government, default on our debt, devalue our credit rating, anti workers rights.....

Payback time
That's your uninformed opinion.
It was our current administration's insane spending that caused the Congress to think twice about the debt ceiling. There was never any threat of default on debt. That was a scare tactic perpetrated by the White House. There was never any possibility that there were not going to be SS payments last August. That was posturing by Obama because he couldn't get his way.
The President does not have the authority to cut off SS payments.
Moody's devalued the US Credit rating based on deficits by THIS administration.
You as does Obama on a daily basis, blame the GOP. It doesn't matter. This is OBAMA'S WATCH....
Don't forget that a "majority" wanted ObamaCare TO DO MORE - not less.

Sure thang sweetheart.. that why 27 states have filed suit to stop the darn thang..

How many of those states had Republican majorities?

All of them?

How many of those states have their own healthcare?

None of them

We have plenty of health care. You just don't want to pay for your own insurance. You want the taxpayers to foot your medical bills.
Don't give me any bunk about compassion. You people are only thinking of yourselves.
I think most of the Tea Baggers will be one hit wonders..

Repeated attempts to shut down government, default on our debt, devalue our credit rating, anti workers rights.....

Payback time
That's your uninformed opinion.
It was our current administration's insane spending that caused the Congress to think twice about the debt ceiling. There was never any threat of default on debt. That was a scare tactic perpetrated by the White House. There was never any possibility that there were not going to be SS payments last August. That was posturing by Obama because he couldn't get his way.
The President does not have the authority to cut off SS payments.
Moody's devalued the US Credit rating based on deficits by THIS administration.
You as does Obama on a daily basis, blame the GOP. It doesn't matter. This is OBAMA'S WATCH....

Payback time for Tea Baggers

Spin and blaming Obama won't change anything. Tea Baggers are one and done
And if I was to have a Republican PAC do a similar survey I bet ya they would come to an opposite conclusion


Dishonest polls are useless to both parties. Also, why would either party pay for dishonest polls?
Dummy..The polls are not for the candidates. Polls are used to influence voter opinion.
Of course this Democrat PAC is going to post results favorable to democrats.
Sure thang sweetheart.. that why 27 states have filed suit to stop the darn thang..

How many of those states had Republican majorities?

All of them?

How many of those states have their own healthcare?

None of them

We have plenty of health care. You just don't want to pay for your own insurance. You want the taxpayers to foot your medical bills.
Don't give me any bunk about compassion. You people are only thinking of yourselves.

Ever notice the high percent of uninsured in Red States?

Cutting off your nose to spite your face
I think most of the Tea Baggers will be one hit wonders..

Repeated attempts to shut down government, default on our debt, devalue our credit rating, anti workers rights.....

Payback time
That's your uninformed opinion.
It was our current administration's insane spending that caused the Congress to think twice about the debt ceiling. There was never any threat of default on debt. That was a scare tactic perpetrated by the White House. There was never any possibility that there were not going to be SS payments last August. That was posturing by Obama because he couldn't get his way.
The President does not have the authority to cut off SS payments.
Moody's devalued the US Credit rating based on deficits by THIS administration.
You as does Obama on a daily basis, blame the GOP. It doesn't matter. This is OBAMA'S WATCH....

Payback time for Tea Baggers

Spin and blaming Obama won't change anything. Tea Baggers are one and done

Did you see this?

Slavery - YouTube

I think this guy lost but I think his sentiment is that of the Tea Party

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