Poll: Republican House Majority Vulnerable In 2012

Democrats don't need a poll to know that teabagger House Republicans are vulnerable. People are sick of their retarded medieval shit.
Give examples of Tea Party "medieval shit"...
Do ONLY that...
BTW it is only frustrated liberals who have seen their chance at furthering of their socialist agenda stopped dead cold that are sick of the Tea Party.
The majority of voting Americans saw to it that the far left agenda being pushed by Obama and Congressional democrats had gone much too far. The last straw was Obamacare.
As long as unemployment remains high, home values continue to decline and the economy stays in the current general funk, the democrats will get the blame.
Oh, please don't bother mentioning the modest increase in the growth of the economy as reported by the commerce dept and stow the crap about the DJIA rising on good news of a bailout of Greece by the EU....Those are incidental factors and unrelated to the overall economy.
Now, for 401k plans and stock traders, there is good news because the market indices got a great boost today. On the minus side the price of oil and gasoline has been rising steadily and is not at 4 month highs. Rising pump prices will soon follow and that will negate any economic advance. Those are the facts. They are not in dispute.
I suspect teabagger mentality will doom House Republicans.

you mean fixing our problems and not making things worse? That mentality?

I dont think the people will have as big a problem with it as you do.
That's your uninformed opinion.
It was our current administration's insane spending that caused the Congress to think twice about the debt ceiling. There was never any threat of default on debt. That was a scare tactic perpetrated by the White House. There was never any possibility that there were not going to be SS payments last August. That was posturing by Obama because he couldn't get his way.
The President does not have the authority to cut off SS payments.
Moody's devalued the US Credit rating based on deficits by THIS administration.
You as does Obama on a daily basis, blame the GOP. It doesn't matter. This is OBAMA'S WATCH....

Payback time for Tea Baggers

Spin and blaming Obama won't change anything. Tea Baggers are one and done

Did you see this?

Slavery - YouTube

I think this guy lost but I think his sentiment is that of the Tea Party

Insulting to all Americans
It's a push poll. They tell the pollster the result they'd like, then the pollster gets it for them......

Like "Would you still vote for John McCain if you found out he had fathered an illegitimate black child?"
Would you fuck a dog if it had a human vagina?
The second question is just as ridiculous as a the first.
Shut up.....You are uninformed and a hater. You are to be dismissed as a fly speck in the ocean. You are a racist.
Never heard of a little thing know as propaganda, have you?

I'll let you in on a little secret...Huffy-PuffyPost and Daily Kooks specialize in the trade.

Looks like someone is shitting their pants

Gee ... if only ... I mean, I know it's a long shot, but maybe the RWNJ brigade could have their own propaganda rag? Or don't they need one, what with them having Fox News n'all?
Payback time for Tea Baggers

Spin and blaming Obama won't change anything. Tea Baggers are one and done

Did you see this?

Slavery - YouTube

I think this guy lost but I think his sentiment is that of the Tea Party

Insulting to all Americans

What? What do you find insulting about a Zombie Abe Lincoln holding court with a little fat dude wearing a plaid shirt?

I can't stop laughing whenever I watch this sort of ad. This one either:

[YTP] Dale Peterson Hates You - YouTube

I apologize to those in Alabama but you guys need to do something about your politicians.
By Jordan Howard

WASHINGTON -- A new survey sponsored by a Democratic super PAC reveals that several Republican-held House seats could be competitive next year as Democrats look to gain 25 seats to take back the House of Representatives.

The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling on behalf of the Democratic super PAC, "House Majority PAC," shows 12 Republican incumbents in a vulnerable position heading into their reelection campaigns: fewer than 50 percent of voters in their districts would vote to reelect them.

"These polls illustrate that Republican incumbents running in swing districts across the country are in serious trouble and Republican control of the House is in serious jeopardy," House Majority PAC Executive Director Alixandria Lapp said in a press release.

More: Republican House Majority Vulnerable In 2012: Poll

Gee, a survey conducted on behalf of a Democratic super PAC came to the conclusion that Republicans were in serious trouble? Are you really THAT desperate, Lakhota? Seriously...why waste your time with this nonsense?
What's amusing is that when the Democrats HAD majorities in the House and Senate they didn't do much besides pass Obamacare...one of the most badly written pieces of legislation in the history of the country and blow a trillion bucks on their stimulus plan that didn't stimulate anything. Are you progressives really sure you want control of all three? You know as well as I do that Barack Obama doesn't have any solutions for our economy. Take away blaming the Republicans and he's going to have to DO something and that my liberal friends is going to be amusing to watch.
By Jordan Howard

WASHINGTON -- A new survey sponsored by a Democratic super PAC reveals that several Republican-held House seats could be competitive next year as Democrats look to gain 25 seats to take back the House of Representatives.

The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling on behalf of the Democratic super PAC, "House Majority PAC," shows 12 Republican incumbents in a vulnerable position heading into their reelection campaigns: fewer than 50 percent of voters in their districts would vote to reelect them.

"These polls illustrate that Republican incumbents running in swing districts across the country are in serious trouble and Republican control of the House is in serious jeopardy," House Majority PAC Executive Director Alixandria Lapp said in a press release.

More: Republican House Majority Vulnerable In 2012: Poll
In spite of the efforts of house republicans, economic recovery appears to be accelerating. Each uptick in the economy is a nail in the Republican coffin.
In spite of the efforts of house republicans, economic recovery appears to be accelerating. Each uptick in the economy is a nail in the Republican coffin.
Yeah..."Accelerating" from nonexistent to glacial. :lol:
By Jordan Howard

WASHINGTON -- A new survey sponsored by a Democratic super PAC reveals that several Republican-held House seats could be competitive next year as Democrats look to gain 25 seats to take back the House of Representatives.

The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling on behalf of the Democratic super PAC, "House Majority PAC," shows 12 Republican incumbents in a vulnerable position heading into their reelection campaigns: fewer than 50 percent of voters in their districts would vote to reelect them.

"These polls illustrate that Republican incumbents running in swing districts across the country are in serious trouble and Republican control of the House is in serious jeopardy," House Majority PAC Executive Director Alixandria Lapp said in a press release.

More: Republican House Majority Vulnerable In 2012: Poll
In spite of the efforts of house republicans, economic recovery appears to be accelerating. Each uptick in the economy is a nail in the Republican coffin.
That's your opinion.
Tell that bullshit to the 15 million people who are out of work, underemployed or working part time temporary. THAT is Obama's legacy.
Unlike you lefties, the rest of us do not look to government to do things for us. We want government the hell out of our way. Businesses do not expand and consumers do not open their wallets on the say so of some new government program. They do these things when they are confident government IS NOT going to come up with some new program.
Do you really think Obama's latest spending scheme( jobs bill which is just another stimulus) is going to make a significant difference in the economy or unemployment or the housing market? Are you really that naive?
Obama is in full campaign mode. First it's this silly tax inc....oops, jobs bill. Then he panders to college students and grads who are whining like little brats that they can't pay off their student loans. Well boo fucking hoo hoo. Everyone else before them did it. Even in poor economic times. There was no student bail out. Again, Obama using the Office of POTUS in full campaign mode. Now Obama is threatening the Congress and the American people with his pen. He has had it with everyone and he's putting his foot down. The AKOTUS is BACK....Yes the Ass Kicker in Chief is going to leave no stone unturned. He will have his attorneys find every loophole in the federal law and the US Constitution that allows him with the stroke of a pen to change the entire country.
Just who the fuck does this guy think he is.
With the first unpopular executive order, it is the end of any chance Obama has of winning a second term. Americans do not like being backed into a corner. They do not like feeling powerless. And a president that acts unilaterally and without the consent of Congress will make them feel powerless. And that will make them angry.
You lefties yelled a collective "Yippie" when Obama made the announcement he was going to rule by executive order. Be careful what you wish for. NO one ,I mean no one gets things their own way all the time. If they do, they will eventually pay for it. And that payback is usually very very unpleasant.
Tea Party is at it's most unpopular. Nobody should be surprised

Poll: Tea Party approval reaches new low - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Hey sewer dweller...Anyone can write what their viewpoint and put it in a blog. Doesn't make it true.
Really? How many times are you people on the left going to post blogs and opinions from your favorite liberal sources like the huffandpuffington post and pass them off as news?
How many times are you going to get busted making up stuff?
I could go to right wing blogs find opinions 180 degrees from yours and post them here as well. I am not going to do that because I know it is just one person's viewpoint. That is a waste of time. Besides, we do not get our news from opinionated sources we do not post opinions and try to pass them off as news You people do that.
I think the methane gas is getting to you ,Norton.
Poll: Republican House Majority Vulnerable In 2012
Didn't they "run" on....
....in 2010??!!!

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Tea Party is at it's most unpopular. Nobody should be surprised

Poll: Tea Party approval reaches new low - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Hey sewer dweller...Anyone can write what their viewpoint and put it in a blog. Doesn't make it true.
Really? How many times are you people on the left going to post blogs and opinions from your favorite liberal sources like the huffandpuffington post and pass them off as news?
How many times are you going to get busted making up stuff?
I could go to right wing blogs find opinions 180 degrees from yours and post them here as well. I am not going to do that because I know it is just one person's viewpoint. That is a waste of time. Besides, we do not get our news from opinionated sources we do not post opinions and try to pass them off as news You people do that.
I think the methane gas is getting to you ,Norton.

CNN/Opinion Research is not a blog. Now I know it doesn't bear the weight of a FoxNews or Rassmussen poll but across the board, Tea Baggers are not polling well. Not just as a member of the Tea Party but as individual candidates.
Individual Tea Baggers are poorly organized and poorly funded. More important they are blundering on critical issues like the economy (not just taxes and spending), their willingness to bring the country to it's knees to make a point, social issues and being anti labor

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