Poll: Republicans More Trusted Than Democrats


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
A decided shift in public sentiment on a number of key issues is underway, with Republicans now gaining clear advantages on such areas as the economy, taxes, Iraq, national security, immigration, and overall government ethics.

Regarding the economy, 45% polled indicated trusting the Republicans more than the Democrats, who came in at 39%.

On the issue of taxes, the disparity was almost as great, with Republicans garnering 44% to the Democrats 39%.

On national security, the Republicans are at an even greater advantage, with 51% vs 36% for Democrats.

Of course, even as public sentiment appears to be shifting toward Republicans heading into the 2010 midterm elections, whether or not the Republican Party can actually organize effectively and take advantage of this shift is uncertain...

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere
Yep--the honeymoon for the community organizer looks to be over. Wanna bet the left wing media buries this poll somewhere--LOL.
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Yup he ll take the 4 along with the forever in history bad or good.
Yep--the honeymoon for the community organizer looks to be over. Wanna bet the left wing media buries this poll somewhere--LOL.

we can only hope. re the honeymoon I mean
You all hung your hats on Rasmussen last year as well. Another major disappointment for Repubs in 2010 on the way.
You all hung your hats on Rasmussen last year as well. Another major disappointment for Repubs in 2010 on the way.

Despite their concerns, the American public isn’t blaming Obama for some of the current problems he’s facing. Asked who was more responsible for the size of the deficit, 46 percent cited the Bush administration, 21 percent said the Democrats in Congress, 7 percent said the Republicans in Congress and just 6 percent said the Obama administration.

In addition, 72 percent believe that the current state of the economy is something Obama inherited rather than created.

Even though the public remains pessimistic about the economy — just 12 percent say they are satisfied with it — the poll does show a bit of optimism with 46 percent expecting the economy to improve in the next year.

That’s up eight points since April, and it’s the highest percentage on that particular question since January 2004.

Poll: Public concerned about size of deficit - White House- msnbc.com
You all hung your hats on Rasmussen last year as well. Another major disappointment for Repubs in 2010 on the way.

Despite their concerns, the American public isn’t blaming Obama for some of the current problems he’s facing. Asked who was more responsible for the size of the deficit, 46 percent cited the Bush administration, 21 percent said the Democrats in Congress, 7 percent said the Republicans in Congress and just 6 percent said the Obama administration.

In addition, 72 percent believe that the current state of the economy is something Obama inherited rather than created.

Even though the public remains pessimistic about the economy — just 12 percent say they are satisfied with it — the poll does show a bit of optimism with 46 percent expecting the economy to improve in the next year.

That’s up eight points since April, and it’s the highest percentage on that particular question since January 2004.

Poll: Public concerned about size of deficit - White House- msnbc.com
Thanks -
A decided shift in public sentiment on a number of key issues is underway, with Republicans now gaining clear advantages on such areas as the economy, taxes, Iraq, national security, immigration, and overall government ethics.

Regarding the economy, 45% polled indicated trusting the Republicans more than the Democrats, who came in at 39%.

On the issue of taxes, the disparity was almost as great, with Republicans garnering 44% to the Democrats 39%.

On national security, the Republicans are at an even greater advantage, with 51% vs 36% for Democrats.

Of course, even as public sentiment appears to be shifting toward Republicans heading into the 2010 midterm elections, whether or not the Republican Party can actually organize effectively and take advantage of this shift is uncertain...

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere

Gotta love Rasmussen. His polls ALWAYS show opposite results from all the other MAJOR polling organizations, like this one, showing Republican favorability down to 26%--the lowest in history.

Yep--the honeymoon for the community organizer looks to be over. Wanna bet the left wing media buries this poll somewhere--LOL.

Scott Rasmussen isn't seen as a credible polster. He is a conservative evangelical, and uses his own weird methodology, meaning he polls in heavily Republican districts.
A decided shift in public sentiment on a number of key issues is underway, with Republicans now gaining clear advantages on such areas as the economy, taxes, Iraq, national security, immigration, and overall government ethics.

Regarding the economy, 45% polled indicated trusting the Republicans more than the Democrats, who came in at 39%.

On the issue of taxes, the disparity was almost as great, with Republicans garnering 44% to the Democrats 39%.

On national security, the Republicans are at an even greater advantage, with 51% vs 36% for Democrats.

Of course, even as public sentiment appears to be shifting toward Republicans heading into the 2010 midterm elections, whether or not the Republican Party can actually organize effectively and take advantage of this shift is uncertain...

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere

Gotta love Rasmussen. His polls ALWAYS show opposite results from all the other MAJOR polling organizations, like this one, showing Republican favorability down to 26%--the lowest in history.


It isn't surprising that with all the talk about socialism, raising taxes, bailing out GM & giving the Federal Reserve more power that his numbers have dropped.

Maybe we should have voted for McCain. :lol:
Yep--the honeymoon for the community organizer looks to be over. Wanna bet the left wing media buries this poll somewhere--LOL.

I'm glad you brought up the left wing media.

How come they aren't talking about this?

One Penny Sheet » Federal Reserve Cannot Account for $9 Trillion video

Federal Reserve Cannot Account for $9 Trillion video

That's $30k per American.

How come the tea baggers aren't protesting this Oreo?

The Federal Reserve doubled the debt in 8 months, most of it done on Bush's watch.

Liberal media my ass.
Yep--the honeymoon for the community organizer looks to be over. Wanna bet the left wing media buries this poll somewhere--LOL.

we can only hope. re the honeymoon I mean
The honeymoon will never end. The SRM (State Run Media) will only become more entrenched with Obama fever, possibly even to broadcasting from the White House so as to be even closer to their idol. But this stuff is to their own peril. Non Kool-Aide drinkers notice and are duly offended.
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The media's push in favor of socialized medicine this past couple of weeks is so transparent as to border on parody.

Despite these efforts, polls are showing voters increasingly pessimistic over Obamacare.

It appears more and more are waking up to the reality of what is actually going on around them - and to their country, and it is leaving them a bit unsettled - even among a few of my liberal associates.
Yeah, the national medical insurance thing has a lot of folks concerned, in part because we don't think the Obama administration has quite thought out the end results as yet. Does the American government really want to take on the challenge of the AMA and the hassles with the propcessing that takes place with the medical institution? That would take another several years to overhaul all that is in place right now. And, would cost a ton of millions of dollars to make it happen, only to turn out to be ineffective.
I believe it was Rasmussen that had McCain the winner by a landslide and weren't they behind Dewey's win?

Come on folks you lost, have the balls to admit you failed, stop the insecure hope that deep down you failures really are loved by more than the extreme right wing wackos who grace the blogs and forums in hope that someone will see reality backward.

The policies you supported failed - every time I read you whining crybabies I am reminded of one large circle jerk - Grow up in other words.
I believe it was Rasmussen that had McCain the winner by a landslide and weren't they behind Dewey's win?

Come on folks you lost, have the balls to admit you failed, stop the insecure hope that deep down you failures really are loved by more than the extreme right wing wackos who grace the blogs and forums in hope that someone will see reality backward.

The policies you supported failed - every time I read you whining crybabies I am reminded of one large circle jerk - Grow up in other words.
nope, they had Obama winning

its complete BULLSHIT to call him "a republican pollster"

and it figures a jerk like you would think in circles
I believe it was Rasmussen that had McCain the winner by a landslide and weren't they behind Dewey's win?

Come on folks you lost, have the balls to admit you failed, stop the insecure hope that deep down you failures really are loved by more than the extreme right wing wackos who grace the blogs and forums in hope that someone will see reality backward.

The policies you supported failed - every time I read you whining crybabies I am reminded of one large circle jerk - Grow up in other words.

In other words, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. got it.

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