POLL: Who would be easier for Trump to work with?

Who would be easier for Trump to work with?

  • Freedom Caucus

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Democrats

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • He could probably find a way to work with both

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Neither - They're both dug in for political reasons

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Mango. Literally.

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
That is way too funny....work on infrastructure...LMFAO!

Didn't the previous POTUS try that and all that occurred was the rich got richer and the roads and bridges got shittier? What makes you think anything will change?


Infrastructure spending was one of Trump's primary promises during the campaign.

When we pointed out how un-conservative that is, we were told it was okay if Trump did it.
Yes I know, but the BIG problem is the central government is incapable of DOING anything right. It is a criminal enterprise with unlimited power.
Both the "Freedom" Caucus and the Democrats are clearly willing to let his administration dangle in the wind - for different reasons, of course.

The "Freedom" Caucus just threw Trump and the rest of the party under the bus so they can get re-elected and keep their cushy gubmit jobs, and it looks like most Democrats are willing to let things decay for political advantage - the party-over-country game in which both parties are locked.

Where can Trump turn, if anywhere? He's never been a real conservative, so he could turn to the Democrats. But they might not return the call.


The Democrats aren't the problem, and neither are the Freedom Caucus. They are both standing on principle.

The real problem is Trump, a man who never, ever should have been made president.

A man who lacked the integrity, intellect, experience, or mental stability to be president.

But we let this happen.

And now when it is clear to everyone that this guy has no business being in the White House, you want to blame people for doing what their constituents elected them to do?

Hey, at least those guys WON THE POPULAR VOTE in their elections.

My Congressman is a democrat. I fully expect him to stand up against anything Trump is trying to do because that's what he promised me he would do.

And if you have some Bubba Redneck in Jesus-Land who voted for a member of the "Freedom Carcass", they expect him to vote against any reform because they don't dun der need them no government, Cleetus.

If Biffenfuhrer can't do the hard work to craft compromises that can garner enough votes to pass, that's on him. Not on anyone else.

If he doesn't want to do the hard work, he should resign and let Pence do it.

Wow you're such a myopic partisan hack. No, the ineptitude of Congress spans generations and all parties.

Your hate for Trump may be what's blinding you to reality.

Here's a Newsflash for you: The president is not who is tasked with making laws. All he has the power to do is say yes or no.

Regardless of party, Congress is having a party on our dime and not giving us a damn thing to show for it. They don't have to worry about what the common people's health insurance is, they have awesome government health insurance for life. If the Democrats see that Obamacare is going to hurt their constituents, they should get in on coming up with something better than Ryancare. Or will they do like the Republicans did last term and just be stalwarts. I bet they do the latter, even if a fantastically good healthcare bill gets drafted.
All Joe KNOWS is Ds good Rs bad...duh!

Way too many Americans are just like him and they get easily duped by the ruling class repeatedly.
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.

/---- Pres Trump has to learn that the DemocRATS are jackals who will get what they want then stab Trump in the back.
/---- Pres Trump has to learn that the DemocRATS are jackals who will get what they want then stab Trump in the back.
The first knife Trump has to remove is the one planted by the "Freedom" Caucus.
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
That is way too funny....work on infrastructure...LMFAO!

Didn't the previous POTUS try that and all that occurred was the rich got richer and the roads and bridges got shittier? What makes you think anything will change?!

More than 40,000 miles of roads and more than 2,700 bridges have been upgraded, nearly 700 drinking water systems serving more than 48 million people have been brought into compliance with federal clean water standards and high-speed Internet was introduced to about 20,000 community institutions.

What did the stimulus bill accomplish?

Obviously the GOP propaganda worked on you...
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.

/---- Pres Trump has to learn that the DemocRATS are jackals who will get what they want then stab Trump in the back.

The way they were supposed to build a wall AFTER Reagan gave 3 million illegals amnesty?

He did, and they didn't. I'm aware of the track record on that.
/---- Pres Trump has to learn that the DemocRATS are jackals who will get what they want then stab Trump in the back.
The first knife Trump has to remove is the one planted by the "Freedom" Caucus..
You mean Paul Ryan.
No, I meant the "Freedom" Caucus.

What did Ryan do?

1) Crafted the bill without consulting anybody involved in the legislation.

2) Knew it would go over like a lead balloon.

He scuttled it on purpose, I think.

Others lean to the "inept" train of thought.

Sort of like Obama. I say Obama is smart and knew what he was doing. He knew his policies would be disastrous for Americans.
/---- Pres Trump has to learn that the DemocRATS are jackals who will get what they want then stab Trump in the back.
The first knife Trump has to remove is the one planted by the "Freedom" Caucus..
You mean Paul Ryan.
No, I meant the "Freedom" Caucus.

What did Ryan do?

He put forth a shitty Bill that NOBODY liked and did a crap job at whip counting.

That embarrassing episode would have never happened under Pelos's leadership. That bitch can COUNT.
/---- Pres Trump has to learn that the DemocRATS are jackals who will get what they want then stab Trump in the back.
The first knife Trump has to remove is the one planted by the "Freedom" Caucus..
You mean Paul Ryan.
No, I meant the "Freedom" Caucus.

What did Ryan do?

1) Crafted the bill without consulting anybody involved in the legislation.

2) Knew it would go over like a lead balloon.

He scuttled it on purpose, I think.
Why would he voluntarily cause himself and his party so much political damage?
/---- Pres Trump has to learn that the DemocRATS are jackals who will get what they want then stab Trump in the back.
The first knife Trump has to remove is the one planted by the "Freedom" Caucus..
You mean Paul Ryan.
No, I meant the "Freedom" Caucus.

What did Ryan do?

1) Crafted the bill without consulting anybody involved in the legislation.

2) Knew it would go over like a lead balloon.

He scuttled it on purpose, I think.
Why would he voluntarily cause himself and his party so much political damage?

His masters wanted him to? :dunno: Maybe he got a big ol' bribe from an insurance lobbyist.
The GOP has the White House, House & Senate.

There's what, 240 Republicans in the House, and around 30 members of the "Freedom" Caucus.

That would known as the tail wagging the dog.
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
That is way too funny....work on infrastructure...LMFAO!

Didn't the previous POTUS try that and all that occurred was the rich got richer and the roads and bridges got shittier? What makes you think anything will change?!

More than 40,000 miles of roads and more than 2,700 bridges have been upgraded, nearly 700 drinking water systems serving more than 48 million people have been brought into compliance with federal clean water standards and high-speed Internet was introduced to about 20,000 community institutions.

What did the stimulus bill accomplish?

Obviously the GOP propaganda worked on you...
...and yet, we have both parties and Trump wanting to spend ever more on infrastructure. Billions are wasted in racketeering schemes that the central government is famous for, but hey the rich get richer.
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
That is way too funny....work on infrastructure...LMFAO!

Didn't the previous POTUS try that and all that occurred was the rich got richer and the roads and bridges got shittier? What makes you think anything will change?!

More than 40,000 miles of roads and more than 2,700 bridges have been upgraded, nearly 700 drinking water systems serving more than 48 million people have been brought into compliance with federal clean water standards and high-speed Internet was introduced to about 20,000 community institutions.

What did the stimulus bill accomplish?

Obviously the GOP propaganda worked on you...
...and yet, we have both parties and Trump wanting to spend ever more on infrastructure. Billions are wasted in racketeering schemes that the central government is famous for, but hey the rich get richer.

Of course you have a link to the billions wasted?

The U.S. got a D rating on our infrastructure. The huge infrastructure spending we did as a country over 50 years ago is crumbling.

We need it much more than a 54 billion dollar increase to military spending.
Trump best shot to get anything done is to quit and let Pence be President.

Now seeing that will not happen then honestly I will write that Trump best bet to get anything done is working with Pelosi, Schummer and moderate Republicans like McCain and Collins.

Freedom Caucus will not budge at all nor should they. They were elected to do what they do, so go around them to govern!
Both the "Freedom" Caucus and the Democrats are clearly willing to let his administration dangle in the wind - for different reasons, of course.

The "Freedom" Caucus just threw Trump and the rest of the party under the bus so they can get re-elected and keep their cushy gubmit jobs, and it looks like most Democrats are willing to let things decay for political advantage - the party-over-country game in which both parties are locked.

Where can Trump turn, if anywhere? He's never been a real conservative, so he could turn to the Democrats. But they might not return the call.


no one can work with the so-called "freedom caucus" (btw, you don't have to call people what they self-proclaim when what they self proclaim is BS). the reason no one can work with the so-called "freedom caucus".... or teatards.... is that the teatards hate gubmint. and you can't govern when you have no respect for or understanding of what you're doing.
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
Pelosi and Schumer said yesterday (Sunday 3/26/2017) that they would be willing to work with Trump as long as he does not give away the store to the rich.

But then again that is Trump's primary strategy.

He just wants to get rid of the Alt Min Tax and save himself $31 million in tax per year. Then his annual Federal tax bill goes to -0- with his prior year NOL deductions.

Therefore I expect Trump and Ryan to fokk up tax reform too, the same as they did Trumpcare.

Once Trump gets ready to do infrastructure he will be ready to work with the DEMs by then. His re-election by the blue collar workers will be on life support by then and he cannot afford 3 mistakes in a row.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
That is way too funny....work on infrastructure...LMFAO!

Didn't the previous POTUS try that and all that occurred was the rich got richer and the roads and bridges got shittier? What makes you think anything will change?!

More than 40,000 miles of roads and more than 2,700 bridges have been upgraded, nearly 700 drinking water systems serving more than 48 million people have been brought into compliance with federal clean water standards and high-speed Internet was introduced to about 20,000 community institutions.

What did the stimulus bill accomplish?

Obviously the GOP propaganda worked on you...
...and yet, we have both parties and Trump wanting to spend ever more on infrastructure. Billions are wasted in racketeering schemes that the central government is famous for, but hey the rich get richer.

Of course you have a link to the billions wasted?

The U.S. got a D rating on our infrastructure. The huge infrastructure spending we did as a country over 50 years ago is crumbling.

We need it much more than a 54 billion dollar increase to military spending.
2016 Prime Cuts | Citizens Against Government Waste
Trump is drowning and is screaming for someone to throw him a life line

I doubt if either the Freedom Caucus or Democrats will bother
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
Working with the Dems on infrastructure sooner rather than later might be a good idea to get the ball rolling.

I've seen a few people say tax reform could be even tougher to get done than health care.
That is way too funny....work on infrastructure...LMFAO!

Didn't the previous POTUS try that and all that occurred was the rich got richer and the roads and bridges got shittier? What makes you think anything will change?!

More than 40,000 miles of roads and more than 2,700 bridges have been upgraded, nearly 700 drinking water systems serving more than 48 million people have been brought into compliance with federal clean water standards and high-speed Internet was introduced to about 20,000 community institutions.

What did the stimulus bill accomplish?

Obviously the GOP propaganda worked on you...
...and yet, we have both parties and Trump wanting to spend ever more on infrastructure. Billions are wasted in racketeering schemes that the central government is famous for, but hey the rich get richer.

Of course you have a link to the billions wasted?

The U.S. got a D rating on our infrastructure. The huge infrastructure spending we did as a country over 50 years ago is crumbling.

We need it much more than a 54 billion dollar increase to military spending.
2016 Prime Cuts | Citizens Against Government Waste
Government spending and waste are synonymous. Amazingly after the prior asshole in the White House DOUBLED the national debt in just eight years, we STILL need more spending on infrastructure and just about everything else. Funny how that happens.


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