Poll: Will MLB, Coca-Colas CEO and others, punish Canada for it's racist policy of not allowing mail-in voting and requiring I.D?

Will MLB/Coca-Colas et al punish Canada for racist policy of requiring I.D and no mail-in voting?

  • Yes, because MLB, Coca-Cola and other great corporate leaders must protect such suppression tactics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, because these business leaders are plastic, political patsies

    Votes: 5 100.0%

  • Total voters
Is Canada, and most if not all of Europe now considered racist and suppressors of democracy?

If so, these leaders and politicians should put their money where their mouths are, let so-called allies know where they stand.

Care to link us to where "Coca-Colas [sic] CEO and others" have "punished" anybody?

Selling that brown sugar shit aside I mean.

Also bring us up to speed on Canada's new Jim Crow laws. CBC forgot to mention them last I checked.

On a site "Announcements and Feedback" note, I'll go on record suggesting that threads plopping fake push-polls ought to be summarily dumped as insults to the reader's intelligence.

And by the way, learn how apostrophes work.
Is Canada, and most if not all of Europe now considered racist and suppressors of democracy?

If so, these leaders and politicians should put their money where their mouths are, let so-called allies know where they stand.

Care to link us to where "Coca-Colas [sic] CEO and others" have "punished" anybody?

Selling that brown sugar shit aside I mean.

Also bring us up to speed on Canada's new Jim Crow laws. CBC forgot to mention them last I checked.

On a site "Announcements and Feedback" note, I'll go on record suggesting that threads plopping fake push-polls ought to be summarily dumped as insults to the reader's intelligence.

And by the way, learn how apostrophes work.

They haven't punished businesses of Atlanta? How about the basic premise of protection of the sanctity and security of elections that men and women better than you and I fight to defend?

I self identify as an apostrophe and I feel emboldened to apply them as I please.
They haven't punished businesses of Atlanta? How about the basic premise of protection of the sanctity and security of elections that men and women better than you and I fight to defend?

"They"? Coca-Cola is a "they"? And they've "punished" Atlanta by being based there? How have they done that? Is Pepsi banned from Atlanta? RC? Durr Pepper?

I mean sure there's way too much of that brown shit around town instead of real drink, but is that "punishment" when you're free to choose something else to drink?

Not sure what any of that has to do with elections, but as for your betters, speak for yourself.

I self identify as an apostrophe and I feel emboldened to apply them as I please.

I guess that's a joke of some kind but to be honest, your apostrophe abuse in the title and OP is the best argument that you're a real Canadian I've seen yet.

They haven't punished businesses of Atlanta? How about the basic premise of protection of the sanctity and security of elections that men and women better than you and I fight to defend?

"They"? Coca-Cola is a "they"? And they've "punished" Atlanta by being based there?

I mean sure there's way too much of that brown shit around town instead of real drink, but is that "punishment"?

Not sure what any of that has to do with elections, but as for your betters, speak for yourself.

I self identify as an apostrophe and I feel emboldened to apply them as I please.

I guess that's a joke of some kind but to be honest, your apostrophe abuse in the title and OP is the best argument that you're a real Canadian I've seen yet.


Read Arthur Blank's statement.

Some of you guys undermine your own system more than you could ever realize. Corporatism isn't going to save the West, in fact, quite the contrary.

Where were these same outspoken political patsies when Michigan and Pennsylvania made arbitrary changes to the federal election, decisions which by the way, even the courts rejected AFTER the election (how convenient). No concerns when poll watchers weren't allowed to watch? No outrage and demands by the China First sobs and their love of handouts from taxpayers and free spending fools?

Let's be clear here. The same people who have been outright criminally irresponsible and horrendously naive for the last 30 years, continue to believe they are smarter than then American public. Here is a promise: they aren't.

The West hasn't had a dominant, American First president before Trump unless you go back to the mid-eighties when Reagan ran the show. GHB at least had the courage to stand up for what was right, but he was clouded by an imperfect ideology and that weakness gave openings to some who didn't have the U. S interests at heart. In the end, the betrayal by so many has placed America in this position today. These CEO's carry-on in this tradition as long as the cronyism continues.

How a great Empire, the sole super power in 1990 is now in this position in which India, Japan, Taiwan and Australia have to decide if they will side with the U.S or hedge their support for China "just in case the old Western nations fail as many experts are predicting" is beyond me.

There had to be a hell of a lot of betrayal going on for this to occur. Far too many Useless Idiots to count. I'm not one of them and I will call out the hypocrisy wherever it may appear.
Some of you guys undermine your own system more than you could ever realize. Corporatism isn't going to save the West, in fact, quite the contrary.

Where were these same outspoken political patsies when Michigan and Pennsylvania made arbitrary changes to the federal election, decisions which by the way, even the courts rejected AFTER the election (how convenient). No concerns when poll watchers weren't allowed to watch? No outrage and demands by the China First sobs and their love of handouts from taxpayers and free spending fools?

Let's be clear here. The same people who have been outright criminally irresponsible and horrendously naive for the last 30 years, continue to believe they are smarter than then American public. Here is a promise: they aren't.

The West hasn't had a dominant, American First president before Trump unless you go back to the mid-eighties when Reagan ran the show. GHB at least had the courage to stand up for what was right, but he was clouded by an imperfect ideology and that weakness gave openings to some who didn't have the U. S interests at heart. In the end, the betrayal by so many has placed America in this position today. These CEO's carry-on in this tradition as long as the cronyism continues.

How a great Empire, the sole super power in 1990 is now in this position in which India, Japan, Taiwan and Australia have to decide if they will side with the U.S or hedge their support for China "just in case the old Western nations fail as many experts are predicting" is beyond me.

There had to be a hell of a lot of betrayal going on for this to occur. Far too many Useless Idiots to count. I'm not one of them and I will call out the hypocrisy wherever it may appear.

Really? What have YOU done for Georgia?

Poll watchers were always allowed to watch.. Trump hurt the US when he pulled out of the TPP and killed the soybean farmers with his tariffs.
Some of you guys undermine your own system more than you could ever realize. Corporatism isn't going to save the West, in fact, quite the contrary.

Where were these same outspoken political patsies when Michigan and Pennsylvania made arbitrary changes to the federal election, decisions which by the way, even the courts rejected AFTER the election (how convenient). No concerns when poll watchers weren't allowed to watch? No outrage and demands by the China First sobs and their love of handouts from taxpayers and free spending fools?

Let's be clear here. The same people who have been outright criminally irresponsible and horrendously naive for the last 30 years, continue to believe they are smarter than then American public. Here is a promise: they aren't.

The West hasn't had a dominant, American First president before Trump unless you go back to the mid-eighties when Reagan ran the show. GHB at least had the courage to stand up for what was right, but he was clouded by an imperfect ideology and that weakness gave openings to some who didn't have the U. S interests at heart. In the end, the betrayal by so many has placed America in this position today. These CEO's carry-on in this tradition as long as the cronyism continues.

How a great Empire, the sole super power in 1990 is now in this position in which India, Japan, Taiwan and Australia have to decide if they will side with the U.S or hedge their support for China "just in case the old Western nations fail as many experts are predicting" is beyond me.

There had to be a hell of a lot of betrayal going on for this to occur. Far too many Useless Idiots to count. I'm not one of them and I will call out the hypocrisy wherever it may appear.

Interesting that you call US the "sole super power in 1990", when the Tronno Bloojays were just about to win consecutive World Series.

And I guess you didn't know this but Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, Korea (both), India, Vietnam, the Philippines, ALL those nations of south Asia and the Pacific have ALWAYS kept a close eye on, and relationship with, Jina, for much the same reason you keep hanging around here while claiming to be Canadian. That's not a secret in that part of the world. Even Button and Nipple know about Jina.

Meanwhile we've got no answer on how Coca-Cola has "punished Atlanta" even though it's your own claim.
It appears you want to change the subject from "Atlanta"to "Asia".

And just so you know, "the West" doesn't have a president.
Some of you guys undermine your own system more than you could ever realize. Corporatism isn't going to save the West, in fact, quite the contrary.

Where were these same outspoken political patsies when Michigan and Pennsylvania made arbitrary changes to the federal election, decisions which by the way, even the courts rejected AFTER the election (how convenient). No concerns when poll watchers weren't allowed to watch? No outrage and demands by the China First sobs and their love of handouts from taxpayers and free spending fools?

Let's be clear here. The same people who have been outright criminally irresponsible and horrendously naive for the last 30 years, continue to believe they are smarter than then American public. Here is a promise: they aren't.

The West hasn't had a dominant, American First president before Trump unless you go back to the mid-eighties when Reagan ran the show. GHB at least had the courage to stand up for what was right, but he was clouded by an imperfect ideology and that weakness gave openings to some who didn't have the U. S interests at heart. In the end, the betrayal by so many has placed America in this position today. These CEO's carry-on in this tradition as long as the cronyism continues.

How a great Empire, the sole super power in 1990 is now in this position in which India, Japan, Taiwan and Australia have to decide if they will side with the U.S or hedge their support for China "just in case the old Western nations fail as many experts are predicting" is beyond me.

There had to be a hell of a lot of betrayal going on for this to occur. Far too many Useless Idiots to count. I'm not one of them and I will call out the hypocrisy wherever it may appear.

Interesting that you call US the "sole super power in 1990", when the Tronno Bloojays were just about to win consecutive World Series.

And I guess you didn't know this but Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, Korea (both), India, Vietnam, the Philippines, ALL those nations of south Asia and the Pacific have ALWAYS kept a close eye on, and relationship with, Jina, for much the same reason you keep hanging around here while claiming to be Canadian. That's not a secret in that part of the world. Even Button and Nipple know about Jina.

Meanwhile we've got no answer on how Coca-Cola has "punished Atlanta" even though it's your own claim.
It appears you want to change the subject from "Atlanta"to "Asia".

And just so you know, "the West" doesn't have a president.

Arthur Blank owns the ball team and employs thousands of people.

Some of you guys undermine your own system more than you could ever realize. Corporatism isn't going to save the West, in fact, quite the contrary.

Where were these same outspoken political patsies when Michigan and Pennsylvania made arbitrary changes to the federal election, decisions which by the way, even the courts rejected AFTER the election (how convenient). No concerns when poll watchers weren't allowed to watch? No outrage and demands by the China First sobs and their love of handouts from taxpayers and free spending fools?

Let's be clear here. The same people who have been outright criminally irresponsible and horrendously naive for the last 30 years, continue to believe they are smarter than then American public. Here is a promise: they aren't.

The West hasn't had a dominant, American First president before Trump unless you go back to the mid-eighties when Reagan ran the show. GHB at least had the courage to stand up for what was right, but he was clouded by an imperfect ideology and that weakness gave openings to some who didn't have the U. S interests at heart. In the end, the betrayal by so many has placed America in this position today. These CEO's carry-on in this tradition as long as the cronyism continues.

How a great Empire, the sole super power in 1990 is now in this position in which India, Japan, Taiwan and Australia have to decide if they will side with the U.S or hedge their support for China "just in case the old Western nations fail as many experts are predicting" is beyond me.

There had to be a hell of a lot of betrayal going on for this to occur. Far too many Useless Idiots to count. I'm not one of them and I will call out the hypocrisy wherever it may appear.

Interesting that you call US the "sole super power in 1990", when the Tronno Bloojays were just about to win consecutive World Series.

And I guess you didn't know this but Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, Korea (both), India, Vietnam, the Philippines, ALL those nations of south Asia and the Pacific have ALWAYS kept a close eye on, and relationship with, Jina, for much the same reason you keep hanging around here while claiming to be Canadian. That's not a secret in that part of the world. Even Button and Nipple know about Jina.

Meanwhile we've got no answer on how Coca-Cola has "punished Atlanta" even though it's your own claim.
It appears you want to change the subject from "Atlanta"to "Asia".

And just so you know, "the West" doesn't have a president.

Arthur Blank owns the ball team and employs thousands of people.

I'm not sure why you keep linking Arthur Blank. Is he Canadian?
Some of you guys undermine your own system more than you could ever realize. Corporatism isn't going to save the West, in fact, quite the contrary.

Where were these same outspoken political patsies when Michigan and Pennsylvania made arbitrary changes to the federal election, decisions which by the way, even the courts rejected AFTER the election (how convenient). No concerns when poll watchers weren't allowed to watch? No outrage and demands by the China First sobs and their love of handouts from taxpayers and free spending fools?

Let's be clear here. The same people who have been outright criminally irresponsible and horrendously naive for the last 30 years, continue to believe they are smarter than then American public. Here is a promise: they aren't.

The West hasn't had a dominant, American First president before Trump unless you go back to the mid-eighties when Reagan ran the show. GHB at least had the courage to stand up for what was right, but he was clouded by an imperfect ideology and that weakness gave openings to some who didn't have the U. S interests at heart. In the end, the betrayal by so many has placed America in this position today. These CEO's carry-on in this tradition as long as the cronyism continues.

How a great Empire, the sole super power in 1990 is now in this position in which India, Japan, Taiwan and Australia have to decide if they will side with the U.S or hedge their support for China "just in case the old Western nations fail as many experts are predicting" is beyond me.

There had to be a hell of a lot of betrayal going on for this to occur. Far too many Useless Idiots to count. I'm not one of them and I will call out the hypocrisy wherever it may appear.

Interesting that you call US the "sole super power in 1990", when the Tronno Bloojays were just about to win consecutive World Series.

And I guess you didn't know this but Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, Korea (both), India, Vietnam, the Philippines, ALL those nations of south Asia and the Pacific have ALWAYS kept a close eye on, and relationship with, Jina, for much the same reason you keep hanging around here while claiming to be Canadian. That's not a secret in that part of the world. Even Button and Nipple know about Jina.

Meanwhile we've got no answer on how Coca-Cola has "punished Atlanta" even though it's your own claim.
It appears you want to change the subject from "Atlanta"to "Asia".

And just so you know, "the West" doesn't have a president.

Arthur Blank owns the ball team and employs thousands of people.

I'm not sure why you keep linking Arthur Blank. Is he Canadian?


Arthur Blank - Wikipedia

Arthur M. Blank (born September 27, 1942) is an American businessman and a co-founder of the home improvement retailer The Home Depot. He also currently owns two professional sports teams based in Atlanta, Georgia - the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League (NFL) and Atlanta United of Major League Soccer (MLS), the latter of which having won the 2018 MLS Cup, thus giving him an ML…
I remember when socialist fellow travelers would try to shame the US into following the lead of
whatever the enlightened Europeans did (never mind those two global military conflagrations)
they kicked off). Canada also follows the lead of Germany, France, etc.

So where are Schumer, Biden and Pelosi when most of the world bothers to actually monitor and
make sure that election integrity is being enforced?

Should we assume that once again, the democrats are blowing smoke out of their butts in such
tremendous volume they are violating Paris Accord agreements.
Yes. I think we should.
They haven't punished businesses of Atlanta? How about the basic premise of protection of the sanctity and security of elections that men and women better than you and I fight to defend?

"They"? Coca-Cola is a "they"? And they've "punished" Atlanta by being based there? How have they done that? Is Pepsi banned from Atlanta? RC? Durr Pepper?

I mean sure there's way too much of that brown shit around town instead of real drink, but is that "punishment" when you're free to choose something else to drink?

Not sure what any of that has to do with elections, but as for your betters, speak for yourself.

I self identify as an apostrophe and I feel emboldened to apply them as I please.

I guess that's a joke of some kind but to be honest, your apostrophe abuse in the title and OP is the best argument that you're a real Canadian I've seen yet.

They are punishing the people of Atlanta by taking a sporting event away that would infuse millions into their economy.

But the people of Atlanta are probably content with the $1400 check they got, granted they were promised a $2000 check.

That was the price of their collective souls.

Now the DNC is punishing a city that is mostly democrat and black by taking jobs and money away from them.

Yep, that sounds like Jim Crow to me.
They haven't punished businesses of Atlanta? How about the basic premise of protection of the sanctity and security of elections that men and women better than you and I fight to defend?

"They"? Coca-Cola is a "they"? And they've "punished" Atlanta by being based there? How have they done that? Is Pepsi banned from Atlanta? RC? Durr Pepper?

I mean sure there's way too much of that brown shit around town instead of real drink, but is that "punishment" when you're free to choose something else to drink?

Not sure what any of that has to do with elections, but as for your betters, speak for yourself.

I self identify as an apostrophe and I feel emboldened to apply them as I please.

I guess that's a joke of some kind but to be honest, your apostrophe abuse in the title and OP is the best argument that you're a real Canadian I've seen yet.

They are punishing the people of Atlanta by taking a sporting event away that would infuse millions into their economy.

But the people of Atlanta are probably content with the $1400 check they got, granted they were promised a $2000 check.

That was the price of their collective souls.

Now the DNC is punishing a city that is mostly democrat and black by taking jobs and money away from them.

Yep, that sounds like Jim Crow to me.

The DNC does not run Major League Baseball. That's um, kind of why it's abbreviated "MLB".

And ONCE AGAIN nobody articulated any kind of beef with the city of Atlanta. This is all in reaction to a *STATE* law, not a city ordinance.

So whose fault is it that whatever number of workers, restaurants, hospitality and other support won't get the event they expected? That would be the Georgia state legislature. Without their shenaningans the Braves would still have that "All Star Game" patches on their uni shoulders. If there are complaints about it --- and there should be ---- that's who receives them.

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