Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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You left out:

-I’m gonna do nothing but bitch on the net like a puss

-I’m too dumb to have a job so vax mandates don’t threaten my unemployment

-Space lasers are responsible for this whole thing and vax is useless against space lasers
Simple. If you have no history of abnormal reactions to shots, get the vaccine and go. Don't let it be a matter of principle. The principle should be you get to see your mother. I wish I could. Both my parents have been dead over 15 years. I got a shot record that would make civilians say "holy sh#t" but none of the made me sick more than a few hours. I would gladly take the Plague shot again to see mine. The Moderna wasn't jack in comparison.
That's like saying if you have no history of abnormal reactions to shots, go ahead and inject antifreeze.
We had three employees come down with Covid at work. Our company did not institute a vaccine mandate, but did require us to show our vaccine passports if we didn't want to wear a mask. I have a Libertarian friend who got the shot but chose to wear a mask rather than show the company his passport.

Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
Finally providing some substance to your bull shit. AND? WHAT WHERE THE OUTCOMES OF THOSE THREE EMPLOYEES? all dead? back to work? Sorry for your loss. In my entire circle, only three have had the virus, all recovered. Only death was from an aunt who got the vaccine, in perfect health otherwise, died 48 hours after she got it: was not attributed to the vaccine on the death cert. and not reported on the state system.
Finally providing some substance to your bull shit. AND? WHAT WHERE THE OUTCOMES OF THOSE THREE EMPLOYEES? all dead? back to work? Sorry for your loss. In my entire circle, only three have had the virus, all recovered. Only death was from an aunt who got the vaccine, in perfect health otherwise, died 48 hours after she got it: was not attributed to the vaccine on the death cert. and not reported on the state system.
No one from work died. One has long term effects.

I have lost two personal friends to Covid, though. I also have a friend with MS I am extremely protective of. He got a cold a couple years ago and it nearly killed him. He went from a walker to a wheelchair. So I am downright militant about not letting anyone who is unvaccinated anywhere near him and making everyone else wear a mask and keep at least 6 feet away from him.

My wife's immune system is also compromised and I am just as vigilant about protecting her. Even moreso.
I hate this vaccine mandates I hate them....I hate vaccine passports too....so if I have my mom living overseas....and I am not vaccinated I can not go and visit her?


GOD I hate it so much:confused:
Don’t worry skye,,the white hats in the military are working behind the scenes fighting the black hats to clean up this world wide government corruption,it seems on the surface the deep state is winning and controlling all of us but that could not be any further from the truth,the white hats are in complete control and the deep state is running scared,what’s really going on behind the scenes I wager there are only two other posters at this site that are awake to this.it’s not going to happen overnight,things are going to get worse before they get better,but it’s a process that has to play itself out cause this corruption has been going on for century’s now. I could post more on what I know but you would never believe it in a million years,it’s a rabbit hole most people would rather not go down the corruption I’m talking about they are cleaning up.
The military have been planning this fir decades now,they realize the sheep in America only care about football and beer and won’t get off their asses to fight to save their country so fir it to be saved,they are going to have to do it fir them.
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What else can you do? Take a knee the next time they play the national anthem? Raise your fist instead of a salute? Let your flag touch the ground? Double park your car in front of the White House?
I have gotten tons of vaccinations.....but I simply do not trust this one. I think they need to do more testing to make sure the side effects aren't going to cause permanent damage like I keep hearing about. Some people have been permanently scarred by the vaccine. Blood Clots.....lung damage....dizziness. Some people have gotten Bell's Palsy from the shots.
Every single vaccine they have ever come up with, has had some people that had a bad reaction, bar none. I was in armor. If you think I knew the ins and outs of all the crap they stuck into either of us, when we went somewhere, you got the wrong guy. If those tons of shots did not trigger much of a bad reaction in you, this one won't either. Go for it. You'll be fine.
Every single vaccine they have ever come up with, has had some people that had a bad reaction, bar none. I was in armor. If you think I knew the ins and outs of all the crap they stuck into either of us, when we went somewhere, you got the wrong guy. If those tons of shots did not trigger much of a bad reaction in you, this one won't either. Go for it. You'll be fine.
You just see to it that you take every one of the shots they say to take. They'll be good for you.

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