POLL: Would you like to see race relations improve in America?

Would you like to see race relations improve in America?

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Want to end racism?

Ignore leftist pseudo-intellectual sociopaths that use the concept of race to divide people.

Just to point something out also, lets say the world's richest professional clown really is as evil as libturds claim he is, (and these are the sorts of turds who follow Saul Alinsky, and he exalted satan for Christ's sake) and he manages to get all the laws repealed that liberal minorities, bed wetters and other loons insist are the only things keeping slavery from coming back.

Lets say some skin head dickheads open up restaurants and other businesses that are now allowed to deny service to blacks and others.

Do you believe they would last long, or would the building get burned down immediately?

Being a racist asshole is repulsive to most everyone I know. I do not know ANYONE who actually HATES minorities and considers themselves "superior". It's one thing to find other cultures less than appealing, or just not want to be around people far different than themselves. Actual HATE is something entirely different and is not tolerated in our society, except for liberal hate, which is quickly becoming less trendy.

Anything the Right can do to clean its own house?
Lol. I knew where this was going! It never fails!
Well yes. That's what I said in the OP. Both sides.

Can you think of anything, or is it all on someone else?
What would you like to see the right do? We don’t beat the shit out of people, we don’t incessentantly dwell on skin color, we do not use it as a political tool so what do you want exactly? Have you noticed the numbers of threads started on this forum screaming about white people?

Nobody is more obsessed with race than conservatives.
Would love to see it get better.

I think humans are pre-disposed to being with their own “type” or “class” or “sect” or “tribe” or whatever you wish to call it. If you go into a lunch room at a middle school, you’ll see kids sitting with people they identify with be it gender, race, etc… There is a comfort level that goes along with it.

One thing that gives me hope is the wonderful blending of the races that you see with people of all political stripes. When they have children, they do not think of themselves as Hispanic or White or Black or Asian or whatever… Eventually, the blended race persons will become a large enough group to have clout, ascend to positions where they can influence policy (both political and social) and the “stigma” (for want of a better term) that comes along with your race is removed.

There is a difference between feeling comfortable amongst ones own and actively trying to screw over those outside the circle.
No…you don’t say.

What happens is pretty predictable for most. You befriend the people you associate with more often than not and when you end up ascending to a place of influence, you make things easier for them than you would with people you do not know. There is nothing sinister about it; it’s just human nature.

However, in a few generations, the races will be so blended in much of the US that the casual association in schools, churches, clubs, and even places like the military won’t be along racial lines because you won’t be able to immediately pick out who is white, black, Hispanic, etc…

The only bad thing is that it will be so far in the near future that bigots like Laura Ingrom won’t be around to be offended by it.
There you go. Calling people bigots. Did you ever call Sharpton a bigot? Hypocrite!

Al Sharpton is a bigot. I can’t stand the guy.

You'd think we all want to see race relations improve.
Except actual racists, and those who make $$ and get power from racial strife.
Yes, that's much of it.

But I also think there are people who are so blinded by their ideology that they can't see anything their "side" is doing wrong.

They may want to see relations improve, but they're not willing or able to hold their side accountable for anything.
Well, we asked you what “our side” was doing wrong. You did not answer! That makes this a one way conversation. It makes me think you blame one side and one side only. I also asked you if you had read all the threads started that were screaming about white people. Unless I missed it you did not answer that either.
I would much rather have you point out what your side is doing wrong. I like honesty.

If you truly can't think of anything, then I'll find that interesting, as well.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I just asked a question.
If you check my postings on this forum you will find that I have consistently said that if you disagree with racism you must not tolerate it from either side! Now are you going to answer my questions or not?
Living in FL I don't see or hear a lot of racism. I would like to deport most Jamaicans, Mexicans and Salvadorans and replace them with Venezuelans and Cubans with an honorable mention to Guatemalans, Hondurans and Dominicans and Haitians. Unhappily nothing can be done about Puerto Ricans.
Yes, I would start by eliminating the question of race on forms wherever the government now mandates.
I'm not sure this is the right question.
Now, read through this thread and tell me I didn't ask a legitimate question.
You didn't ask a legitimate question because you did not address racism being used as a trump card. A lot of people of any race are trying to make money off racism, SPLC being one of the biggest examples that is treated as virtuous when it is manifestly not.
Want to end racism?

Ignore leftist pseudo-intellectual sociopaths that use the concept of race to divide people.

Just to point something out also, lets say the world's richest professional clown really is as evil as libturds claim he is, (and these are the sorts of turds who follow Saul Alinsky, and he exalted satan for Christ's sake) and he manages to get all the laws repealed that liberal minorities, bed wetters and other loons insist are the only things keeping slavery from coming back.

Lets say some skin head dickheads open up restaurants and other businesses that are now allowed to deny service to blacks and others.

Do you believe they would last long, or would the building get burned down immediately?

Being a racist asshole is repulsive to most everyone I know. I do not know ANYONE who actually HATES minorities and considers themselves "superior". It's one thing to find other cultures less than appealing, or just not want to be around people far different than themselves. Actual HATE is something entirely different and is not tolerated in our society, except for liberal hate, which is quickly becoming less trendy.

Anything the Right can do to clean its own house?
Lol. I knew where this was going! It never fails!
Well yes. That's what I said in the OP. Both sides.

Can you think of anything, or is it all on someone else?
What would you like to see the right do? We don’t beat the shit out of people, we don’t incessentantly dwell on skin color, we do not use it as a political tool so what do you want exactly? Have you noticed the numbers of threads started on this forum screaming about white people?

Nobody is more obsessed with race than conservatives.
Want to end racism?

Ignore leftist pseudo-intellectual sociopaths that use the concept of race to divide people.

Just to point something out also, lets say the world's richest professional clown really is as evil as libturds claim he is, (and these are the sorts of turds who follow Saul Alinsky, and he exalted satan for Christ's sake) and he manages to get all the laws repealed that liberal minorities, bed wetters and other loons insist are the only things keeping slavery from coming back.

Lets say some skin head dickheads open up restaurants and other businesses that are now allowed to deny service to blacks and others.

Do you believe they would last long, or would the building get burned down immediately?

Being a racist asshole is repulsive to most everyone I know. I do not know ANYONE who actually HATES minorities and considers themselves "superior". It's one thing to find other cultures less than appealing, or just not want to be around people far different than themselves. Actual HATE is something entirely different and is not tolerated in our society, except for liberal hate, which is quickly becoming less trendy.

Anything the Right can do to clean its own house?

Considering most people on the mainstream right want nothing to do with the WP morons that are out there, what more does the right need to do?

We don't believe that overreaching permanent government help is the solution to poverty, and that seems to be a big dividing line in a lot of race issues.
Off the top of my head, there are two very clear things the Right can do: Admit that racism still exists, and aggressively go after racists, even if those people agree with them on other issues.

Pretty clear-cut, seems to me.

When a Republican nominee pretends he doesn't know anything about David Duke and he still wins, that's a pretty obvious indication that work needs to be done.

Better to ignore the actual racists. Supporting the 1st amendment is more important that getting rid of a few nutjobs.

Kind of like when a Democratic nominee ignores idiots like Farakkhan?
I can understand that argument, but I'm looking at this specifically from the perspective of fixing this. I can tell you that it's one thing that will need to be done. The Left can say that they'll just ignore the Identity Politics nuts, but that's not good enough either.

This is going to take hands-on effort if it's going to be fixed.

You can fix things like this by ignoring or marginalizing the worst parts of both sides of the equation. The issue isn't Tu Quo Que, the issue is creating the situation where Tu Quo Que can apply.

So before calling out one side for it's casual relations to assholes, make sure you don't have similar relations to your own assholes. If you do, guess what, it's time for another line of arugument/reasoning.
Would love to see it get better.

I think humans are pre-disposed to being with their own “type” or “class” or “sect” or “tribe” or whatever you wish to call it. If you go into a lunch room at a middle school, you’ll see kids sitting with people they identify with be it gender, race, etc… There is a comfort level that goes along with it.

One thing that gives me hope is the wonderful blending of the races that you see with people of all political stripes. When they have children, they do not think of themselves as Hispanic or White or Black or Asian or whatever… Eventually, the blended race persons will become a large enough group to have clout, ascend to positions where they can influence policy (both political and social) and the “stigma” (for want of a better term) that comes along with your race is removed.

There is a difference between feeling comfortable amongst ones own and actively trying to screw over those outside the circle.
No…you don’t say.

What happens is pretty predictable for most. You befriend the people you associate with more often than not and when you end up ascending to a place of influence, you make things easier for them than you would with people you do not know. There is nothing sinister about it; it’s just human nature.

However, in a few generations, the races will be so blended in much of the US that the casual association in schools, churches, clubs, and even places like the military won’t be along racial lines because you won’t be able to immediately pick out who is white, black, Hispanic, etc…

The only bad thing is that it will be so far in the near future that bigots like Laura Ingrom won’t be around to be offended by it.

Why did you cut out the rest of my response?

Oh wait, it contradicted your sad attempt to call Laura Ingram a bigot for no related reason.


The rest of your post was nonsense.
Laura Ingram is a bigot..she proved that last week.
You'd think we all want to see race relations improve.
Except actual racists, and those who make $$ and get power from racial strife.
Yes, that's much of it.

But I also think there are people who are so blinded by their ideology that they can't see anything their "side" is doing wrong.

They may want to see relations improve, but they're not willing or able to hold their side accountable for anything.
Well, we asked you what “our side” was doing wrong. You did not answer! That makes this a one way conversation. It makes me think you blame one side and one side only. I also asked you if you had read all the threads started that were screaming about white people. Unless I missed it you did not answer that either.
I would much rather have you point out what your side is doing wrong. I like honesty.

If you truly can't think of anything, then I'll find that interesting, as well.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I just asked a question.
If you check my postings on this forum you will find that I have consistently said that if you disagree with racism you must not tolerate it from either side! Now are you going to answer my questions or not?
I already told you, no, I'm not. I actually have already tossed out a couple of things in this thread, but that's okay.

You've pretty much answered my question, and that's the reason I started the thread.
Want to end racism?

Ignore leftist pseudo-intellectual sociopaths that use the concept of race to divide people.

Just to point something out also, lets say the world's richest professional clown really is as evil as libturds claim he is, (and these are the sorts of turds who follow Saul Alinsky, and he exalted satan for Christ's sake) and he manages to get all the laws repealed that liberal minorities, bed wetters and other loons insist are the only things keeping slavery from coming back.

Lets say some skin head dickheads open up restaurants and other businesses that are now allowed to deny service to blacks and others.

Do you believe they would last long, or would the building get burned down immediately?

Being a racist asshole is repulsive to most everyone I know. I do not know ANYONE who actually HATES minorities and considers themselves "superior". It's one thing to find other cultures less than appealing, or just not want to be around people far different than themselves. Actual HATE is something entirely different and is not tolerated in our society, except for liberal hate, which is quickly becoming less trendy.

Anything the Right can do to clean its own house?
Lol. I knew where this was going! It never fails!
Well yes. That's what I said in the OP. Both sides.

Can you think of anything, or is it all on someone else?
What would you like to see the right do? We don’t beat the shit out of people, we don’t incessentantly dwell on skin color, we do not use it as a political tool so what do you want exactly? Have you noticed the numbers of threads started on this forum screaming about white people?

Nobody is more obsessed with race than conservatives.

Currently that is not the case. Identity politics is the bailiwick of the progressive left, not anyone on the right. (at least those who matter)

Our identity politics nuts are basically the White Power morons, and at I am on record as wanting nothing to do with the nimrods.
Except actual racists, and those who make $$ and get power from racial strife.
Yes, that's much of it.

But I also think there are people who are so blinded by their ideology that they can't see anything their "side" is doing wrong.

They may want to see relations improve, but they're not willing or able to hold their side accountable for anything.
Well, we asked you what “our side” was doing wrong. You did not answer! That makes this a one way conversation. It makes me think you blame one side and one side only. I also asked you if you had read all the threads started that were screaming about white people. Unless I missed it you did not answer that either.
I would much rather have you point out what your side is doing wrong. I like honesty.

If you truly can't think of anything, then I'll find that interesting, as well.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I just asked a question.
If you check my postings on this forum you will find that I have consistently said that if you disagree with racism you must not tolerate it from either side! Now are you going to answer my questions or not?
I already told you, no, I'm not. I actually have already tossed out a couple of things in this thread, but that's okay.

You've pretty much answered my question, and that's the reason I started the thread.
So you have a preconceived notion. Got it.
Anything the Right can do to clean its own house?

Considering most people on the mainstream right want nothing to do with the WP morons that are out there, what more does the right need to do?

We don't believe that overreaching permanent government help is the solution to poverty, and that seems to be a big dividing line in a lot of race issues.
Off the top of my head, there are two very clear things the Right can do: Admit that racism still exists, and aggressively go after racists, even if those people agree with them on other issues.

Pretty clear-cut, seems to me.

When a Republican nominee pretends he doesn't know anything about David Duke and he still wins, that's a pretty obvious indication that work needs to be done.

Better to ignore the actual racists. Supporting the 1st amendment is more important that getting rid of a few nutjobs.

Kind of like when a Democratic nominee ignores idiots like Farakkhan?
I can understand that argument, but I'm looking at this specifically from the perspective of fixing this. I can tell you that it's one thing that will need to be done. The Left can say that they'll just ignore the Identity Politics nuts, but that's not good enough either.

This is going to take hands-on effort if it's going to be fixed.

You can fix things like this by ignoring or marginalizing the worst parts of both sides of the equation. The issue isn't Tu Quo Que, the issue is creating the situation where Tu Quo Que can apply.

So before calling out one side for it's casual relations to assholes, make sure you don't have similar relations to your own assholes. If you do, guess what, it's time for another line of arugument/reasoning.
Well, I've clearly pointed out multiple times that BOTH ends of this issue have to stop the screaming and finger pointing and look in the mirror. I've also pointed out that MY "side" needs to do a better job of facilitating communication.

I've been honest.
Yes, that's much of it.

But I also think there are people who are so blinded by their ideology that they can't see anything their "side" is doing wrong.

They may want to see relations improve, but they're not willing or able to hold their side accountable for anything.
Well, we asked you what “our side” was doing wrong. You did not answer! That makes this a one way conversation. It makes me think you blame one side and one side only. I also asked you if you had read all the threads started that were screaming about white people. Unless I missed it you did not answer that either.
I would much rather have you point out what your side is doing wrong. I like honesty.

If you truly can't think of anything, then I'll find that interesting, as well.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I just asked a question.
If you check my postings on this forum you will find that I have consistently said that if you disagree with racism you must not tolerate it from either side! Now are you going to answer my questions or not?
I already told you, no, I'm not. I actually have already tossed out a couple of things in this thread, but that's okay.

You've pretty much answered my question, and that's the reason I started the thread.
So you have a preconceived notion. Got it.
Yes, and it has been proven in this thread.
Would love to see it get better.

I think humans are pre-disposed to being with their own “type” or “class” or “sect” or “tribe” or whatever you wish to call it. If you go into a lunch room at a middle school, you’ll see kids sitting with people they identify with be it gender, race, etc… There is a comfort level that goes along with it.

One thing that gives me hope is the wonderful blending of the races that you see with people of all political stripes. When they have children, they do not think of themselves as Hispanic or White or Black or Asian or whatever… Eventually, the blended race persons will become a large enough group to have clout, ascend to positions where they can influence policy (both political and social) and the “stigma” (for want of a better term) that comes along with your race is removed.

There is a difference between feeling comfortable amongst ones own and actively trying to screw over those outside the circle.
No…you don’t say.

What happens is pretty predictable for most. You befriend the people you associate with more often than not and when you end up ascending to a place of influence, you make things easier for them than you would with people you do not know. There is nothing sinister about it; it’s just human nature.

However, in a few generations, the races will be so blended in much of the US that the casual association in schools, churches, clubs, and even places like the military won’t be along racial lines because you won’t be able to immediately pick out who is white, black, Hispanic, etc…

The only bad thing is that it will be so far in the near future that bigots like Laura Ingrom won’t be around to be offended by it.

Why did you cut out the rest of my response?

Oh wait, it contradicted your sad attempt to call Laura Ingram a bigot for no related reason.


The rest of your post was nonsense.
Laura Ingram is a bigot..she proved that last week.

Hello, Mr "part of the problem"

In what way was Laura's statement bigoted? She sees a cultural shift she doesn't like. and by your own statement you admit this county is adept at absorbing other cultures and adding it to the american distictiveness.

A real bigot would still hate people of race X even if they acted like "americans".

And I am not talking full cultural assimilation, I am talking about basic cultural assimilation.
Living in FL I don't see or hear a lot of racism. I would like to deport most Jamaicans, Mexicans and Salvadorans and replace them with Venezuelans and Cubans with an honorable mention to Guatemalans, Hondurans and Dominicans and Haitians. Unhappily nothing can be done about Puerto Ricans.
Yes, I would start by eliminating the question of race on forms wherever the government now mandates.
I'm not sure this is the right question.
Now, read through this thread and tell me I didn't ask a legitimate question.
You didn't ask a legitimate question because you did not address racism being used as a trump card. A lot of people of any race are trying to make money off racism, SPLC being one of the biggest examples that is treated as virtuous when it is manifestly not.
I asked a completely open-ended question. In return, to no surprise, I've gotten few responses that indicate people on the ends of this are wiling to hold their side accountable.
I do, and I think it has to start with both ends of this issue (a) ending the screaming & finger-pointing and (b) honestly looking in the mirror and cleaning its own house first.

Those of us who really aren't on an "end" will need to do a better job of communicating and helping the ends find and work on areas of agreement and progress.

Please expand on your answer.


Voted: "Mango"

Although I am certain you mean well, the spirit of the thread and poll is much ado about nothing combined with an unhealthy contribution to the at large and very wrecking ball like modern banshee-myth of racism wailing and crashing across our America as we speak. In truth, in your own daily life, do you really witness or experience in person racial hatred between dark and light skin tones on a regular basis?

I will be honest with you despite your answer.

I live, as a 75% white guy, 25% Native American, gray eyed, blond-red haired, in a majority black and Hispanic neighborhood--and we live in peace--although the recent immigrant boom has set me more on edge than I care to be due to concerns of cultural incompatibility. No one is on a daily basis racially insulting me or my Guyanese East Indian fiancé, nor are we discriminating against them based on the color of their skin. In fact, summer neighborhood cookouts and late night backyard conversations about everything under the stars is the norm.

The same interracial peace reigns our professional and on campus lives, although if a real problem of bigotry and organized discrimination exists in today's America it is in the form of political correctness--particularly on campus these days--in the need both of us feel to edit our speech around certain groups of young folks in avoidance of offending their highly delicate and sensitive intellectual and ideological feelings. Free thought, while still possible does not always translate to free, unbridled speech or sharing of ideas for fear of causing outrage among the SJW cult of our youth.

Perpetuation of the myth of modern American racism is I believe the real culprit; a myth perpetuated and reinforced 24/7--365 by the Left leaning, identity politics fueled MSM. What we ought to be examining here is why racial warfare is so desirable and beneficial to the American radical Left political machine in relation to the ongoing, six decades old cultural revolution and Democrat election victories. Some American minority groups need to feel as though they are being oppressed by the majority; it is an addiction initiated in the fires of the racial tumult of the 50's, 60's and 70's, fed and supplied regularly ever since by the American Left and its news and pop culture outlets, and recently resurrected for incoming elections.

Beyond examination of the political exploitation of minorities this country by forced racial tension for political victory, is another oft overlooked, intentionally or otherwise, source of discord between peoples of differing skin tones, and that is cultural incompatibility. Cultures can be classified and identified and subdivided by many sociological means and methods. One of chief importance is criminal culture vs. the generally law abiding culture--two cultures which when in collision geographically/demographically cause much social strife. Enter into the mix law enforcement culture examined without its agency of official mandate and viewed strictly as another culture of people alone, and the three-pronged cultural amalgamation becomes damned explosive.

What about American societal situations where a culture hostile or shocking in its beliefs and practices normative to its own people is forced to settle among a for generations established culture that's been there for centuries? That is not a problem of racism, but it damned well is a cultural difference or incompatibility problem. No one seems to be addressing it either. Not in the MSM, not in social science papers, and sure as hell not in Congress. All we hear about is acceptance, acceptance--no matter what, and at the muzzle of a cultural/societal, politically correct gun.

Perpetuation of stereotypical (like in the movies) racial hatred is terribly harmful to all Americans and their communities. When the MSM daily publishes new chapters in its false narrative of growing racial tensions with nationwide stories about denied entry into community swimming pools, it becomes an agent of psychological political warfare clearly and overtly aiming to rile up the masses, divide them and rally them for manipulation in the next election. We do not need any more of that kind of bullshit.

How do we deal with the fallacy of modern racism in America? Get rid of the identity politics and class warfare ignited and perpetuated by the radical fringe of the Democrat party. While I understand well you seek a non-political, middle of the road, come together Kumbaya bi-partisan solution, the answer is much more complicated than across the aisle cooperation when the radicalized minority of one major political party--the Left--is banking on increased racial tension to aid their victory this November and beyond--in 2020.
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Okay here’s my answer. Not on the left’s terms. Not until they admit to race hustling, race baiting and money making racial politics. It is better not to bury that behavior under civility!

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