Pollard & Peace.


Nov 19, 2013
Officials: Pollard release to be part of peace negotiations

PM Netanyahu will include release of Israeli spy from American prison as part of talks with Palestinians, according to Israeli officials. Ministers push for spy's release after disclosure of US tapping on Israel

Following the exposure of US surveillance on top Israeli leaders, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to demand the release of Jonathan Pollard, who has been jailed in US prison for nearly three decades, from American prison as part of negotiation efforts with the Palestinians, Israeli officials estimated.

"With regard to things published in the past few days, I have asked for an examination of the matter," Netanyahu said in broadcast remarks, in a clear reference to the alleged espionage.

According to undisclosed Israeli officials, Netanyahu's demand for the release of the Israeli spy through the platform of peace talks with the Palestinians could be executed in one of two ways: A release of the Israeli spy as part of an Israeli-Palestinian agreement pushed by the Americans for next month, or through a deal aimed at releasing Arab-Israeli prisoners.

Officials: Pollard release to be part of peace negotiations - Israel News, Ynetnews

This is the lowest I have seen Israel sink. We are supposed to be her ally and are trying to help negotiate a safe a secure homeland without totally selling out the justice for the Palestinians and they try this crap.

I do not think my country should be Israel's whipping boy. What the hell does Pollard have to do with the negotiations between Israel and Palestine?
Officials: Pollard release to be part of peace negotiations
PM Netanyahu will include release of Israeli spy from American prison as part of talks with Palestinians, according to Israeli officials. Ministers push for spy's release after disclosure of US tapping on Israel
Following the exposure of US surveillance on top Israeli leaders, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to demand the release of Jonathan Pollard, who has been jailed in US prison for nearly three decades, from American prison as part of negotiation efforts with the Palestinians, Israeli officials estimated. "With regard to things published in the past few days, I have asked for an examination of the matter," Netanyahu said in broadcast remarks, in a clear reference to the alleged espionage. According to undisclosed Israeli officials, Netanyahu's demand for the release of the Israeli spy through the platform of peace talks with the Palestinians could be executed in one of two ways: A release of the Israeli spy as part of an Israeli-Palestinian agreement pushed by the Americans for next month, or through a deal aimed at releasing Arab-Israeli prisoners.
Officials: Pollard release to be part of peace negotiations - Israel News, Ynetnews

This is the lowest I have seen Israel sink. We are supposed to be her ally and are trying to help negotiate a safe a secure homeland without totally selling out the justice for the Palestinians and they try this crap.
I do not think my country should be Israel's whipping boy. What the hell does Pollard have to do with the negotiations between Israel and Palestine?
Why Shouldn't Israel ask for that?
EVERY Country would and does include such 'party favors'/prisoner releases, etc in Negotiations on other subjects. Absolutely Standard fare.

That being said, I think he should be released not merely on Negotiation, but on some, at least, interim agreement, if not overall settlement.

Go easy on the "whipping boy"/"new low" and other faux/nonsensical indignance Akhmed.
You're Wrong on every topic.
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Pollard's release seems to be tied to stopping the growth of settlements in the West Bank.. I hate Pollard and think he is a world class traitor and creep who was peddling 70 pounds of documents to a variety of countries..

And, I would say cut him loose if that would work.... but, unfortunately its too late for a two state solution.. There is no land left for a 2 state solution.
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Pollard's release seems to be tied to stopping the growth of settlements in the West Bank.. I hate Pollard and think he is a world class traitor and creep who was peddling 70 pounds of documents to a variety of countries..

And, I would say cut him loose if that would work.... but, unfortunately its too late for a two state solution.. There is no land left for a 2 state solution.

We are supposed to be a impartial neutral party and mediator in these negotiations, not a hostage to Israel's petty demands.

When has anythingt worked anyway. Do you actually think israel would cease settlement building with the release of Pollard.

I think i can do this, and here is a response I made to another poster before I read this latest absolutely ridiculous demand. I have deleted that post on another thread because I felt no need to duplicate what I had said and no one had responded to it yet.

It is that kind of haughty and arrogant and insulting attitude by the Israeli government, the Israeli people, and quite a few but certainly not all American Jews that make many people so adamantly opposed to his release.

Jonathan Pollard is an American citizen who betrayed his country and my country, to Israel and other countries for money and some imagined "spy glamour" and has never ever shown any remorse for his acts, not one single bit. In fact, he began publically professing his lack of remorse, in contravention of his plea agreement, even before the sentencing phase of his trial.

And then, the State of Israel comes along and declares his disgracful acts as heroic somehow (they have and still refuse to return the material Pollard stole and refused to co-operate in an investigation at the time to assess the damage he may have done. he result is that we still haven't a clear picture of the harm done to our country.

And you reflect such attitudes in your post and with your absolutely ridiculous eamples of Motjaba Atarodi and the like when those cases are not even similar.

My country, the United States of America, is the most just, compassionate, and forgiving country in the entire world, bar none, and for the Israeli government and the Israeli public to have the sheer gall to think they can bully and threaten us into releasing a U.S. citizen who betrayed his country is unconscionable. To try to make us unwilling pawns to the interests and the ambitions of Israeli politicians such as Netanyahu and Knesset members over the years is reprehensible.

I do not like you embarrassing my President, my country, and the American people.

Have any of you actually considered asking politely rather than demanding or passing ridiculous resolutions and throwing childish tantrums.

That being said, if he is to be released, and perhaps he should be for health considerations, I hope there are some restrictions placed upon his release, among them...

he shall not be able to have contacts with citizens of other countries but the United States of America.
his telephone and Internet use shall be monitored.
he shall not own cellular phones or use those of others.
he shall not approach or enter any foreign embassies and consulates.
he shall not visit any port of entry and airport.
he shall not leave the United States of America for any reason whatsoever and will remain five miles away from any of our international borders or ocean boundaries.
He will wear a monitoring device at all times.

He betrayed his country and Israel can be damned if they think we will release him to go to Israel and be treated like a hero.

How dare you insult my country in such a way.
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Officials: Pollard release to be part of peace negotiations
PM Netanyahu will include release of Israeli spy from American prison as part of talks with Palestinians, according to Israeli officials. Ministers push for spy's release after disclosure of US tapping on Israel
Following the exposure of US surveillance on top Israeli leaders, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to demand the release of Jonathan Pollard, who has been jailed in US prison for nearly three decades, from American prison as part of negotiation efforts with the Palestinians, Israeli officials estimated. "With regard to things published in the past few days, I have asked for an examination of the matter," Netanyahu said in broadcast remarks, in a clear reference to the alleged espionage. According to undisclosed Israeli officials, Netanyahu's demand for the release of the Israeli spy through the platform of peace talks with the Palestinians could be executed in one of two ways: A release of the Israeli spy as part of an Israeli-Palestinian agreement pushed by the Americans for next month, or through a deal aimed at releasing Arab-Israeli prisoners.
Officials: Pollard release to be part of peace negotiations - Israel News, Ynetnews

This is the lowest I have seen Israel sink. We are supposed to be her ally and are trying to help negotiate a safe a secure homeland without totally selling out the justice for the Palestinians and they try this crap.
I do not think my country should be Israel's whipping boy. What the hell does Pollard have to do with the negotiations between Israel and Palestine?
Why Shouldn't Israel ask for that?
EVERY Country would and does include such 'party favors'/prisoner releases, etc in Negotiations on other subjects. Absolutely Standard fare.

That being said, I think he should be released not merely on Negotiation, but on some, at least, interim agreement, if not overall settlement.

Go easy on the "whipping boy"/"new low" and other faux/nonsensical indignance Akhmed.
You're Wrong on every topic.

Israel shouldn't ask for that if for no other reason than it puts us in a position of either having to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinians or appearing to have to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinians.

Exactly what else would you like my country to give Israel to facilitate a peace, and should we also be held hostage to the demands of the Palestinian negotiating team.
Please go easy on him or he will just leave us again. Then where will we go for laughs?

Officials: Pollard release to be part of peace negotiations
PM Netanyahu will include release of Israeli spy from American prison as part of talks with Palestinians, according to Israeli officials. Ministers push for spy's release after disclosure of US tapping on Israel
Following the exposure of US surveillance on top Israeli leaders, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to demand the release of Jonathan Pollard, who has been jailed in US prison for nearly three decades, from American prison as part of negotiation efforts with the Palestinians, Israeli officials estimated. "With regard to things published in the past few days, I have asked for an examination of the matter," Netanyahu said in broadcast remarks, in a clear reference to the alleged espionage. According to undisclosed Israeli officials, Netanyahu's demand for the release of the Israeli spy through the platform of peace talks with the Palestinians could be executed in one of two ways: A release of the Israeli spy as part of an Israeli-Palestinian agreement pushed by the Americans for next month, or through a deal aimed at releasing Arab-Israeli prisoners.
Officials: Pollard release to be part of peace negotiations - Israel News, Ynetnews

This is the lowest I have seen Israel sink. We are supposed to be her ally and are trying to help negotiate a safe a secure homeland without totally selling out the justice for the Palestinians and they try this crap.
I do not think my country should be Israel's whipping boy. What the hell does Pollard have to do with the negotiations between Israel and Palestine?
Why Shouldn't Israel ask for that?
EVERY Country would and does include such 'party favors'/prisoner releases, etc in Negotiations on other subjects. Absolutely Standard fare.

That being said, I think he should be released not merely on Negotiation, but on some, at least, interim agreement, if not overall settlement.

Go easy on the "whipping boy"/"new low" and other faux/nonsensical indignance Akhmed.
You're Wrong on every topic.

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