Poor Durham. Yet Another Trump Hack Stumbles and Bumbles His Way Into Imbecility

Any day now....any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:heehee:
Ms. Menopause is trolling again. So sad
Any day now....any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:heehee:
The system's fixed. Until different.
Read the Mueller report, thank you

Trump has been an unwitting Russian asset for decades
You mean the report that outs the lie and found nothing??? that report?? or shall we go with something a little more current like the Durham report that is now taking one of the many liars to trial? Sussman is singing like a canary in an effort not to go to prison for the rest of his life. Today's testimony alone implicates Hillary and Obama themselves as being fully aware of the criminal acts and lies to the FISA court..... Along with the criminal and illegal use of federal resources to spy on a political opponent. Flynn is going to have a hay day with the evidence currently being give in testimony... what's a cool 50 million from each of those in his malicious prosecution. The dominos are falling... they just got a huge push..
You mean the report that outs the lie and found nothing??? that report?? or shall we go with something a little more current like the Durham report that is now taking one of the many liars to trial? Sussman is singing like a canary in an effort not to go to prison for the rest of his life. Today's testimony alone implicates Hillary and Obama themselves as being fully aware of the criminal acts and lies to the FISA court..... Along with the criminal and illegal use of federal resources to spy on a political opponent. Flynn is going to have a hay day with the evidence currently being give in testimony... what's a cool 50 million from each of those in his malicious prosecution. The dominos are falling... they just got a huge push..
Found nothing? Mueller had to come out and qualify things after Barr and others misrepresented his findings.

Read the report
Found nothing? Mueller had to come out and qualify things after Barr and others misrepresented his findings.

Read the report
Nothing was found or it would have been charged... You people make me laugh.... The severity of the CHARGE is what you go by, not the facts presented. GFY
Found nothing? Mueller had to come out and qualify things after Barr and others misrepresented his findings.

Read the report

It appears you are the latest leftist liar who joins the forum who as usual for liars will not post the evidence to back it up.

I posted what Mueller actually stated from his own report showing that he didn't find prosecutable evidence of a Russian election interference with the Trump team and that he didn't post any Prosecution decisions for the AG to follow on, yup ZERO prosecution decisions in the report.

I read the relevant parts of the bloated report it is clear YOU never did.
It appears you are the latest leftist liar who joins the forum who as usual for liars will not post the evidence to back it up.

I posted what Mueller actually stated from his own report showing that he didn't find prosecutable evidence of a Russian election interference with the Trump team and that he didn't post any Prosecution decisions for the AG to follow on, yup ZERO prosecution decisions in the report.

I read the relevant parts of the bloated report it is clear YOU never did.
Sleepyhead is just another lying lib.
Not what the report said. Can you not read well?
In a nutshell, Mueller's report concluded Russia assisted Trump's campaign, and Trump actually asked ON TV Putin for help in leaking Hillary's emails. Trump's IT campaign was a derivative of the former KGB. BUT Mueller's report concluded there was insufficient evidence to charge Trump for giving anything of value to Russia for the help. (He also concluded Trump could be prosecuted for obstruction of justice, but that's not germane to Sussman/Durham)

But the question is why should we care at this late date. We shouldn't unless Trump is planning a comeback grievance tour.

What makes this prosecution seem like a lame attempt to find something, anything, to justify Durham's THREE YEAR investigation is that Sussman is SIMPLY charged with lying about whether he contacted the FBI ON BEHALF OF THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN just less than a week before the election. The FBI knew where Sussman worked and that Hillary's campaign was a client. Sussman says he came to the FBI on his own intitiative, and nothing so far contradicts that. Durham seems to be pinning his tail on the donkey (pun) that Sussman was still filing billing records. I suspect we'll hear way more about that than we need to know.

Why should it matter now whether Hillary's campaign tried to light a fire under the FBI about Trump? She's not running again. Unless you're so far up Trump's ass that there's no hope, Trump's ties to Putin are obvious. If it bothers you, and it should, don't vote for him! But Durham's goal is to absolve Trump and say "hillary made it all up." She didn't.

The FBI director released Hillary's emails A SECOND TIME FOR HEADLINES A WEEK BEFORE THE ELECTION, and it's a good bet that cost her a few thousand votes in Wis PA and Mich. LOL The FBI had a tap on Stone's phone ... yet somehow he deleted emails, and so did Jim Corsi (who died. LOL) Comey made that Novemeber surprise because NY agents who hated the Clintons said they would if Comey wouldn't. Jim Comey is hated by everyone. If he has a dog, he should sleep alone behind a locked door. LOL

No one should have faith the FBI knows jack shit about catching spies, after special agent Hansaan was an undetected russian mole for twenty years dating back to the Reagan years. There's no doubt the FBI is excellent in tracking money from dirty sources. They took down the Mob. A person can't sent $20 to Hamas with paypal without lighting up the FBI. But they killed Randy Weaver's wife, his kid and a dog after Weaver declined becoming a snitch. They burned 80 Branch Dividians including 16 children while trying to serve a warrant. The FBI appears to have know the identity of two 9-11 hijackers before the attacks, and material released last year showed a link to the Saudi embassy. And let's not forget Aldrich Ames and Pollard (who spied for Pak and S.Africa in addition to Israel) but at least they weren't FBI employees.

PS, and let's not forget the Altanta bombing and ruining that poor guy's life .... while having no fucking clue (pun) about Eric Rudolph
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Durham looks like a fool.

Quote: [ Elias called Trump a "bully" and excoriated Trump's reaction to the Russian hacks and leaks of Democratic National Committee emails, which rocked the party convention in July 2016 by driving a wedge between supporters of Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders at a pivotal moment.

"There was clearly an attempt by Russia to ruin the one clean shot that candidates get to talk to the American public," Elias said, adding that he believed the campaign was under attack. "And instead of doing what any decent human being would do, and condemn it, Donald Trump said, 'I hope Russia is listening and will find the 30,000 Hillary Clinton emails ... and release them.'"] endquote

— Michael Flynn’s and Michael Cohen’s experiences should have informed Durham. Hold your nose and stand back when Trump’s shit hits the fan

This guy is looking more and more like a third rate ambulance chaser

You are the boards biggest “moronic useful idiot “
It appears you are the latest leftist liar who joins the forum who as usual for liars will not post the evidence to back it up.

I posted what Mueller actually stated from his own report showing that he didn't find prosecutable evidence of a Russian election interference with the Trump team and that he didn't post any Prosecution decisions for the AG to follow on, yup ZERO prosecution decisions in the report.

I read the relevant parts of the bloated report it is clear YOU never did.
You imbeciles call everything ‘fake news’. You refuse to believe fact checkers. You’re a cult that needs to constantly play ‘follow the leader’.


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