Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Let's see, most of these countries are called developing countries, yet they are the cradle of humanity.

What I see is this is the perfect storm for a President that sees the end of his term and wants to leave a legacy as damaging as he can.

Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather

Poorer nations suffering from extreme weather disasters, so much so that their citizens are seeking refugee in safer terrains outside their borders, want rich nations like the United States to pay for reparations and to relocate populations.

After Iran Win, Obama Plans Agressive Action On Climate...
Yeah, President Trump's gonna have a lot of undoing to do in January 2017.
Why is it every single liberal idea devolves into reperations. I think I just paid off my debt to black people. Now I have to pay off little Jesus in nicuguara. It is so hard being white sometimes. I got a list of wrongs that I got to undo....the crimes of capatalist can never be undone.
Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather

Poor nations want the U.S. to pay them $$ for everything, using any excuse, no matter how silly.

So do wealthier nations.

Why is it every single liberal idea devolves into reperations. I think I just paid off my debt to black people. Now I have to pay off little Jesus in nicuguara. It is so hard being white sometimes. I got a list of wrongs that I got to undo....the crimes of capatalist can never be undone.

As with slavery, most of the wrongs are democrat created.

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