Poorest States are Red. Most of Richest States are Blue

Wealthy people are smarter and better educated than poor people.
Poor White people are manipulated by Donald Trump.

View attachment 225933
Thank you for your graphic of unintelligent white people.

Silly Wabbit. It's you and your Comrades.

NPC Crowd White.jpg
Girl, please, most of you leftards are sucking off the public teat. I don't want anything from the federal "gubermint", need anything from the federal "gubermint" nor do I benefit from their largesse of throwing paper scrip to the state I live in.
What pisses off little pukes like yourself and those that are good little fabian socialists are those that think differently.
That's the point stupid. Us leftards aren't sucking off the public teat. We just want to help poor people who are sucking off the public teat. And the fact is, most of the people in America sucking off the public teat are people in red states.

And many of them are just like you. They don't even realize they are the takers when they talk about takers and makers.

When you red states start chipping in your fair share then you can talk.
Girl, please, most of you leftards are sucking off the public teat. I don't want anything from the federal "gubermint", need anything from the federal "gubermint" nor do I benefit from their largesse of throwing paper scrip to the state I live in.
What pisses off little pukes like yourself and those that are good little fabian socialists are those that think differently.
That's the point stupid. Us leftards aren't sucking off the public teat. We just want to help poor people who are sucking off the public teat. And the fact is, most of the people in America sucking off the public teat are people in red states.

And many of them are just like you. They don't even realize they are the takers when they talk about takers and makers.

When you red states start chipping in your fair share then you can talk.

Fuck you, dipshit. I dont take shit from "da gubermint" and you dipshits act like "red states" should show gratitude by becoming good little leftards such as yourself.

Then stop taking bitch.

"Stop talking bitch"? Explain, as I do not speak "leftard".
Just do us all a favor. Shut your mouth when you're talking to me.

#1 Who is "us"?

#2 What consequences do I risk for not doing so?

Don't like what I post and the fact that I know more than you , simply ignore me. Need help with the process, let me know.
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Wealthy people are smarter and better educated than poor people.
Poor White people are manipulated by Donald Trump.

View attachment 225933
Nothing better than the repubs dehumanizing the democrats..
We learned to be hard and nasty because that was the only way to deal with them. They have destroyed thee USA
Last I looked the US is still in existence...
Wealthy people are smarter and better educated than poor people.
And more amoral and greedy.
but I was told that wealthy people are more moral because God loves them more...

because they are rich and stuff -- and God loves wealthy folks...
Who told you that? Likely you made that up, but nice try.
The New Testament is filled with reprimands for people who love their wealth more than God and their fellow man.
What, you never heard of the prosperity gospel?
"Prosperity Gospel" does not over rule the words of Jesus in the bible and create a new Christian ethic. I don't know what your point is.
Lotta evangelicals and pentecostals seem to think it does.
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.
Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get and red states take more they get.

So how is it red states hate the federal government?

We must immediately stop giving them federal money
You do realize the federal government does not own any money....
Address the point I made instead of the republican tactic of changing the subject and always trying to control the conversation. Lets start again.

Blue states pay more federal taxes than they get and red states take more they get.

So how is it red states hate the federal government?

We must immediately stop giving them federal money
Blue states tend have more population, thus higher violent crime. The Federal government takes more in on revenues every year than the year before. Socialist entitlement programs dominate federal spending all together.
Hi population urban areas cost this country huge amounts of money... Basically wasting money.
Rural areas control the natural resources, food, water and energy that whole country depends on.
Print paper is not wealth… Natural resources, food, water and energy are... You’re an incredibly shallow thinker aren’t you?
That's the point stupid. Us leftards aren't sucking off the public teat. We just want to help poor people who are sucking off the public teat. And the fact is, most of the people in America sucking off the public teat are people in red states.

And many of them are just like you. They don't even realize they are the takers when they talk about takers and makers.

When you red states start chipping in your fair share then you can talk.
That's the point stupid. Us leftards aren't sucking off the public teat. We just want to help poor people who are sucking off the public teat. And the fact is, most of the people in America sucking off the public teat are people in red states.

And many of them are just like you. They don't even realize they are the takers when they talk about takers and makers.

When you red states start chipping in your fair share then you can talk.

Fuck you, dipshit. I dont take shit from "da gubermint" and you dipshits act like "red states" should show gratitude by becoming good little leftards such as yourself.

Then stop taking bitch.

"Stop talking bitch"? Explain, as I do not speak "leftard".
Just do us all a favor. Shut your mouth when you're talking to me.

#1 Who is "us"?

#2 What consequences do I risk for not doing so?

Don't like what I post and the fact that I know more than you , simply ignore me. Need help with the process, let me know.

So Dale how are you going to shut your mouth while talking to sillybooboo?


Wealthy people are smarter and better educated than poor people.
Poor White people are manipulated by Donald Trump.

View attachment 225933
Nothing better than the repubs dehumanizing the democrats..
We learned to be hard and nasty because that was the only way to deal with them. They have destroyed thee USA
Last I looked the US is still in existence...
But is respected in what way by the rest of the world?
And more amoral and greedy.
but I was told that wealthy people are more moral because God loves them more...

because they are rich and stuff -- and God loves wealthy folks...
Who told you that? Likely you made that up, but nice try.
The New Testament is filled with reprimands for people who love their wealth more than God and their fellow man.
What, you never heard of the prosperity gospel?
"Prosperity Gospel" does not over rule the words of Jesus in the bible and create a new Christian ethic. I don't know what your point is.
Lotta evangelicals and pentecostals seem to think it does.
Lot of evanagelicals and Pentecostals are fooling themselves and serving Mammon instead of God. Matthew 6:19-24
.Message: God or Mammon (Matthew 6:19-24)

I'm no bible thumper. I just know basic Christian principles.
Wealthy people are smarter and better educated than poor people.
Poor White people are manipulated by Donald Trump.

View attachment 225933
Thank you for your graphic of unintelligent white people.

Silly Wabbit. It's you and your Comrades.

View attachment 225934
You guys are the ones who respect Putin and the communists.

Yeah, no. None us have a closet full of Che T-shirts.

Poor White people are manipulated by Donald Trump.

View attachment 225933
Thank you for your graphic of unintelligent white people.

Silly Wabbit. It's you and your Comrades.

View attachment 225934
You guys are the ones who respect Putin and the communists.

Yeah, no. None us have a closet full of Che T-shirts.

View attachment 225940
Neither do I, he was a horrendous person. I am ashamed that an Irish person created this graphic.
So you're saying the Democrats are the party of the rich?

No. I'm saying that conservative economics is a total failure and the most irresponsible economic policy.

So why does California have the highest poverty rate?

California’s poverty rate is still the highest in the nation, despite state efforts
And one of the highest economies in the world. We take care of our poor.

Clearly, you don't or you wouldn't have the highest povery rate in the country.
but I was told that wealthy people are more moral because God loves them more...

because they are rich and stuff -- and God loves wealthy folks...
Who told you that? Likely you made that up, but nice try.
The New Testament is filled with reprimands for people who love their wealth more than God and their fellow man.
What, you never heard of the prosperity gospel?
"Prosperity Gospel" does not over rule the words of Jesus in the bible and create a new Christian ethic. I don't know what your point is.
Lotta evangelicals and pentecostals seem to think it does.
Lot of evanagelicals and Pentecostals are fooling themselves and serving Mammon instead of God. Matthew 6:19-24
.Message: God or Mammon (Matthew 6:19-24)

I'm no bible thumper. I just know basic Christian principles.
You would think they would as well.

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