Poorest States are Red. Most of Richest States are Blue

So you're saying the Democrats are the party of the rich?

No. I'm saying that conservative economics is a total failure and the most irresponsible economic policy.

So why does California have the highest poverty rate?

California’s poverty rate is still the highest in the nation, despite state efforts

You explain it to me. Since the poorest states are all red states I would think that Mississippi or Alabama would have the highest and my research of complete year poverty rates, that's 2017 since 2018 isn't finished yet, shows that Mississippi has the highest poverty rate in America.

We have to wait until 2018 is done before it can be fully calculated.

If California has a high poverty rate then that's reality. The reality also is that it's not anywhere near one of the poorest states in the nation. The reality is that California pays more in federal income taxes than they receive from DC while those red states receive as much as over 2 dollars for every dollars they send to DC.

I will say that California is cleaning up the mess left by prior republican governors. Pete Wilson did a lot of damage with his energy deregulation and Arnold did more damage by getting them farther into debt.

Brown has done a good job of cleaning up the mess that was left by those republican governors, he's not a miracle worker but he has made a lot of very good progress. Where is the progress for any red state?

Meanwhile, red states don't manage their revenues properly nor do they tax their populations properly. The fact that they have to rely heavily on federal tax dollars to balance their state budgets shows that. Some red states get more than 2 dollars to every one dollar they send to DC. While blue states like California get 70 something cents to every dollar they send to DC. Maybe if those leaching red states would pull their own weight so California can receive all the money back they send to DC, California wouldn't have such a problem with poverty.

What's Mississippi's, Alabama's, Kentucky's Tennessee and a long list of other red states excuse for their states being in such a mess with such high rates of poverty? What's their excuse for leaching off the rest of us? Why don't they stand on their own two feet and support themselves like California does?

I'm not sure if you are truly ignorant, or if you're just posturing, but the fact that you want to blame your former governors shows you don't understand how government works. A Governor can only do what the Legislature of the state allows him/her to do. Just as the President can spend NO money that's not allocated by Congress, a Governor cannot spend money on things that are not passed by the Legislature of the State.
You explain it to me. Since the poorest states are all red states I would think that Mississippi or Alabama would have the highest and my research of complete year poverty rates, that's 2017 since 2018 isn't finished yet, shows that Mississippi has the highest poverty rate in America.

We have to wait until 2018 is done before it can be fully calculated.

In other words, you can't explain it because you actually have no idea what you're talking about. Who'd have thunk it?

If California has a high poverty rate then that's reality.

So, now you're admitting you were wrong?

The reality also is that it's not anywhere near one of the poorest states in the nation.

No, it's just becoming a banana republic with an elite ruling class surrounded by the dredges of society begging for table scraps. Kind of sounds familiar, huh

Maduro dines on pricey 'Salt Bae' steaks as Venezuelans starve - CNN

Why More People are Leaving California Than Moving Here


Two dozen companies commit to leaving California

I will say that California is cleaning up the mess left by prior republican governors.

Yes, I believe you would say that because you're an extremist left wing partisan hack who can't provide any evidence of that whatsoever, but you'll just believe it anyway because it's what you want to believe.

Brown has done a good job of cleaning up the mess that was left by those republican governors, he's not a miracle worker but he has made a lot of very good progress.

Such as?

Where is the progress for any red state?

Hmmm. good question. Where is that progress?

The fastest growing (and shrinking) states: A closer look

Meanwhile, red states don't manage their revenues properly nor do they tax their populations properly.

Really? Take a look at the darkest areas of the chart. You'll have to pull your head out of your ass first to see it, though.

State Debt Per Capita

The fact that they have to rely heavily on federal tax dollars to balance their state budgets shows that.

Not quite

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Some red states get more than 2 dollars to every one dollar they send to DC. While blue states like California get 70 something cents to every dollar they send to DC. Maybe if those leaching red states would pull their own weight so California can receive all the money back they send to DC, California wouldn't have such a problem with poverty.

If you hate wealth redistribution so much, why do you keep voting for it?
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150 years of failed confederate conservative economic policies and red states are what you end up with.


I was waiting for someone to catch the meaning of this thread and my post.

Red states are run very badly. They don't properly tax their populations so they take much more from the federal government than they pay to balance their state budgets. Meanwhile their states are in a mess. The red states I've been to recently are very different from my blue state. Those states are a mess. It's like going to a different nation when I go to a red state. I appreciate my blue state much more because of how bad the red states are.

It comes down to conservatives want all the benefits and opportunities that America has to offer but they don't want to pay for what they take. They want everyone else to pay for them.

They have run their own states into the ground and expect to leach off the rest of us.

Their economic policies are a total failure and have run their states very badly. It's no surprise that all of the poorest states are conservative red states.


You are truly insane. Thanks for the laugh and I'm glad I didn't take your OP very seriously.

What's insane about posting truths?

You don't believe that red states don't properly tax their populations so they take more from the federal government than they pay to balance their state budgets?

Well then click the following link. It lists all the states and how much they take from the federal government to balance their state budges.

Notice most of the states that take the most from the federal government for their budgets are red states.

Notice most of the states that take the least from the federal government are blue states.

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

No intelligent person would be laughing at that truth.
150 years of failed confederate conservative economic policies and red states are what you end up with.


I was waiting for someone to catch the meaning of this thread and my post.

Red states are run very badly. They don't properly tax their populations so they take much more from the federal government than they pay to balance their state budgets. Meanwhile their states are in a mess. The red states I've been to recently are very different from my blue state. Those states are a mess. It's like going to a different nation when I go to a red state. I appreciate my blue state much more because of how bad the red states are.

It comes down to conservatives want all the benefits and opportunities that America has to offer but they don't want to pay for what they take. They want everyone else to pay for them.

They have run their own states into the ground and expect to leach off the rest of us.

Their economic policies are a total failure and have run their states very badly. It's no surprise that all of the poorest states are conservative red states.


You are truly insane. Thanks for the laugh and I'm glad I didn't take your OP very seriously.

What's insane about posting truths?

You don't believe that red states don't properly tax their populations so they take more from the federal government than they pay to balance their state budgets?

Well then click the following link. It lists all the states and how much they take from the federal government to balance their state budges.

Notice most of the states that take the most from the federal government for their budgets are red states.

Notice most of the states that take the least from the federal government are blue states.

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

No intelligent person would be laughing at that truth.

Nothing is insane about posting truths. You, however, wouldn't know the truth if it bit your bottom.

The Federal Government has to pay the states money for Federal installations in those states and the tax monies that the States lose on Federal Employees who live in those states. Your implication is that Federal monies paid to the states is a form of welfare. That is not true. I often laugh at liars.
It is clear to me from reading the first few pages that the OP doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground, and conflates "wealth" with quality of life and cost of living.

I guarantee you a guy with a $50k salary in Bumfuk, Iowa is living FAR better than a guy with a $100k salary in San Francisco.
Lot of evanagelicals and Pentecostals are fooling themselves and serving Mammon instead of God. Matthew 6:19-24
.Message: God or Mammon (Matthew 6:19-24)

I'm no bible thumper. I just know basic Christian principles.
You would think they would as well.
You would.
Just like with leftists and their politics, their hunger for power and wealth overwhelms their morals and better instincts.
Never met a democratic pentecostal.
How interesting. Ever met a filthy rich leftist?

You forget about the RWNJs favorite boogyman?

View attachment 226038
Nice diversion. Is this your usual m.o.?
It is clear to me from reading the first few pages that the OP doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground, and conflates "wealth" with quality of life and cost of living.

I guarantee you a guy with a $50k salary in Bumfuk, Iowa is living FAR better than a guy with a $100k salary in San Francisco.
100% correct! My son in law (an optics expert for a big time video game maker) and daughter lived in San Francisco
in a cramped, one bedroom apartment surrounded by mental cases on Van Ness just blocks away from the Marina district.
They scraped by despite a pretty modest life style (take out dining was their big luxurious pleasure).

They moved out several years ago tired of the over priced squalor of their surroundings.
Trump spends not one second of his personal time with regular working class people. only when he is out speaking to rally them in support of him self. come on, how many regular people want to live in a gold & marble copy of a palace.
It is clear to me from reading the first few pages that the OP doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground, and conflates "wealth" with quality of life and cost of living.

I guarantee you a guy with a $50k salary in Bumfuk, Iowa is living FAR better than a guy with a $100k salary in San Francisco.

Assuming your idea of a good time is Friday night high school football and a Pizza Hut pizza.
Lot of evanagelicals and Pentecostals are fooling themselves and serving Mammon instead of God. Matthew 6:19-24
.Message: God or Mammon (Matthew 6:19-24)

I'm no bible thumper. I just know basic Christian principles.
You would think they would as well.
You would.
Just like with leftists and their politics, their hunger for power and wealth overwhelms their morals and better instincts.
Never met a democratic pentecostal.
How interesting. Ever met a filthy rich leftist?

You forget about the RWNJs favorite boogyman?

View attachment 226038
Nice complete change of subject. Do you always do this?
All states have problems, many factors feed into this. we seem to hate states that the population leans to far from our favored political view, little silly maybe?
It is clear to me from reading the first few pages that the OP doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground, and conflates "wealth" with quality of life and cost of living.

I guarantee you a guy with a $50k salary in Bumfuk, Iowa is living FAR better than a guy with a $100k salary in San Francisco.

Assuming your idea of a good time is Friday night high school football and a Pizza Hut pizza.
As opposed to watching the Queers for Muslims parade that ties up your street and makes you a prisoner in
your own home?
All states have problems, many factors feed into this. we seem to hate states that the population leans to far from our favored political view, little silly maybe?
The problems that plague New York, California, Illinois, etc. are all self created and are caused by an unsupportable one-two punch of a lavish welfare state combined with a public pension nightmare that eats up any state's budget and reserves.

Say what you want about Utah, Idaho, Alabama, etc. They are not facing the looming long term insolvency that rich states like California are. Illinois, New Jersey, New York...they are the very definition of a fool's paradise.
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.

What you think it would happen overnight to recover from democrat control? It takes decades


When did democrats control those red states?

Democrats have controlled my blue states for decades.

We are ranked 10th richest state in the nation.

Most of the richest states are blue states and have been controlled by democrats for a long time.

Why is it that states that have been controlled by republicans for a long time are the poorest and states controlled by democrats for a long time the richest?

Anyone who knows how to analyze is going to ask what states and why ?

California is awash in natural resources. You'd expect them to be rich.

I expect Wyoming to be pretty rich too...given the oil and gas.

Don't know where they lie on the spectrum.

What does Kansas or Nebraska have ?
I went through the list and all of the poorest states are conservative red.

Most of the richest states are blue.

My blue state is ranked 10th richest.

America's richest and poorest states

Click the arrow on the right side of the photo to go through the list.

What you think it would happen overnight to recover from democrat control? It takes decades


When did democrats control those red states?

Democrats have controlled my blue states for decades.

We are ranked 10th richest state in the nation.

Most of the richest states are blue states and have been controlled by democrats for a long time.

Why is it that states that have been controlled by republicans for a long time are the poorest and states controlled by democrats for a long time the richest?

Anyone who knows how to analyze is going to ask what states and why ?

California is awash in natural resources. You'd expect them to be rich.

I expect Wyoming to be pretty rich too...given the oil and gas.

Don't know where they lie on the spectrum.

What does Kansas or Nebraska have ?

The south used to be rich when the democrats owned slaves

It is clear to me from reading the first few pages that the OP doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground, and conflates "wealth" with quality of life and cost of living.

I guarantee you a guy with a $50k salary in Bumfuk, Iowa is living FAR better than a guy with a $100k salary in San Francisco.

Assuming your idea of a good time is Friday night high school football and a Pizza Hut pizza.

What's wrong with a good HS football game and pizza?

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